Lecture 1-5: Propositions as Types
In the previous lectures we saw how to define some familiar data types — Booleans, natural numbers, integers — and how to define some of their familiar operations. But to do mathematics, we need to be able to prove things about these types.
One way to formalize a proposition is as an element of the Booleans.
We’ve already seen several functions into the Booleans, like
, isWeekend
, isLeft
, and so on. This way of
representing propositions is common in other programming languages,
but there is another, more powerful way of formalizing propositions
which is made possible by dependent types: we think of types as
themselves expressing propositions.
A proposition, informally speaking, is a mathematical statement for
which we know what would constitute a proof. To prove that 6 is even,
for example, we could divide it evenly. The statement “6 is even” is a
thus a proposition: we know what it would mean to prove it. Proving
that that a day d
is on a weekend would mean showing that d
Saturday or Sunday, so “d
is on a weekend” is also a proposition,
this time a proposition about an unspecified element d
This notion of proposition remains sensible when the thing we want to prove is not actually true: a proof that 7 is even would also consist of a demonstration that we can divide it evenly into two whole numbers, but this time we can’t actually achieve that goal.
In this lecture, we give a first pass at a type theoretic notion of proposition, something we will refine later in Lecture 2-X.
Propositions as Types
The core of the idea is that a proposition will be encoded as a type, and to prove the proposition will be to give an element of that type.
First, we have type versions of true
and false
TrueP : Type TrueP = ⊤ FalseP : Type FalseP = ∅
The type ⊤
has an element tt
; under the interpretation that
proofs of propositions are the elements of the types representing
those propositions, this means we can prove that TrueP
holds. On
the other hand, ∅
has no elements, and therefore we can’t prove
that FalseP
holds — at least, not without assuming some
contradictory hypotheses.
We can turn each Boolean value into its corresponding type:
IsTrue : Bool → Type IsTrue true = TrueP IsTrue false = FalseP
An amazing feature of propositions-as-types idea is that many of the operations on types we have seen in the last few lectures become familiar operations on propositions.
In ordinary logic, to prove P and Q
we need to prove P
and to
prove Q
. That is, a proof of P and Q
consists of a pair of proofs,
one for P
and one for Q
. We can turn this directly into a
_andP_ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} → Type ℓ → Type ℓ' → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') P andP Q = P × Q
Now consider implication. Implication means that, assuming you have a
proof of P
, you can get a proof of Q
. This is exactly what
functions do, so we can also turn this into a definition:
_impliesP_ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} → Type ℓ → Type ℓ' → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') P impliesP Q = P → Q
Once we have these as building blocks, we can start to construct other logical operations. When two propositions imply each other, we say that they are logically equivalent:
_iffP_ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} → Type ℓ → Type ℓ' → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') P iffP Q = (P → Q) × (Q → P)
As a sanity check, we can show that these operations on types
correspond correctly with the analogous operations on Booleans via
. Prove the following by case-splitting on the arguments and
filling in both sides of the logical equivalence. On the left of the
we use the ordinary operation on Booleans, and on the right
we use the corresponding operation on propositions-as-types.
and→Type : (a b : Bool) → (IsTrue (a and b)) iffP ((IsTrue a) andP (IsTrue b)) -- Exercise: -- and→Type a b = {!!} implies→Type : (a b : Bool) → (IsTrue (a implies b)) iffP ((IsTrue a) impliesP (IsTrue b)) -- Exercise: -- implies→Type a b = {!!}
We interpret negation as a special case of implication: “not P” is the same as “P implies false”, and again we make this our definition.
¬_ : {ℓ : Level} → Type ℓ → Type ℓ ¬_ P = P → ∅ -- This makes `¬` go on the outside of most formulas infix 3 ¬_
We had better also make sure this means what we think it does!
not→Type : (a : Bool) → (IsTrue (not a)) iffP (¬ IsTrue a) -- Exercise: -- not→Type a = ?
A basic principle of negation is contraposition: if P
implies Q
then whenever Q
is false, certainly P
must be false too.
This gives us an opportunity to introduce another useful Agda hotkey.
If you place your cursor in the below hole and press C-c C-,
, Agda
will tell you that the goal has type ¬ Q → ¬ P
. This is certainly
true, but the path forwards is a little obscured. It helps if we
unfold the definition of ¬
in the goal, which we can ask
Agda to do by pressing C-u C-u C-c C-,
in Emacs, or C-y C-,
It is revealed that the goal has type (Q → ∅) → P → ∅
. This makes it
clear that ¬-contra
should take two arguments, one with type
Q → ∅
, and the other with type P
¬-contra : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} → {P : Type ℓ} → {Q : Type ℓ'} → (P → Q) → (¬ Q → ¬ P) -- Exercise: -- ¬-contra f = {!!}
The logic of propositions-as-types is not exactly the same as the
logic of Booleans, however. The reason has to do with double negation:
recall that for the Booleans, not not b
is always equal to b
you can check by just trying both possibilities. Working with
propositions-as-types, we can show one direction of that equivalence:
implies¬¬ : {ℓ : Level} → {P : Type ℓ} → (P → (¬ ¬ P)) -- Exercise: -- implies¬¬ p = ?
But, we cannot show that ¬ ¬ A → A
in general!
-- Uncomment to try if you want! -- impossible-¬¬implies : {ℓ : Level} (P : Type ℓ) → (¬ ¬ P) → P -- impossible-¬¬implies P nnp = {!!}
One way to understand the difference between ¬ ¬ P
and P
is that
we think of p : P
as giving evidence that the proposition P
holds. What ¬ ¬ P
says is that to assume P
were false would lead
to a contradiction, but this does not on its own conjure any direct
evidence for P
. This quirk of logic in type theory makes it a
constructive logic — there is a difference between providing (or
“constructing”) evidence for a proposition and proving that its
falsehood would be absurd — as opposed to the “classical” logic of
the Booleans.
It seems that we’re at risk of ¬
s piling up endlessly if the above
implication only works in one direction. But in fact, as soon as we
have three ¬
s, we can cancel two of them.
¬¬¬implies¬ : {ℓ : Level} → {P : Type ℓ} → (¬ ¬ ¬ P) → (¬ P) -- Exercise: -- ¬¬¬implies¬ nnnp = ?
As a challenge, prove that it’s impossible for P
and ¬ P
to be
logically equivalence. Again, it may help to see what to do next if
you unfold the definitions.
¬-not-same : {ℓ : Level} → {P : Type ℓ} → ¬ (P iffP (¬ P)) -- Exercise: -- ¬-not-same (l , r) = ?
This pattern of relating logical operations to type operations
continues with or
e but runs into a subtle hiccup. Our first
attempt at a type avatar of or
is ⊎
, the disjoint union. This
makes some sense: to prove P or Q
should consist of either a proof
of P
or a proof of Q
First, let’s define maps both ways.
or→Type-fro : (a b : Bool) → (IsTrue a ⊎ IsTrue b) → IsTrue (a or b) -- Exercise: -- or→Type-fro a b p = {!!} or→Type-to : (a b : Bool) → IsTrue (a or b) → (IsTrue a ⊎ IsTrue b) -- Exercise: -- or→Type-to a b p = {!!}
What this shows is that IsTrue (a or b)
and (IsTrue a) ⊎ (IsTrue b)
are logically equivalent, that is, one iffP
the other. But
now: define the map backwards again, but making the opposite choice in
the case or→Type-to' true true
or→Type-to' : (a b : Bool) → IsTrue (a or b) → ((IsTrue a) ⊎ (IsTrue b)) -- Exercise: -- or→Type-to' a b p = {!!}
So having an element of (IsTrue a) ⊎ (IsTrue b)
, is more
information than simply knowing that at least one of a
or b
true: if both a
and b
are true, the element of (IsTrue a) ⊎ (IsTrue b)
has to make a choice between the two sides. So, the type
no longer merely expresses the truth of a proposition.
What we ought to learn from this is that not every type should be
thought of as a proposition. Some types, like ℕ
, say, are better
thought of as sets that have many different elements. What we are
noticing with or
is that the disjoint union of two propositions
can contain a non-trivial amount of information. We actually saw this
earlier, when we proved that Bool
is bijective with ⊤ ⊎ ⊤
This is the refinement that we will eventually make in Lecture 2-X, to
pick out which types are the ones we should think of as propositions:
types that have at most one element. This unique element, if it exists
at all, is thought of as “the fact that the proposition is true”. At
that point we will also properly define the operation which
corresponds to the proposition P or Q
Nevertheless, ⊎
is close enough to or
for our
current purposes. Try proving De Morgan’s laws, which may be
familiar from ordinary propositional logic. For the last one, we get
stuck in a similar way to impossible-¬¬implies
above. In that case,
how are we supposed to know which of inl
or inr
DeMorgan-law-1 : {P Q : Type} → ¬ (P ⊎ Q) → (¬ P) × (¬ Q) -- Exercise: -- DeMorgan-law-1 npq = {!!} DeMorgan-law-2 : {P Q : Type} → (¬ P) × (¬ Q) → ¬ (P ⊎ Q) -- Exercise: -- DeMorgan-law-2 (np , nq) pq = {!!} DeMorgan-law-3 : {P Q : Type} → (¬ P) ⊎ (¬ Q) → ¬ (P × Q) -- Exercise: -- DeMorgan-law-3 npnq (p , q) = {!!} -- Uncomment to see where you get stuck if you want! -- impossible-DeMorgan-law-4 : {P Q : Type} → ¬ (P × Q) → (¬ P) ⊎ (¬ Q) -- impossible-DeMorgan-law-4 npq = {!!}
The most fundamental proposition concerning the data types we have seen so far is equality. We can define equality for Booleans by case-splitting as follows:
_≡Bool_ : (a b : Bool) → Type true ≡Bool true = ⊤ true ≡Bool false = ∅ false ≡Bool true = ∅ false ≡Bool false = ⊤
That is, there is a unique proof that true ≡Bool true
, no proofs
that true ≡Bool false
, and so on. This kind of equality defined by
pattern-matching is often called “observational” equality.
Now how do we prove an equality of Bool
s? We just inhabit the
relevant type:
true-equals-true : true ≡Bool true true-equals-true = tt
What if the Boolean value involved is a variable, or some complicated expression? By case splitting, we can hopefully simplify the goal into one of the trivial cases as above, that is, we just do recursion on the data type! (Using recursion to prove a proposition is often called “induction”, we will make this more precise in the next section.)
Here’s an example. With this notion of equality, every Bool
either equal to true
or to false
. This is the Law of Excluded
Middle for Booleans logic; there is no middle option!
≡Bool-LEM : (a : Bool) → (a ≡Bool true) ⊎ (a ≡Bool false) ≡Bool-LEM true = inl tt ≡Bool-LEM false = inr tt
By pattern matching, we can prove that observational equality is a reflexive, symmetric, and transitive relation on Booleans.
≡Bool-refl : (a : Bool) → a ≡Bool a -- Exercise: -- ≡Bool-refl a = {!!} ≡Bool-sym : (a b : Bool) → a ≡Bool b → b ≡Bool a -- Exercise: -- ≡Bool-sym a b p = {!!} ≡Bool-trans : (a b c : Bool) → a ≡Bool b → b ≡Bool c → a ≡Bool c -- Exercise: -- ≡Bool-trans a b c p q = {!!}
We can also show that all of our logical operations preserve the relation of equality, as expected. Like the previous, these can be proven purely by splitting into all the possible cases, so we won’t make you do them all.
not-≡Bool : (a b : Bool) → a ≡Bool b → (not a) ≡Bool (not b) not-≡Bool true true tt = tt not-≡Bool true false () not-≡Bool false true () not-≡Bool false false tt = tt and-≡Bool : (a1 a2 b1 b2 : Bool) → (a1 ≡Bool a2) → (b1 ≡Bool b2) → (a1 and b1) ≡Bool (a2 and b2) -- Exercise: -- and-≡Bool a1 a2 b1 b2 p q = {!!}
We can similarly define equality of natural numbers.
_≡ℕ_ : (n m : ℕ) → Type zero ≡ℕ zero = ⊤ zero ≡ℕ suc m = ∅ suc n ≡ℕ zero = ∅ suc n ≡ℕ suc m = n ≡ℕ m infix 4 _≡ℕ_
And show that it is a reflexive, symmetric, and transitive relation.
The difference in the proofs is that because ℕ
is a
recursive datatype, some of the cases in the proofs will need to be recursive
≡ℕ-refl : (n : ℕ) → n ≡ℕ n -- Exercise: -- ≡ℕ-refl n = ? ≡ℕ-sym : (n m : ℕ) → n ≡ℕ m → m ≡ℕ n -- Exercise: -- ≡ℕ-sym n m p = ? ≡ℕ-trans : (n m k : ℕ) → n ≡ℕ m → m ≡ℕ k → n ≡ℕ k -- Exercise: -- ≡ℕ-trans n m k p q = {!!}
Next, we can show that addition is unital (that is, has an identity
element), and associative. These are all very easy by recursion.
Remember that you don’t have to case split on an argument just
because you can, +ℕ-assoc
is much simpler if you don’t!
+ℕ-≡ℕ-idl : (n : ℕ) → (zero +ℕ n) ≡ℕ n -- Exercise: -- +ℕ-≡ℕ-idl n = {!!} +ℕ-≡ℕ-idr : (n : ℕ) → (n +ℕ zero) ≡ℕ n -- Exercise: -- +ℕ-≡ℕ-idr n = {!!} +ℕ-≡ℕ-assoc : (n m k : ℕ) → (n +ℕ (m +ℕ k)) ≡ℕ ((n +ℕ m) +ℕ k) -- Exercise: -- +ℕ-≡ℕ-assoc n m k = {!!}
Finally, we can show that addition is commutative. This one is trickier, and we will have to glue together some of the facts we proved above. In both parts, it is easiest if you don’t pattern match on both arguments.
+ℕ-≡ℕ-comm-helper : (n m : ℕ) → (n +ℕ (suc m)) ≡ℕ suc (n +ℕ m) -- Exercise: -- +ℕ-≡ℕ-comm-helper n m = {!!} +ℕ-≡ℕ-comm : (n m : ℕ) → (n +ℕ m) ≡ℕ (m +ℕ n) -- Exercise: -- +ℕ-≡ℕ-comm n m = {!!}
It would be tedious if we had to define the specific notion of equality we wanted for every type that we ever define. It’s also not entirely exactly how to do it in more difficult cases.
For example, to say that elements in the disjoint union A ⊎ B
equal, we would want to say that if a = a'
then inl a = inl a'
if b = b'
then inr b = inr b'
, and that it is never the case that
inl a = inr b
since the union is disjoint. But
without knowing specifically what the types A
and B
are, we
don’t know what equality means for them.
Remarkably, it is possible to give a uniform notion of “equality” for any type — this is the subject of Part 2 of these notes. As we’ll see shortly, this general notion of paths between of elements of general types will not always be a proposition — paths will often be interesting pieces of data in their own right.
Induction Principles
In the above we proofs we were secretly using an upgraded form of the
recursion principles for Bool
and ℕ
known as “induction
principles”. The difference is that where recursion principles allowed
us to define ordinary functions out of Bool
, ℕ
, etc.,
induction principles allow us to define dependent functions out of
these types into a type family of our choosing.
is the easiest. Here a type family C : Bool → Type ℓ
simply picks out two (possibly different) types, C true
and C false
. The recursion principle is upgraded to use one element of each
of these types rather than two elements of the same type:
Bool-ind : {ℓ : Level} {C : Bool → Type ℓ} → C true → C false → ((x : Bool) → C x) -- Exercise: -- Bool-ind c₁ c₂ x = {!!}
Try writing out the (even simpler) induction principle for the unit type.
-- Exercise: -- ⊤-ind : {ℓ : Level} -- → {A : ⊤ → Type ℓ} -- → {!!} -- → {!!} ⊤-ind a tt = a
The recursion principle for A ⊎ B
is upgraded to an induction
principle in a similar way. Back in ⊎-rec
, the inputs
were maps A → C
and B → C
. If C
is now a type family dependent
on A ⊎ B
, these maps have to land in C x
, where x
is some element of A ⊎ B
Luckily, there are candidates for what x
should be in both cases: take the
or inr
of the input a : A
or b : B
⊎-ind : {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} {C : A ⊎ B → Type ℓ''} → ((a : A) → C (inl a)) → ((b : B) → C (inr b)) → (x : A ⊎ B) → C x -- Exercise: -- ⊎-ind l r x = {!!}
is a little trickier. It is best to remember ordinary
mathematical induction and think of C
as some property of the
natural numbers that we are trying to prove is true for every natural
number. The first input is the base case of type C zero
, the claim
that the property C
holds for zero
. Then we have the inductive
step for suc
saying that, for any n : ℕ
, if C
holds for n
then it also holds for suc n
If we can provide both of those things, then we get a function from
(n : ℕ) → C n
, meaning that C
holds for every n
ℕ-ind : {ℓ : Level} {C : ℕ → Type ℓ} → (z : C zero) → (r : (n : ℕ) → C n → C (suc n)) → ((n : ℕ) → C n) -- Exercise: -- ℕ-ind z r n = ?
We don’t often need to use Bool-ind
, ⊎-ind
or ℕ-ind
; we
can instead use the pattern-matching features of Agda directly.
One thing we are still missing from ordinary logic is quantification, that is, the propositions
- “for all elements
x : A
, the propositionP x
holds”, a.k.a.∀ x. P(x)
, and - “there exists an element
x : A
so thatP x
” holds, a.k.a.∃ x. P(x)
For our purposes here, we will consider any type family P : A → Type
as expressing a predicate on elements of A
. For example, we have the
predicate on natural numbers that identifies when the natural number
is zero
isZeroP : ℕ → Type isZeroP zero = ⊤ isZeroP (suc n) = ∅
In cases like this where we already have a map into Bool
, we
can turn it into a predicate by applying IsTrue
isEvenP : ℕ → Type isEvenP n = IsTrue (isEven n) isOddP : ℕ → Type isOddP n = IsTrue (isOdd n)
We can combine these predicates using the operations we’ve already
seen, for example, we can form the predicate on natural numbers n
that the number n
is even or odd.
evenOrOdd : (n : ℕ) → Type evenOrOdd n = isEvenP n ⊎ isOddP n
Of course this should be true for every element n
. The proposition
∀ n. P(n)
is represented by a dependent function from natural
numbers n
to proofs that evenOrOdd n
∀-evenOrOdd : (n : ℕ) → evenOrOdd n -- Exercise: -- ∀-evenOrOdd n = {!!}
Try another simple case:
∀-zeroImpliesEven : (n : ℕ) → (isZeroP n) → (isEvenP n) -- Exercise: -- ∀-zeroImpliesEven n = {!!}
For the proposition ∃ n. P(n)
, the obvious thing to try is a
dependent pair: that is, a proof of ∃ n. P(n)
should be an actual
example of an n
together with a proof that P(n)
holds. So, we
might represent the proposition that there exists an even number as:
Even : Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] isEvenP n Even = 2 , tt
This interpretation of ∃
is not quite right for similar reasons that
is not quite right. After all, there are lots of different even
numbers that we can use to inhabit the above type, and so the type
represents more information than the mere proposition that there
exists an even number: it comes with a specific choice of one. Again
we will fix this in Lecture 2-X.
For the following exercises, you should recall that ¬
is simply
functions into ∅
. Once you unfold that definition, the below
exercises are exactly two functions that we have seen before.
¬Σ→forall¬ : {A : Type} {B : A → Type} → ¬ (Σ[ a ∈ A ] B a) → (a : A) → ¬ B a -- Exercise: -- ¬Σ→forall¬ = ? forall¬→¬Σ : {A : Type} {B : A → Type} → ((a : A) → ¬ B a) → ¬ (Σ[ a ∈ A ] B a) -- Exercise: -- forall¬→¬Σ = ?
Decidable Types
There is another crucial way in which constructive logic differs from
classical logic: the Law of Excluded Middle. For propositions
represented as Booleans, we saw in ≡Bool-LEM
that every Boolean
element is either true
or false
. It seems reasonable for
something similar to be true for propositions as types.
And yet, you will have a hard time proving the following!
-- Uncomment to try if you want! -- impossible-LEM : {ℓ : Level} (P : Type ℓ) → (¬ P) ⊎ P -- impossible-LEM = {!!}
and in fact, the two impossible problems we have seen so far are related: as soon as you can solve one, you can solve the other.
-- If you have `LEM` for a type `P`, then you have ¬¬-implies LEM→¬¬implies : {ℓ : Level} {P : Type ℓ} → ((¬ P) ⊎ P) → (¬ ¬ P → P) -- Exercise: -- LEM→¬¬implies p = {!!} -- We almost have LEM for any particular `P`: ¬¬LEM : {ℓ : Level} {P : Type ℓ} → ¬ ¬ ((¬ P) ⊎ P) -- Exercise: -- ¬¬LEM x = {!!} -- Suppose you have `¬¬implies` for `(¬ P) ⊎ P`, then: ¬¬implies→LEM : {ℓ : Level} {P : Type ℓ} → (¬ ¬ ((¬ P) ⊎ P) → (¬ P) ⊎ P) → ((¬ P) ⊎ P) -- Exercise: -- ¬¬implies→LEM f = {!!}
So if we have a general proposition P
, we cannot split into
cases for whether P
holds or not this: would be saying that we
always have an element of P ⊎ ¬ P
telling us whether a proposition
is true.
For some specific types, we can show that P ⊎ ¬ P
holds: we call
such types “decidable”. The following type is essentially identical to
the type P ⊎ ¬ P
but we define a new type so we can give it more
meaningful constructor names.
data Dec {ℓ : Level} (P : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where yes : ( p : P) → Dec P no : (¬p : ¬ P) → Dec P
Here are the simplest examples:
Dec⊤ : Dec ⊤ -- Exercise: -- Dec⊤ = {!!} Dec∅ : Dec ∅ -- Exercise: -- Dec∅ = {!!}
The predicates we defined on data types so far are all decidable
because we built them out of ⊤
and ∅
Dec-isEvenP : (n : ℕ) → Dec (isEvenP n) -- Exercise: -- Dec-isEvenP n = {!!}
In particular, observational equality of Bool
and ℕ
decidable. Just pattern match and observe whether or not they are
Dec-≡Bool : (a b : Bool) → Dec (a ≡Bool b) -- Exercise: -- Dec-≡Bool a b = {!!} Dec-≡ℕ : (a b : ℕ) → Dec (a ≡ℕ b) -- Exercise: -- Dec-≡ℕ a b = {!!}
We further discuss constructive mathematics and its limits in the Lecture 3-X.
References and Further Reading