Installing Agda
The best method for installing Agda will depend on what operating system you are using. The official documentation gives a lot of details, but below we have listed some simplified instructions that worked for us.
Check the version number if you are installing Agda via package
manager. These notes were written against Agda version
. The
exercise files may not work with earlier or later versions.
Caution: These notes do not rely on the the Agda standard library, and so you don’t need to worry about downloading and installing it.
On Mac via Homebrew
Install the Homebrew package manager, then run
brew install agda
At the time of writing this installs the correct version of Agda, but it may not in the future!
On Windows via Stack
Install Stack from
Open PowerShell, and use Stack to install the correct version of Agda:
stack --resolver lts-22.9 new Agda
stack install Agda-
This may take a while.
On Mac and Linux via Nix
If installing Agda via brew
did not work, we have also provided a
Nix shard that will install the correct version of Agda. This will
also install a copy of Emacs, if you would like to use that as your
First, install the Nix package manager:
sh <(curl -L --daemon
sh <(curl -L
Now we need to enable Nix flakes:
mkdir -p ~/.config/nix
echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
For a fun series of blog posts on Nix and how to use it, click this link. We won’t need any heavy lifting here, we’re just using Nix to install Agda easily.
Now, when you want to work in Agda with Emacs on this project, navigate to the directory that you cloned this in and run
nix develop
This might take a while the first time.
Installing VSCode
Install VSCode and then the agda-mode
extension. If your key
combinations (like C-c C-c
) don’t work, you may need to apply the
temporary fix described here.
Depending on how you installed Agda, you may need to tell VSCode where
the agda
executable is located. This is under Preferences > Extensions
and then the Agda Mode > Connection: Agda Path
Installing Emacs on Mac
On Mac, you can use Homebrew to install Emacs.
brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
brew install emacs-plus
agda-mode setup
Now try running emacs
in the terminal. If a nice Emacs window
doesn’t appear, run
brew link --overwrite emacs-plus
Finally, add the following line to your ~/.emacs
file, so that the
literate Agda files are recognised correctly.
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\\\'" . agda2-mode))