Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory in Cubical Agda

by David Jaz Myers and Mitchell Riley, with contributions from Wen Rahme and Zyad Yasser Hassan. Supported by Tamkeen under the NYUAD Research Institute grant CG008.


This course teaches the fundamentals of Homotopy Type Theory through hands-on experience with the Agda proof assistant and its cubical features.

Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT) is a type system whose types behave like spaces that can have higher dimensional features, rather than mere sets or collections of discrete elements. Ordinary mathematics builds the notion of space from more basic building blocks, but in HoTT, all constructions that we perform have an intrinsic spacial nature. One way to view HoTT is as an alternative foundation for mathematics where everything is “natively homotopical”.

A type system is much like a programming language, and as with any programming language, computer tools can help us write our work and check its correctness. Throughout these notes, we will be using Agda, a programming language with an associated “proof assistant”. Agda lets us develop our proofs interactively: at each step, Agda keeps track of what we have done and what part of the argument needs to be dealt with next.

In the first versions of HoTT, the higher-dimensional structure of types is made accessible by the univalence axiom, which explains what it means for two types to be equal. This axiom is provided as an unproven assumption, so any construction that uses it may become “stuck” when evaluated and not completely reduce to an answer. This is unsatisfying: we have a programming language where not every program that promises to produce an integer will actually produce an explicit number when evaluated.

Cubical Type Theory is an extension of HoTT whose central achievement is a computational interpretation of this univalence axiom: the univalence axiom becomes a theorem that has computational content, and programs that use it are guaranteed to not get stuck. In this extension, paths are represented as functions from a special “interval” type, and higher-dimensional structures — like paths between paths — arise as functions from products of intervals, forming cubes.

The course has three parts.

  • Part 1: An introduction to dependent type theory, independent of any cubical features or homotopy theory. This covers functions, inductive types and pattern matching, records, and the “propositions-as-types” paradigm.
  • Part 2: A tutorial on the cubical features of Cubical Agda, covering paths, higher inductive types, transport, composition and univalence.
  • Part 3: Lectures on topics at the frontier of HoTT research, which can be read and completed independently of each other. There are currently three topics covered.

How to Complete this Course

These notes are not a reference text, rather, they are designed to be read front-to-back, starting with Lecture 1-1. Each Lecture is accessible by clicking the links in the menu to the left.

To read Agda files, you will need to install Agda and an editor that supports agda-mode: currently that is either VSCode or Emacs. Detailed installation instructions are given here.

Once your editor is ready, clone or download this repository and open the file


in your editor to get started.

Caution: The notes are intended to be read either on the website or in your editor. Reading directly on GitHub is not recommended; the formatting and code highlighting does not work correctly.

Goals of this Course

These notes were written with the following goals in mind.

  • Be readable linearly: Concepts introduced in this course are carefully sequenced so that nothing is used before it can be properly explained in isolation.
  • Provide innumerable exercises: Most proofs are left as exercises, with hints provided as necessary.
  • Avoid black boxes: There are no postulates or big “trust me!” results that are unexplained or put off until later. Every exercise is possible with only the results readers have proven themselves before that point.
  • Be readable without a tutor: The notes should be understandable, and the exercises possible to complete, without in-person help from an experienced Cubical Agda user. mvrnote: we may not have achieved this
  • Cover some meaty topics: After the reader has finished these notes, they should feel prepared to read work that is on the forefront of research in Homotopy Type Theory and Cubical Agda. We believe that the topics lectures in Part 3 will get them there.

On the other hand, we are not concerned with any of the following goals. We:

  • Don’t cover implementation details: We consider Cubical Type Theory mostly as a background theory in which to teach Homotopy Type Theory, in particular, we do not discuss cubical subtypes and filling problems in the maximum possible generality.
  • Don’t stay compatible with other Agda libraries: We use different names and different definitions to existing Agda libraries, whenever this improves readability.
  • Don’t showcase Agda’s features: We don’t discuss Agda’s powerful module system, typeclasses, modalities, reflection faculties.
  • Don’t optimise performance: The definitions we use are not chosen with either type-checking or normalisation performance in mind. In some places faster options are available, but were avoided for complexity or sequencing reasons.



Comparison with other Cubical Agda libraries

mvrnote: For experts

  • We use biinvertible map for equivalence
  • fiber has the path flipped to usual
  • ∘e a.k.a. compEquiv uses non-diagrammatic order
  • We don’t go into detail on cubical subtypes
  • Consequently, we don’t prove hfill in general, just the special cases that we need
  • The type used in idfun is implicit
  • →-map-≃ takes the domain equivalence flipped to avoid some path algebra, letting us introduce it earlier
  • We use and for the unit type and empty type respectively
  • We use “1-lab style” hcomp, so that the bottom face is provided as part of the partial element.
  • In the SIP section, FunctionEquivStr doesn’t use implicit arguments, so we don’t have to fuss around with an implicit version of Π-map-cod≃
  • transp renamed to transport-fixing