Lecture 2-7: Propositions
In Lecture 1-X, we saw how to use types to represent propositions. But
not all types have a sensible interpretation as propositions: an
element of ℕ
in some sense contains more information than the mere
fact that a proposition being true. How can we characterise which
types should be thought of as propositions?
Contractible Types
Before we get to defining propositions properly, we’ll start with a class of types that is even simpler.
A singleton is a type consisting of exactly one element. In ordinary
set theory, if is an element of a set , then the singleton
subset of containing is which, to make crystal clear
that we are dealing with a subset of , we could write more
pedantically as the set . This is the notion of
singleton we are going to use as our definition in type theory. For an
element of a type a : A
, the singleton type at a
singl : {A : Type ℓ} → (a : A) → Type ℓ singl {A = A} a = Σ[ x ∈ A ] a ≡ x
There is a unique element of singl a
, namely the pair (a, refl)
singl-center : (a : A) → singl a singl-center a = (a , refl)
We would like to say in type theory that singl a
has a unique
element, so we need a way of expressing “has a unique element”
type-theoretically. For this, we use:
∃! : Type ℓ → Type ℓ ∃! A = Σ[ x ∈ A ] ((y : A) → y ≡ x)
An element of ∃! A
demonstrates existence and uniqueness of elements
of A
: an element x : A
exists, and the function assigning to every
y : A
a path x ≡ y
means that it is unique. Homotopically
speaking, this means that the type A
contracts onto the point x
If we have an element of ∃! A
we say that A
is contractible.
This concept comes up often enough will define a record to capture it so that we can name the two components.
record isContr (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where constructor isContrData field center : A contraction : (a : A) → center ≡ a open isContr public
The type ⊤
was defined to have only the element tt
, so it is
easy to show it is contractible.
isContr-⊤ : isContr ⊤ -- Exercise: -- isContr-⊤ = {!!}
Singletons should also have a unique element.
isContr-singl : (a : A) → isContr (singl a) -- Exercise: (Hint: You will need to use `J` or a connection.) -- isContr-singl a = {!!}
There are inductive types other than ⊤
that we can show are
contractible. As a somewhat contrived example, consider the “fake”
interval type defined by
data Interval : Type where zero : Interval one : Interval seg : zero ≡ one
This interval contains no interesting information at all:
isContr-Interval : isContr Interval -- Exercise: (Hint: You will need to use a connection square.) -- isContr-Interval = {!!}
This Interval
is an ordinary type, in contrast to the
built-in interval I
. We can therefore use it like any other
type; form functions into it, look at paths in it, and so on. It does
not contain any of the magic that I
does, however, so we
can’t make a corresponding Path
or hcomp
mvrnote: needed later
Σ-fst-≃ : {B : A → Type ℓ} → ((a : A) → isContr (B a)) → (Σ[ a ∈ A ] B a) ≃ A Σ-fst-≃ c = inv→equiv fst (λ a → a , c a .center) (λ _ → refl) (λ (a , b) → ap (a ,_) (c a .contraction b))
The empty type ∅
is not contractible: it doesn’t have any elements
at all.
¬isContr-∅ : ¬ isContr ∅ -- Exercise: -- ¬isContr-∅ = {!!}
And neither is Bool
. Although elements of Bool
exist, they’re not unique.
¬isContr-Bool : ¬ isContr Bool -- Exercise: (Hint: `true≢false`.) -- ¬isContr-Bool (isContrData b p) = {!!}
Let’s recall from Lecture 1-X that when considering a type A
as a
proposition, we think of an element a : A
as a witness to the fact
that the proposition A
is true. Once we’ve constructed at least one
witness like this, we don’t particularly care about the details of the
construction: we don’t want there to more than one way that the
proposition 1 + 1 ≡ 2
can be true.
We turn this observation into a definition: propositions are types which have at most one element. A type is a proposition when, for any two elements, there is a path between them.
isProp : Type ℓ → Type ℓ isProp A = (x y : A) → x ≡ y
The type ⊤
is a proposition that has a proof tt
— truth.
Because its induction principle lets us assume any element of ⊤
exactly tt
, it’s easy to show this is a proposition in this new
sense by pattern-matching.
isProp-⊤ : isProp ⊤ -- Exercise: -- isProp-⊤ = {!!}
The definition of isProp
doesn’t actually promise that there are
any elements of A
, just that if we did have two elements, they
would be equal. This is just as well, because not every proposition
has a proof. As we saw in Lecture 1-X, ∅
represents a proposition
with no proof — falsity. If a type has no elements at all then it
certainly has at most one element:
isProp-∅ : isProp ∅ -- Exercise: -- isProp-∅ = {!!}
Using these two facts, we can show that the observational equality types defined in Lecture 1-X are all propositions.
isProp-≡Bool : (a b : Bool) → isProp (a ≡Bool b) isProp-≡Bool true true = isProp-⊤ isProp-≡Bool true false = isProp-∅ isProp-≡Bool false true = isProp-∅ isProp-≡Bool false false = isProp-⊤ isProp-≡ℕ : (n m : ℕ) → isProp (n ≡ℕ m) -- Exercise: -- isProp-≡ℕ n m = {!!}
Contractible types may be thought of as types with a unique element. Of course, a type with exactly one element also has at most one element, so contractible types are also propositions.
isContr→isProp : isContr A → isProp A -- Exercise: -- isContr→isProp c a b = {!!}
The same is not true the other way, of course. We saw that ∅
is a
proposition but isn’t contractible. Not being inhabited is the only
thing missing for a proposition to be contractible: as soon as a
proposition has an element, that element is unique.
isProp-with-point→isContr : isProp A → A → isContr A -- Exercise: -- isProp-with-point→isContr p = {!!}
Conversely, if assuming that a type is inhabited causes it to be contractible, then that type must be a proposition to being with:
with-point-isContr→isProp : (A → isContr A) → isProp A -- Exercise: -- with-point-isContr→isProp c = {!!}
Of course, the point of having a definition like isProp
is that
not all types are propositions.
¬isProp-Bool : ¬ isProp Bool -- Exercise: -- ¬isProp-Bool pBool = {!!} ¬isProp-ℕ : ¬ isProp ℕ -- Exercise: -- ¬isProp-ℕ pℕ = {!!}
Propositions, Equivalences and Retracts
Any function between contractible types is an equivalence.
contrEnds→isEquiv : isContr A → isContr B → (f : A → B) → isEquiv f -- Exercise: -- contrEnds→isEquiv c c' f = {!!} contrExt : isContr A → isContr B → A ≃ B -- Exercise: -- contrExt c c' = {!!}
So, in fact, every contractible type is equivalent to ⊤
isContr→≃⊤ : isContr A → A ≃ ⊤ isContr→≃⊤ c = contrExt c isContr-⊤
A map between propositions is not enough for them to be equivalent,
consider the unique map ∅ → ⊤
. But if there are maps both ways, then
that’s enough. This is known as “proposition extensionality”.
propEnds→isEquiv : isProp A → isProp B → (f : A → B) → (g : B → A) → isEquiv f -- Exercise: propEnds→isEquiv pA pB f g .section .map = g propExt : isProp A → isProp B → (f : A → B) → (g : B → A) → A ≃ B -- Exercise: -- propExt pA pB f g = equiv f g {!!} {!!}
The converse of isContr→≃⊤
is true: if A
is equivalent to ⊤
then A
is contractible. To prove this, we will use an argument that
we will repeat, with variations, in a couple of other proofs.
Many properties of types are preserved by equivalences, but it turns out that often just half of the data of an equivalence is enough. Recall that a map is a retract when it has a section.
record _RetractOnto_ (A : Type ℓ) (B : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where constructor retractOntoData field map : A → B section : SectionOf map open _RetractOnto_ public
If A
is equivalent to B
then certainly B
retracts onto A
forgetting the other part of the equivalence.
equiv→retract : {A : Type ℓ} → {B : Type ℓ'} → (A ≃ B) → B RetractOnto A equiv→retract e .map = e .proof .retract .map equiv→retract e .section .map = e .map equiv→retract e .section .proof = e .proof .retract .proof
If B' retracts onto
A, then in some sense
Ais a continuous shrinking of
B. And so if
Bis a proposition then
A` must be too.
Here is the key lemma, with a pre-drawn cube for your convenience:
y — — — — — — — — > y
/ ^ / ^
.map / | p / |
/ | / |
x — — — — — — — — > x |
^ | ^ | ^ j
| | | | k | /
| | | | ∙ — >
| | | | i
| r (s y) — — — | — — > y
| / | /
| / | /
| / | /
r (s x) — — — — — — — x
retract-≡ : (r : B RetractOnto A) → {x y : A} → (r .section .map x ≡ r .section .map y) RetractOnto (x ≡ y) -- Exercise: (Hint: Using `∙∙` gives the cleanest argument!) -- retract-≡ r {x} {y} = {!!}
Then the fact about isProp
follows easily.
isProp-retract : B RetractOnto A → isProp B → isProp A -- Exercise: -- isProp-retract r pB x y = {!!}
In particular, any type equivalent to a proposition is also a proposition.
isProp-equiv : A ≃ B → isProp B → isProp A -- Exercise: -- isProp-equiv = {!!}
And if some contractible type B
retracts onto A
, then A
is also
isContr-retract : B RetractOnto A → isContr B → isContr A -- Exercise: -- isContr-retract r c = {!!} isContr-equiv : A ≃ B → isContr B → isContr A -- Exercise: -- isContr-equiv = {!!}
So we have a converse to isContr→≃⊤
, and being contractible is the
same as being equivalent to ⊤
≃⊤→isContr : (A ≃ ⊤) → isContr A -- Exercise: -- ≃⊤→isContr = {!!}
¬→≃∅ : ¬ A → (A ≃ ∅) ¬→≃∅ p .map = p ¬→≃∅ p .proof .section .map () ¬→≃∅ p .proof .section .proof () ¬→≃∅ p .proof .retract .map () ¬→≃∅ p .proof .retract .proof a = ∅-rec (p a)
Closure Properties of Propositions
Back in Lecture 1-X, we used ordinary type constructors to represent logical operations on propositions. We had better make sure that our new notion of proposition is preserved by these type constructors!
First, we have implication. If A
and B
are propositions then the
type of functions A → B
is a proposition — namely, the proposition
that A
implies B
isProp-→ : isProp B → isProp (A → B) -- Exercise: -- isProp-→ p f g i a = {!!}
As a special case of implication, we find that type negation ¬ A
always a proposition even when A
isProp-¬ : isProp (¬ A) isProp-¬ = isProp-→ isProp-∅
If B
is true, then A → B
is always true. Using isContr
as our
interpretation for “true proposition”, this means that A → B
contractible as soon as B
is contractible.
isContr→ : isContr B → isContr (A → B) -- Exercise: -- isContr→ c = {!!}
The “and” of two propositions A
and B
is the type of pairs A × B
isProp-× : isProp A → isProp B → isProp (A × B) -- Exercise: -- isProp-× pA pB = {!!}
And if A
and B
are both true, then A × B
should also be true.
isContr-× : isContr A → isContr B → isContr (A × B) -- Exercise: -- isContr-× cA cB = {!!}
For contractibility, the converse of isContr-×
holds: if the product
is contractible then the inputs must have been.
isContr-×-conv : isContr (A × B) → isContr A × isContr B -- Exercise: -- isContr-×-conv cAB = {!!}
The same is not true for propositions: a product of types being a proposition does not imply that the two components are.
¬isProp-×-conv : ¬ ((A B : Type) → isProp (A × B) → isProp A × isProp B)
-- Exercise: (Hint: ∅×≃∅
-- ¬isProp-×-conv = {!!}
Propositions and contractible types are also closed under forming path
types. There’s another way interpret this fact. The hcomp
operation lets us fill in open boxes in any type. If the type is a
proposition, then we can fill any shape at all.
Filling Shapes in Propositions
mvrnote: this section needs rationalising
If a type is a proposition we can use the element of isProp
find a path between any two points. Not only that, but this path we
are given is unique; all path between those points are equal.
This is a priori surprising: the definition of isProp
gives us
paths between points, but says nothing about cubes of higher
mvrnote: draw cube
mvrnote: out of date:
isProp→Square : isProp A → {a b c d : A} → (r : a ≡ c) (s : b ≡ d) → (t : a ≡ b) (u : c ≡ d) → Square t u r s -- Exercise: -- isProp→Square pA {a = a} r s t u i j = {!!}
A special case of isProp→Square
is when we fix two sides of the
square to be refl
, resulting in an ordinary path between paths.
There’s another way to read this: for x
and y
elements of a
proposition, x ≡ y
is also a proposition.
isProp→isProp≡ : isProp A → (x y : A) → isProp (x ≡ y) -- Exercise: -- isProp→isProp≡ = {!!}
And from this we get that the types of paths in any proposition are always contractible.
isProp→isContr≡ : isProp A → (x y : A) → isContr (x ≡ y) -- Exercise: -- isProp→isContr≡ p x y = {!!}
We could have used this as an alternative definition of what it means to be a proposition, because it’s trivial to go the other way:
isContr≡→isProp : ((x y : A) → isContr (x ≡ y)) → isProp A -- Exercise: -- isContr≡→isProp f x y = {!!}
There’s a another way we can generalise isProp
. If we have a path
of types which are all propositions, we can produce a path-over that
path between any endpoints.
isProp→PathP : {A : I → Type ℓ} → ((i : I) → isProp (A i)) → (a0 : A i0) (a1 : A i1) → PathP A a0 a1 -- Exercise: (Hint: `toPathP`) -- isProp→PathP {A = A} hB a0 a1 = {!!} isProp→isProp-PathP : {A : I → Type ℓ} → ((i : I) → isProp (A i)) → (a0 : A i0) (a1 : A i1) → isProp (PathP A a0 a1) -- Exercise: (Hint: Piggyback on `isProp→isProp≡`) -- isProp→isProp-PathP pA x y = isProp-equiv {!!} {!1}
We can use what we’ve proven so far to bootstrap the process of
filling more interesting shapes. For example, any SquareP
can be
filled. We prove this in full, painful generality, because we will
need to use it shortly.
mvrnote: draw square
isProp→SquareP : {A : I → I → Type ℓ} → ((i j : I) → isProp (A i j)) → {a : A i0 i0} {b : A i0 i1} {c : A i1 i0} {d : A i1 i1} → (r : PathP (λ j → A j i0) a c) (s : PathP (λ j → A j i1) b d) → (t : PathP (λ j → A i0 j) a b) (u : PathP (λ j → A i1 j) c d) → SquareP A t u r s -- Exercise: -- isProp→SquareP pA r s t u = {!!}
We can prove similar facts for contractibility. These can be done entirely by gluing together results we’ve already seen.
isContr→isContr≡ : isContr A → (a b : A) → isContr (a ≡ b) -- Exercise: (Hint: `isProp-with-point→isContr`) -- isContr→isContr≡ c a b = {!!} isContr→isContr-PathP : {A : I → Type ℓ} (c : isContr (A i1)) → (a : A i0) → (b : A i1) → isContr (PathP A a b) isContr→isContr-PathP {A = A} isc a b = isContr-equiv (PathP≃Path A) (isContr→isContr≡ isc _ _)
Let’s give some more explicit examples of propositions. The first is a
little self-referential: for any type A
, there is the proposition
that A
… is a proposition.
isProp-isProp : isProp (isProp A) -- Exercise: -- isProp-isProp pA₀ pA₁ i a b j = {!!}
And isContr A
is always a proposition; the proposition that A
a unique element.
isProp-isContr : isProp (isContr A) -- Exercise: -- isProp-isContr cA₀ cA₁ i .center = {!!} -- isProp-isContr cA₀ cA₁ i .contraction x j = {!!}
There’s another important type that is a proposition: the fact that a map is an equivalence. We will prove this a little later in Lecture 2-X.
Our definition of proposition leads to a good notion of “subtype”. If
P : A → Type
is a family of propositions depending on a type A
then the subtype of A
carved out by P
is simply the type of
pairs Σ[ a ∈ A ] P a
. So, an element of the subtype is pair (a , p)
of an a : A
and a witness p : P a
that P
is true about a
mvrnote: examples, isEven etc mvrnote: union/intersection etc
The main fact to prove about subtypes is that they have the same paths
as the types they came from. That is, (a1 , b1) ≡ (a2 , b2)
equivalent to a1 ≡ a2
whenever B
is a family of propositions.
≡-in-subtype : {A : Type ℓ} {B : A → Type ℓ'} → (p : (a : A) → isProp (B a)) → (x y : Σ[ a ∈ A ] B a) → (x .fst ≡ y .fst) ≃ (x ≡ y) ≡-in-subtype pB x y = inv→equiv to (ap fst) to-fro fro-to where to : x .fst ≡ y .fst → x ≡ y -- Exercise: (Hint: `isProp→PathP`) -- to e i .fst = {!!} -- to e i .snd = {!!} to-fro : isSection to (ap fst) -- Exercise: (Hint: `isProp→SquareP`) -- to-fro e i j .fst = {!!} -- to-fro e i j .snd = {!!} fro-to : isRetract to (ap fst) fro-to p i j = p j
To foreshadow Lecture 3-X, this is extremely useful when we start looking at algebraic structures such as groups, rings, and so on. These come with some data, like addition and multiplication operators, together with a bunch of axioms, like associativity, commutativity, and so on. What we’ve just proven tells us that to build a path between two groups, it’s enough to build a path just between the underlying data, ignoring all the axioms.
Dependent Closure Properties
The isProp-×
operation has an upgraded, dependent version. This
states that if A
is a proposition and P : A → Type
is a family of
propositions depending on a : A
then the type of pairs Σ[ a ∈ A ] B a
is also a proposition. Really, Σ[ a ∈ A ] P a
still represents
the proposition “A
and B
” — the difference is that we can use it
in situations where the proposition B
only makes sense when A
known to hold.
isProp-Σ : {A : Type ℓ} {P : A → Type ℓ'}
→ isProp A
→ ((a : A) → isProp (P a))
→ isProp (Σ[ a ∈ A ] P a)
-- Exercise: (Hint: use isProp→PathP
-- isProp-Σ pA pP (a₀ , b₀) (a₁ , b₁) i = {!!}
And similarly for contractibility. If A
is contractible and P : A → Type
is a family of contractible types, then the entire Σ-type is
contractible. This is similar to the isContr-×
case, but will
require isProp→PathP
or transport-fixing
in the second
isContr-Σ : {P : A → Type ℓ} → isContr A → ((x : A) → isContr (P x)) → isContr (Σ[ a ∈ A ] P a) isContr-Σ p q .center .fst = p .center isContr-Σ p q .center .snd = q (p .center) .center isContr-Σ p q .contraction (a , b) i .fst = p .contraction a i isContr-Σ {P = P} p q .contraction (a , b) i .snd = q (p .contraction a i) .contraction (transport-fixing (λ j → P (p .contraction a (i ∨ ~ j))) i b) i
And isProp-→
can be extended to dependent functions. If P : A → Type
is a family of propositions depending on A
, then the type of
functions (a : A) → P a
is a proposition; the proposition that “for
all a : A
, the proposition P a
isProp-Π : {A : Type ℓ} → {P : A → Type ℓ'} → (p : (a : A) → isProp (P a)) → isProp ((a : A) → P a) -- Exercise: -- isProp-Π p f g = {!!}
And if in fact every P a
does hold, then the “for all” proposition
holds too.
isContr-Π : {A : Type ℓ} → {P : A → Type ℓ'} → ((a : A) → isContr (P a)) → isContr ((a : A) → P a) -- Exercise: -- isContr-Π c = {!!}
Propositional Truncation
We are still missing two important logical operations, the same two that we had trouble with back in Lecture 1-X: “or” and “exists”.
Our guess for “or” was disjoint union ⊎
, but the disjoint union of
two propositions is not necessarily a proposition. We checked in
that Bool
is not a proposition, and we know from
that Bool
is the disjoint union ⊤ ⊎ ⊤
¬isProp-⊤⊎⊤ : ¬ isProp (⊤ ⊎ ⊤) -- Exercise: -- ¬isProp-⊤⊎⊤ = {!!}
Aside: But! If we know that the two propositions are mutually exclusive, then their disjoint union is still a proposition.
isPropExclusive⊎ : isProp A → isProp B → ¬ (A × B) → isProp (A ⊎ B) -- Exercise: -- isPropExclusive⊎ pA pB dis x y = {!!}
For “or” and “exists”, we introduce another inductive type: the
propositional truncation. This accepts any type A
as a parameter
and forms a proposition ∃ A
— the proposition that “there exists
some element of A”. An element of ∃ A
will be a proof that A
some element, but crucially, knowing ∃ A
won’t actually provide us
with a specific element of A
, just the fuzzy knowledge that there
exists one.
data ∃_ (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where in-∃ : A → ∃ A squash : (x y : ∃ A) → x ≡ y infix 3 ∃_
The first constructor, written in-∃
, says that to prove that there
exists an element in A
, it suffices to have an actual element of
. The second constructor, squash
, is exactly the claim that ∃ A
to be a proposition. This is a recursive constructor (like suc
is for ℕ
isProp-∃ : isProp (∃ A) isProp-∃ = squash
In fact, Agda would even let us declare the squash
constructor to
have type isProp (∃ A)
, and realise by unfolding the definition that
this is asking for a path constructor.
The usual terminology for propositional truncation in Homotopy Type
Theory is ∥ A ∥
, but this can get confusing if we are doing
mathematics where the same double-bars denote the norm of a vector or
The recursion principle for ∃ A
says that to prove that ∃ A
implies some proposition P
, it suffices to assume we have an actual
element a : A
and then prove P
. That is, given a function A → P
we can get an implication ∃ A → P
whenever P
is a proposition.
∃-rec : (isProp P) → (A → P) → (∃ A → P) -- Exercise: -- ∃-rec pP f (in-∃ x) = {!!} -- ∃-rec pP f (squash x y i) = pP {!!} {!!} {!!}
This definition is recursive — we use ∃-rec
in its own
definition. It’s tempting to give the squash
constructor the
non-recursive type (x y : A) → (in-∃ x) ≡ (in-∃ y)
. It turns out this is
not enough: it really is necessary to equate all elements of ∃ A
not just those coming from A
. With the non-recursive type, it’s not
possible to prove that ∃ A
is a proposition.
As usual, there is a dependently-typed upgrade for this recursion
principle. The individual proposition P
is replaced by a family of
types, each of which is a proposition.
∃-ind : {P : ∃ A → Type ℓ} → ((e : ∃ A) → isProp (P e)) → ((a : A) → P (in-∃ a)) → ((e : ∃ A) → P e) -- Exercise: -- ∃-ind pP f (in-∃ x) = {!!} -- ∃-ind pP f (squash x y i) = isProp→PathP {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!}
In fact, all maps into a proposition are of this form, that is,
is an equivalence.
∃-ump-≃ : {P : ∃ A → Type ℓ} → ((e : ∃ A) → isProp (P e)) → ((a : A) → P (in-∃ a)) ≃ ((e : ∃ A) → P e) -- Exercise: -- ∃-ump-≃ pP = propExt {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!}
is functorial, that is, if we have a function from A
then A
having an element implies B
has an element.
∃-map : (A → B) → (∃ A → ∃ B) -- Exercise: -- ∃-map f = {!!}
If P
is already a proposition, truncating it should do nothing:
isProp→≃∃ : isProp P → P ≃ (∃ P)
-- Exercise: (Hint: use propExt
-- isProp→≃∃ isPropP = {!!}
In particular, truncating twice is the same as truncating once.
∃≃∃∃ : (∃ P) ≃ (∃ ∃ P) ∃≃∃∃ = isProp→≃∃ isProp-∃
With propositional truncation, we can finally define the proposition
representing “or” which has eluded us. The type A ⊎ B
has some
element exactly when A
has some element or B
has some element.
Therefore, we can define A orP B
as the proposition that there
exists an element in A ⊎ B
_orP_ : Type ℓ → Type ℓ' → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') A orP B = ∃ (A ⊎ B)
Here’s how we can justify that this is the correct definition. First
of all, clearly A orP B
is always a proposition, via isProp-∃
And, it has the correct universal mapping property with respect to
other propositions: P orP Q → R
exactly when P → R
and Q → R
orP-ump-≃ : {P Q R : Type ℓ} → isProp P → isProp Q → isProp R → (P → R) × (Q → R) ≃ (P orP Q → R) -- Exercise: -- orP-ump-≃ pP pQ pR = {!!}
References and Further Reading
- The General Universal Property of the Propositional Truncation, Nicolai Kraus: https://arxiv.org/abs/1411.2682