Lecture 3-1: The Structure Identity Principle
In Lecture 2-X we saw how univalence can be used to show that paths between types the same as equivalences between those types. But what if our types have extra structure, like algebraic operations or axioms? In this Lecture, we extend univalence to the Structure Identity Principle, which shows that paths between structured types are equivalent to structure-preserving equivalences between those types.
We’ll be following the paper Internalizing representation independence with univalence, by Angiuli, Cavallo, Mörtberg and Zeuner.
What exactly is “structure”? A structure on a type is some collection of functions involving that type and axioms that those functions have to satisfy. To describe that collection, we will simply use a function from types to types: the input type is the “carrier” type of the structure, and the output type is the extra data that that is necessary to equip the carrier with the specified structure.
StrNotion : (ℓ ℓ' : Level) → Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')) StrNotion ℓ ℓ' = Type ℓ → Type ℓ'
Almost the simplest example of a structure we can give is that of a “magma”, which is simply a binary operation that need not satisfy any additional properties.
Magma-Str : StrNotion ℓ ℓ Magma-Str X = X → X → X
So, to say that a type X
is a magma, that is, X
has a magma
structure, we have to equip it with an element of Magma-Str X
. The
type of all magmas (with a fixed universe level) is then:
record Magmaʳ (ℓ : Level) : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where constructor Magma-data field typ : Type ℓ str : Magma-Str typ open Magmaʳ
So for example, the natural numbers form a Magma
ℕ-Magmaʳ : Magmaʳ ℓ-zero ℕ-Magmaʳ .typ = ℕ ℕ-Magmaʳ .str = _+ℕ_
Show that the booleans form a Magma
under and
Bool-and-Magmaʳ : Magmaʳ ℓ-zero -- Exercise: -- Bool-and-Magmaʳ = {!!}
We usually want to know that our operations obey some axioms. For example, a “semigroup” is a type with an associative binary operation.
Semigroup-Str : StrNotion ℓ ℓ Semigroup-Str X = Σ[ _·_ ∈ (X → X → X) ] ((x y z : X) → x · (y · z) ≡ (x · y) · z) record Semigroupʳ (ℓ : Level) : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where constructor Semigroup-data field type : Type ℓ str : Semigroup-Str type open Semigroupʳ
We have already seen that addition of natural numbers is associative,
so this shows that ℕ
is also a semigroup:
ℕ-Semigroup : Semigroupʳ ℓ-zero ℕ-Semigroup .type = ℕ ℕ-Semigroup .str = _+ℕ_ , +ℕ-assoc
A single type can support many non-equal versions of the same
structure. We could have done just the same with Bool
and and
Notions of structure like this are what we are going to generalise.
Given a notion of structure S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ'
, an S
type is an element of
record Type-with (ℓ : Level) (S : StrNotion ℓ ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc ℓ) ℓ') where constructor Type-with-data field type : Type ℓ str : S type open Type-with explode-Type-with : {ℓ : Level} {S : StrNotion ℓ ℓ'} → Type-with ℓ S ≃ (Σ[ X ∈ Type ℓ ] S X) explode-Type-with = inv→equiv (λ t → t .type , t .str) (λ p → Type-with-data (p .fst) (p .snd)) (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → refl)
So, we reconstruct our Magma
and Semigroup
types as
Magma : (ℓ : Level) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) Magma ℓ = Type-with ℓ Magma-Str Semigroup : (ℓ : Level) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) Semigroup ℓ = Type-with ℓ Semigroup-Str ℕ-Magma : Magma ℓ-zero ℕ-Magma .type = ℕ ℕ-Magma .str = _+ℕ_ Bool-and-Magma : Magma ℓ-zero Bool-and-Magma .type = Bool Bool-and-Magma .str = _and_
The definitions of Magma
and Semigroup
above should more
properly be called ∞-Magma
and ∞-Semigroup
, because we have not
assumed that the underlying types X
are sets. General types have
higher-dimensional paths, and to be well behaved, a notion of
structure typically has to 1) kill the higher paths or 2) add
equations explaining how the operations interact with paths. Here’s
how option 1) looks here:
Semigroup-Set-Str : StrNotion ℓ ℓ Semigroup-Set-Str X = Σ[ _·_ ∈ (X → X → X) ] ((x y z : X) → x · (y · z) ≡ (x · y) · z) × isSet X Semigroup-Set : (ℓ : Level) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) Semigroup-Set ℓ = Σ[ X ∈ Type ℓ ] Semigroup-Set-Str X ℕ-Semigroup-Set : Semigroup-Set ℓ-zero ℕ-Semigroup-Set = ℕ , _+ℕ_ , +ℕ-assoc , isSet-ℕ
Structured Equivalences
Not all functions between structured types respect the structure that the types come with. For magmas, semigroups, monoids, groups and so on, we are only interested in homomorphisms: those functions that respect the underlying binary operation. This is easy to describe as a type.
isMagmaHom : (A B : Magma ℓ) → (A .type → B .type) → Type ℓ isMagmaHom (Type-with-data A _·A_) (Type-with-data B _·B_) f = (a₁ a₂ : A) → f (a₁ ·A a₂) ≡ (f a₁) ·B (f a₂)
The function isZero : ℕ → Bool
is a homomorphism, as long as we
choose the right Magma
structure on both sides.
isZero-isHom : isMagmaHom ℕ-Magma Bool-and-Magma isZero -- Exercise: -- isZero-isHom a a' = {!!}
An equivalence of magmas is an ordinary equivalence between types so
that the underlying function is a homomorphism in this above sense.
is of course not an equivalence.)
_≃[Magma]_ : (A B : Magma ℓ) → Type ℓ A ≃[Magma] B = Σ[ e ∈ A .type ≃ B .type ] (isMagmaHom A B (e .map))
Again, this situation is what we want to generalise to other notions
of structure. Let us define a “notion of structured equivalence” to be
the extra information that an equivalence needs in order to respect
the structures on the types at either end. In the magma case, this is
the isMagmaHom
type. A structured equivalence is then an
equivalence together with an instance of this information.
StrEquivNotion : (S : StrNotion ℓ ℓ'') (ℓ' : Level) → Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')) ℓ'') StrEquivNotion S ℓ' = (A B : Type-with _ S) → A .type ≃ B .type → Type ℓ' record StrEquiv {S : StrNotion ℓ ℓ'} (ι : StrEquivNotion S ℓ'') (A : Type-with ℓ S) (B : Type-with ℓ S) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ'') where constructor StrEquiv-data field eq : A .type ≃ B .type proof : ι A B eq open StrEquiv explode-StrEquiv : {S : StrNotion ℓ ℓ'} {ι : StrEquivNotion S ℓ''} {A : Type-with ℓ S} {B : Type-with ℓ S} → StrEquiv ι A B ≃ (Σ[ e ∈ A .type ≃ B .type ] ι A B e) explode-StrEquiv = inv→equiv (λ t → t .eq , t .proof) (λ p → StrEquiv-data (p .fst) (p .snd)) (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → refl)
To make this easier to read, we’ll add some nicer syntax for these structured equivalences.
_≃[_]_ : {S : StrNotion ℓ ℓ'} → (A : Type-with ℓ S) (ι : StrEquivNotion S ℓ'') (B : Type-with ℓ S) → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ'') A ≃[ ι ] B = StrEquiv ι A B Magma-EquivNotion : StrEquivNotion Magma-Str ℓ Magma-EquivNotion A B e = isMagmaHom A B (e .map)
How do we know when we’ve chosen the right notion of structure for our equivalences? Well, the crucial feature of equivalences is univalence; that equivalences between types can be turned into paths in the universe. We will use this as a guide for our structured equivalences. Whatever the notion of structured equivalence is, it should be possible to turn it into a path between the structures, as a path-over the path between types given by univalence. That is, we will seek to inhabit the following type.
-- mvrnote: should rename this, not propositional StrNotion-isUnivalent : (S : StrNotion ℓ ℓ') (ι : StrEquivNotion S ℓ'') → Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc ℓ) ℓ') ℓ'') StrNotion-isUnivalent S ι = {A B : Type-with _ S} (e : A .type ≃ B .type) → ι A B e ≃ PathP (λ i → S (ua e i)) (A .str) (B .str)
For our Magma-EquivNotion
, this is:
≃[Magma]-univalent : {A B : Magma ℓ} (e : A .type ≃ B .type) → isMagmaHom A B (e .map) ≃ PathP (λ i → Magma-Str (ua e i)) (A .str) (B .str)
We can indeed prove this, by gluing together lots of equivalences that we’ve already shown in previous lectures. It’s boring and fiddly, so we’ll just do it for you.
The upshot of knowing ≃[Magma]-univalent
is that we can upgrade
univalence to something that works on entire magmas, and not just
their underlying types. This is what we call the structure identity
SIP-Magma : {A B : Magma ℓ} → (A ≃[ Magma-EquivNotion ] B) ≃ (A ≡ B) SIP-Magma {A = A} {B = B} = (A ≃[ Magma-EquivNotion ] B) ≃⟨ explode-StrEquiv ⟩ Σ[ e ∈ (A .type ≃ B .type) ] Magma-EquivNotion A B e ≃⟨ Σ-map-≃ (invEquiv univalence) ≃[Magma]-univalent ⟩ Σ[ p ∈ (A .type ≡ B .type) ] PathP (λ i → Magma-Str (p i)) (A .str) (B .str) ≃⟨ ΣPath≃PathΣ ⟩ (A .type , A .str) ≡ (B .type , B .str) ≃⟨ ap-≃ (invEquiv explode-Type-with) ⟩ (A ≡ B) ∎e
This works totally generically using the abstract setup we have been developing so far. Try putting the pieces together!
module _ {S : StrNotion ℓ ℓ'} {ι : StrEquivNotion S ℓ'} (θ : StrNotion-isUnivalent S ι) (A B : Type-with ℓ S) where SIP : (A ≃[ ι ] B) ≃ (A ≡ B) -- Exercise: -- SIP = {!!} sip : (A ≃[ ι ] B) → A ≡ B -- Exercise: -- sip = {!!} sipInv : A ≡ B → A ≃[ ι ] B -- Exercise: -- sipInv = {!!}
Transferring Proofs
Alright, that was a lot of set-up, so let’s try and get some payoff. Once we have paths between structures, we can attempt to transfer proofs between those structures.
First, an easy warmup. Bool
is also a magma under or
, and in
fact the function not
is a structured equivalence between these
two versions of Bool
as a magma.
Bool-or-Magma : Magma ℓ-zero Bool-or-Magma .type = Bool Bool-or-Magma .str = _or_ not-isMagmaHom : (a a' : Bool) → not (a or a') ≡ (not a and not a') not-isMagmaHom true true = refl not-isMagmaHom true false = refl not-isMagmaHom false true = refl not-isMagmaHom false false = refl not-[Magma]≃ : Bool-or-Magma ≃[ Magma-EquivNotion ] Bool-and-Magma not-[Magma]≃ .eq = not-≃ not-[Magma]≃ .proof = not-isMagmaHom Bool-or≡Bool-and : Bool-or-Magma ≡ Bool-and-Magma Bool-or≡Bool-and = sip ≃[Magma]-univalent Bool-or-Magma Bool-and-Magma not-[Magma]≃
Way back in Lecture 2-X, we showed that or
is an associative
operation. We can use this path that we just proved to transfer this
proof over to and
or≡and : PathP (λ i → Magma-Str (Bool-or≡Bool-and i .type)) _or_ _and_ or≡and i = Bool-or≡Bool-and i .str and-assoc : (m n o : Bool) → m and (n and o) ≡ (m and n) and o and-assoc = transport (λ i → (m n o : Bool-or≡Bool-and i .type) → or≡and i m (or≡and i n o) ≡ or≡and i (or≡and i m n) o) or-assoc
This wasn’t too impressive, because and-assoc
would have been easy
enough to prove by hand. But this works for equivalences of any
complexity. For a more interesting example, let’s look at a binary
representation of the natural numbers.
We can think of a binary number as being built up from left to right,
one digit at a time. Starting with the empty string
to zero, each additional digit doubles the value of all the previous
digits, and then decides whether or not to add 1. For 1101
say, we have
corresponds to11
corresponds to110
corresponds to1101
corresponds to
This is what we want to capture as an inductive data-type, with a
catch: we don’t want our binary strings to be allowed to begin with a
string of pointless 0
s. To avoid this, we will replace the “just
multiply by two” option with an “add one and multiply by two” option,
so that we no longer have many different ways to represent zero.
In all, we have partitioned the natural numbers into three categories: zero, non-zero even (so ), or odd (so ).
Aside: We’ve stolen this encoding from the redtt project.
data ℕᵇ : Type where zeroᵇ : ℕᵇ 2×[1+_] : ℕᵇ → ℕᵇ -- n → 2 × (1+n) = nonzero even numbers 1+[2×_] : ℕᵇ → ℕᵇ -- n → 1 + (2×n) = odd numbers
These can be easily converted from and to regular natural numbers. In
one direction by ordinary induction and sucᵇ
sucᵇ : ℕᵇ → ℕᵇ sucᵇ zeroᵇ = 1+[2× zeroᵇ ] sucᵇ 2×[1+ b ] = 1+[2× (sucᵇ b) ] sucᵇ 1+[2× b ] = 2×[1+ b ] ℕ→ℕᵇ : ℕ → ℕᵇ ℕ→ℕᵇ zero = zeroᵇ ℕ→ℕᵇ (suc n) = sucᵇ (ℕ→ℕᵇ n)
In the other direction, by turning the constructors of ℕᵇ
into the
corresponding operations on ℕ
ℕᵇ→ℕ : ℕᵇ → ℕ -- Exercise: (Use `doubleℕ`!) -- ℕᵇ→ℕ b = {!!}
These functions are components of an equivalence.
ℕᵇ→ℕ-suc : (n : ℕᵇ) → ℕᵇ→ℕ (sucᵇ n) ≡ suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ n) ℕᵇ→ℕ-suc zeroᵇ = refl ℕᵇ→ℕ-suc 2×[1+ b ] i = suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ-suc b i)) ℕᵇ→ℕ-suc 1+[2× b ] = refl ℕᵇ≃ℕ : ℕᵇ ≃ ℕ ℕᵇ≃ℕ = inv→equiv ℕᵇ→ℕ ℕ→ℕᵇ to-fro fro-to where to-fro : isSection ℕᵇ→ℕ ℕ→ℕᵇ to-fro zero = refl to-fro (suc n) = ℕᵇ→ℕ (sucᵇ (ℕ→ℕᵇ n)) ≡⟨ ℕᵇ→ℕ-suc (ℕ→ℕᵇ n) ⟩ suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ (ℕ→ℕᵇ n)) ≡⟨ ap suc (to-fro n) ⟩ suc n ∎ sucᵇ-to-doubleℕ : (n : ℕ) → sucᵇ (ℕ→ℕᵇ (doubleℕ n)) ≡ 1+[2× (ℕ→ℕᵇ n)] sucᵇ-to-doubleℕ zero = refl sucᵇ-to-doubleℕ (suc n) i = sucᵇ (sucᵇ (sucᵇ-to-doubleℕ n i)) fro-to : isRetract ℕᵇ→ℕ ℕ→ℕᵇ fro-to zeroᵇ = refl fro-to 2×[1+ b ] = sucᵇ (sucᵇ (ℕ→ℕᵇ (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b)))) ≡⟨ ap sucᵇ (sucᵇ-to-doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b)) ⟩ 2×[1+ ℕ→ℕᵇ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b) ] ≡⟨ ap 2×[1+_] (fro-to b) ⟩ 2×[1+ b ] ∎ fro-to 1+[2× b ] = sucᵇ (ℕ→ℕᵇ (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b))) ≡⟨ sucᵇ-to-doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b) ⟩ 1+[2× ℕ→ℕᵇ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b) ] ≡⟨ ap 1+[2×_] (fro-to b) ⟩ 1+[2× b ] ∎ ℕᵇ≡ℕ : ℕᵇ ≡ ℕ ℕᵇ≡ℕ = ua ℕᵇ≃ℕ
Now ℕᵇ
also supports an inductive addition operation, so we can
give it a Magma
_+ℕᵇ_ : ℕᵇ → ℕᵇ → ℕᵇ zeroᵇ +ℕᵇ y = y 2×[1+ b ] +ℕᵇ zeroᵇ = 2×[1+ b ] 2×[1+ b ] +ℕᵇ 2×[1+ c ] = 2×[1+ sucᵇ (b +ℕᵇ c) ] 2×[1+ b ] +ℕᵇ 1+[2× c ] = sucᵇ 2×[1+ (b +ℕᵇ c) ] 1+[2× b ] +ℕᵇ zeroᵇ = 1+[2× b ] 1+[2× b ] +ℕᵇ 2×[1+ c ] = sucᵇ 2×[1+ (b +ℕᵇ c) ] 1+[2× b ] +ℕᵇ 1+[2× c ] = sucᵇ 1+[2× (b +ℕᵇ c) ] infixl 6 _+ℕᵇ_ ℕᵇ-Magma : Magma ℓ-zero ℕᵇ-Magma .type = ℕᵇ ℕᵇ-Magma .str = _+ℕᵇ_
The last thing to do is verify that the ℕᵇ→ℕ
function respects
this Magma
strucutre. This involves some pain, but we’ve done most
of it for you.
doubleℕ-+ℕ : (n m : ℕ) → doubleℕ (n +ℕ m) ≡ doubleℕ n +ℕ doubleℕ m doubleℕ-+ℕ zero m = refl doubleℕ-+ℕ (suc n) m i = suc (suc (doubleℕ-+ℕ n m i)) ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom : (b c : ℕᵇ) → ℕᵇ→ℕ (b +ℕᵇ c) ≡ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b) +ℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ c) ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom zeroᵇ c = refl ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom 2×[1+ b ] zeroᵇ = ap (suc ∘ suc) (sym (+ℕ-idr (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b)))) ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom 2×[1+ b ] 2×[1+ c ] = ℕᵇ→ℕ (2×[1+ b ] +ℕᵇ 2×[1+ c ]) ≡⟨ refl ⟩ ℕᵇ→ℕ (2×[1+ sucᵇ (b +ℕᵇ c) ]) ≡⟨ refl ⟩ doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ (sucᵇ (b +ℕᵇ c)))) ≡⟨ ap (doubleℕ ∘ suc) (ℕᵇ→ℕ-suc (b +ℕᵇ c)) ⟩ doubleℕ (suc (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ (b +ℕᵇ c)))) ≡⟨ ap (doubleℕ ∘ suc ∘ suc) (ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom b c) ⟩ doubleℕ (suc (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ b +ℕ ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ≡⟨ ap (doubleℕ ∘ suc) (sym (+ℕ-comm-helper (ℕᵇ→ℕ b) (ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ⟩ doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ b) +ℕ suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ c)) ≡⟨ doubleℕ-+ℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ b)) (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ c)) ⟩ doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ b)) +ℕ doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ c)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩ ℕᵇ→ℕ (2×[1+ b ]) +ℕ ℕᵇ→ℕ (2×[1+ c ]) ∎ ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom 2×[1+ b ] 1+[2× c ] = ℕᵇ→ℕ (2×[1+ b ] +ℕᵇ 1+[2× c ]) ≡⟨ refl ⟩ ℕᵇ→ℕ 1+[2× sucᵇ (b +ℕᵇ c) ] ≡⟨ refl ⟩ suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ (sucᵇ (b +ℕᵇ c)))) ≡⟨ ap (suc ∘ doubleℕ) (ℕᵇ→ℕ-suc (b +ℕᵇ c)) ⟩ suc (doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ (b +ℕᵇ c)))) ≡⟨ ap (suc ∘ doubleℕ ∘ suc) (ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom b c) ⟩ suc (doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ b +ℕ ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ≡⟨ ap (suc ∘ suc ∘ suc) (doubleℕ-+ℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b)(ℕᵇ→ℕ c)) ⟩ suc (suc (suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b) +ℕ doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ c)))) ≡⟨ ap (suc ∘ suc) (sym (+ℕ-comm-helper (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b)) (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ c)))) ⟩ suc (suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b) +ℕ suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ c)))) ≡⟨ refl ⟩ (doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ b)) +ℕ suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ≡⟨ refl ⟩ ℕᵇ→ℕ (2×[1+ b ]) +ℕ ℕᵇ→ℕ (1+[2× c ]) ∎ ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom 1+[2× b ] zeroᵇ = ap suc (sym (+ℕ-idr (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b)))) ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom 1+[2× b ] 2×[1+ c ] = -- Exercise: -- ℕᵇ→ℕ (1+[2× b ] +ℕᵇ 2×[1+ c ]) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- ℕᵇ→ℕ 1+[2× sucᵇ (b +ℕᵇ c) ] ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ (sucᵇ (b +ℕᵇ c)))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- suc (doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ (b +ℕᵇ c)))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- suc (doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ b +ℕ ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b +ℕ suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b) +ℕ doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- (suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b)) +ℕ (doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ c)))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- ℕᵇ→ℕ (1+[2× b ]) +ℕ ℕᵇ→ℕ (2×[1+ c ]) ∎ ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom 1+[2× b ] 1+[2× c ] = -- Exercise: -- ℕᵇ→ℕ (1+[2× b ] +ℕᵇ 1+[2× c ]) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- ℕᵇ→ℕ 2×[1+ b +ℕᵇ c ] ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- (doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ (b +ℕᵇ c)))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- (doubleℕ (suc (ℕᵇ→ℕ b +ℕ ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- suc (suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b +ℕ ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- suc (suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b) +ℕ doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- (suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ b))) +ℕ (suc (doubleℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ c))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- (ℕᵇ→ℕ 1+[2× b ]) +ℕ (ℕᵇ→ℕ 1+[2× c ]) ∎ ℕᵇ≃[Magma]ℕ : ℕᵇ-Magma ≃[ Magma-EquivNotion ] ℕ-Magma ℕᵇ≃[Magma]ℕ .eq = ℕᵇ≃ℕ ℕᵇ≃[Magma]ℕ .proof = ℕᵇ→ℕ-hom ℕᵇ-Magma≡ℕ-Magma : ℕᵇ-Magma ≡ ℕ-Magma ℕᵇ-Magma≡ℕ-Magma = sip ≃[Magma]-univalent ℕᵇ-Magma ℕ-Magma ℕᵇ≃[Magma]ℕ
Now we can transfer proofs about ℕ
to proofs about ℕᵇ
essentially no effort. Showing +ℕᵇ-assoc
by hand would be painful!
+ℕ≡+ℕᵇ : PathP (λ i → ℕᵇ≡ℕ (~ i) → ℕᵇ≡ℕ (~ i) → ℕᵇ≡ℕ (~ i)) _+ℕ_ _+ℕᵇ_ +ℕ≡+ℕᵇ i = ℕᵇ-Magma≡ℕ-Magma (~ i) .str +ℕᵇ-assoc : (m n o : ℕᵇ) → m +ℕᵇ (n +ℕᵇ o) ≡ (m +ℕᵇ n) +ℕᵇ o +ℕᵇ-assoc = transport (λ i → (m n o : ℕᵇ≡ℕ (~ i)) → +ℕ≡+ℕᵇ i m (+ℕ≡+ℕᵇ i n o) ≡ +ℕ≡+ℕᵇ i (+ℕ≡+ℕᵇ i m n) o) +ℕ-assoc
Thank goodness!
Let’s do an example that points towards some applications in computer science. Here’s a structure we could use for a first-in, first-out queue:
Maybe : Type ℓ → Type ℓ Maybe A = ⊤ ⊎ A Queue-Str : Type → StrNotion ℓ ℓ Queue-Str A X = X × (A → X → X) × (X → Maybe (X × A))
There are three components, with the following interpretation:
, the empty queue,enq
, which “enqueues” a new element onto the back of the queue,deq
, which “dequeues” an element off the front of the queue, either giving back the new queue and the removed element, or giving back nothing if the queue is empty.
These are just the raw operations that we would expect a queue to
have, but nothing actually forces it to behave reasonably. (For
example, we could define a Queue-Str
that is just ⊤
regardless of what the type A
To force the queues to actually do something, we’ll want them to satisfy at least the following axioms:
return-or-enq : (Q : Type-with ℓ (Queue-Str A)) → A → Maybe (Q .type × A) → Q .type × A return-or-enq (Type-with-data Q (emp , enq , deq)) a (inl tt) = emp , a return-or-enq (Type-with-data Q (emp , enq , deq)) a (inr (q , b)) = enq a q , b Queue-Axioms : Type-with ℓ (Queue-Str A) → Type ℓ Queue-Axioms {A = A} (Type-with-data Q (emp , enq , deq)) = (deq emp ≡ inl tt) × ((a : A) (q : Q) → deq (enq a q) ≡ inr (return-or-enq (Type-with-data Q (emp , enq , deq)) a (deq q))) × ((a a' : A) → (q q' : Q) → enq a q ≡ enq a' q' → (a ≡ a') × (q ≡ q')) × ((q q' : Q) → deq q ≡ deq q' → q ≡ q')
In words, these say:
- There’s nothing on the front of the empty queue,
- Enqueueing then dequeueing is the same as dequeuing and enqueueing (taking care when the queue starts empty)
- Enqueueing is an injective operation
- Dequeueing is an injective operation (when you include the element that gets dequeued)
Let’s see our first queue implementation: a simple list, where elements are enqueued onto to the front of the list, and dequeued from the back of the list.
SlowQueue : Type → Type SlowQueue A = List A empˢ : SlowQueue A empˢ = [] enqˢ : A → SlowQueue A → SlowQueue A enqˢ = _::_ deqMap : {X Y : Type ℓ} → (X → Y) → Maybe (X × A) → Maybe (Y × A) deqMap f = ⊎-map idfun (λ (x , a) → (f x , a)) deqˢ : SlowQueue A → Maybe (SlowQueue A × A) deqˢ [] = inl tt deqˢ (x :: []) = inr ([] , x) deqˢ (x :: x' :: xs) = deqMap (enqˢ x) (deqˢ (x' :: xs)) SlowQueue-model : (A : Type) → Type-with ℓ-zero (Queue-Str A) SlowQueue-model A .type = SlowQueue A SlowQueue-model A .str = empˢ , enqˢ , deqˢ
What makes this “slow”? Well, every time we dequeue, we walk through the whole list to get to the end element, and reconstruct a new list that has that element removed.
There is a famous solution to this problem, which replaces the single list by a pair of lists. Elements are enqueued onto the front of the first list and dequeued from the front of the second list. Whenever this second list is empty, we replace it with the reverse of the front list, so that we indeed end up with a first-in, first-out queue. The cost of reaching the back of the queue for every deque is replaced by an occasional “batch” operation which does the work once.
Aside: This kind of “batched” queue mvrnote: reference “amortised cost”
In cubical type theory we can do one better,
data FastQueue (A : Type) : Type where FQ⟨_,_⟩ : (xs : List A) → (ys : List A) → FastQueue A tilt : (xs ys : List A) → (z : A) → FQ⟨ xs ++ [ z ] , ys ⟩ ≡ FQ⟨ xs , ys ++ [ z ] ⟩ trunc : isSet (FastQueue A) empᶠ : FastQueue A empᶠ = FQ⟨ [] , [] ⟩ enqᶠ : A → FastQueue A → FastQueue A enqᶠ a FQ⟨ xs , ys ⟩ = FQ⟨ a :: xs , ys ⟩ enqᶠ a (tilt xs ys z i) = tilt (a :: xs) ys z i enqᶠ a (trunc q q' α β i j) = trunc _ _ (λ i → enqᶠ a (α i)) (λ i → enqᶠ a (β i)) i j
Dequeueing is a little more difficult, and we’ll need to prove some basic facts about lists. We’ll do them all now to get them out of the way.
++-unit-l : (xs : List A) → [] ++ xs ≡ xs ++-unit-l xs = refl ++-unit-r : (xs : List A) → xs ++ [] ≡ xs ++-unit-r [] = refl ++-unit-r (x :: xs) = ap (_::_ x) (++-unit-r xs) ++-assoc : (xs ys zs : List A) → (xs ++ ys) ++ zs ≡ xs ++ ys ++ zs ++-assoc [] ys zs = refl ++-assoc (x :: xs) ys zs = ap (_::_ x) (++-assoc xs ys zs) reverse-++ : (xs ys : List A) → reverse (xs ++ ys) ≡ reverse ys ++ reverse xs reverse-++ [] ys = sym (++-unit-r (reverse ys)) reverse-++ (x :: xs) ys = reverse ((x :: xs) ++ ys) ≡⟨ ap (λ zs → zs ++ [ x ]) (reverse-++ xs ys) ⟩ (reverse ys ++ reverse xs) ++ [ x ] ≡⟨ ++-assoc (reverse ys) (reverse xs) [ x ] ⟩ reverse ys ++ reverse (x :: xs) ∎ reverse-snoc : (xs : List A) (y : A) → reverse (xs ++ [ y ]) ≡ y :: reverse xs reverse-snoc [] y = refl reverse-snoc (x :: xs) y = ap (_++ [ x ]) (reverse-snoc xs y) reverse-reverse : (xs : List A) → reverse (reverse xs) ≡ xs reverse-reverse [] = refl reverse-reverse (x :: xs) = reverse (reverse (x :: xs)) ≡⟨ reverse-snoc (reverse xs) x ⟩ x :: reverse (reverse xs) ≡⟨ ap (x ::_) (reverse-reverse xs) ⟩ x :: xs ∎ isProp-≡List : isSet A → (xs ys : List A) → isProp (xs ≡List ys) isProp-≡List sA [] [] = isProp-⊤ isProp-≡List sA [] (y :: ys) = isProp-∅ isProp-≡List sA (x :: xs) [] = isProp-∅ isProp-≡List sA (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = isProp-× (sA x y) (isProp-≡List sA xs ys) isSet-List : isSet A → isSet (List A) isSet-List sA xs ys = isProp-equiv (≡≃≡List xs ys) (isProp-≡List sA xs ys)
multitilt : (xs ys zs : List A) → FQ⟨ xs ++ reverse zs , ys ⟩ ≡ FQ⟨ xs , ys ++ zs ⟩ multitilt xs ys [] = λ i → FQ⟨ (++-unit-r xs i) , (sym (++-unit-r ys) i) ⟩ multitilt xs ys (z :: zs) = FQ⟨ xs ++ reverse (z :: zs) , ys ⟩ ≡⟨ ap (λ ws → FQ⟨ ws , ys ⟩) (sym (++-assoc xs (reverse zs) [ z ])) ⟩ FQ⟨ (xs ++ reverse zs) ++ [ z ] , ys ⟩ ≡⟨ tilt (xs ++ reverse zs) ys z ⟩ FQ⟨ xs ++ reverse zs , ys ++ [ z ] ⟩ ≡⟨ multitilt xs (ys ++ [ z ]) zs ⟩ FQ⟨ xs , (ys ++ [ z ]) ++ zs ⟩ ≡⟨ ap (λ ws → FQ⟨ xs , ws ⟩) (++-assoc ys [ z ] zs) ⟩ FQ⟨ xs , ys ++ z :: zs ⟩ ∎ deqʳ-flush : List A → Maybe (FastQueue A × A) deqʳ-flush [] = inl tt deqʳ-flush (x :: xs) = inr (FQ⟨ [] , xs ⟩ , x) deqᶠ : isSet A → FastQueue A → Maybe (FastQueue A × A) deqᶠ sA FQ⟨ xs , [] ⟩ = deqʳ-flush (reverse xs) deqᶠ sA FQ⟨ xs , y :: ys ⟩ = inr (FQ⟨ xs , ys ⟩ , y) deqᶠ sA (tilt xs [] z i) = path i where path = deqʳ-flush (reverse (xs ++ [ z ])) ≡⟨ ap deqʳ-flush (reverse-++ xs [ z ]) ⟩ inr (FQ⟨ [] , [] ++ reverse xs ⟩ , z) ≡⟨ ap (λ q → inr (q , z)) (sym (multitilt [] [] (reverse xs))) ⟩ inr (FQ⟨ [] ++ reverse (reverse xs) , [] ⟩ , z) ≡⟨ ap (λ ys → inr (FQ⟨ ys , [] ⟩ , z)) (reverse-reverse xs) ⟩ inr (FQ⟨ xs , [] ⟩ , z) ∎ deqᶠ sA (tilt xs (y :: ys) z i) = inr (tilt xs ys z i , y) deqᶠ sA (trunc q q' α β i j) = isSet-⊎ isSet-⊤ (isSet-× trunc sA) (deqᶠ sA q) (deqᶠ sA q') (λ k → deqᶠ sA (α k)) (λ k → deqᶠ sA (β k)) i j FastQueue-model : (A : Type) → isSet A → Type-with ℓ-zero (Queue-Str A) FastQueue-model A sA .type = FastQueue A FastQueue-model A sA .str = empᶠ , enqᶠ , deqᶠ sA
-- mvrnote: rename to slow→fast etc or something quot : {A : Type} → SlowQueue A → FastQueue A quot xs = FQ⟨ xs , [] ⟩ eval : {A : Type} → isSet A → FastQueue A → SlowQueue A eval sA FQ⟨ xs , ys ⟩ = xs ++ reverse ys eval sA (tilt xs ys z i) = path i -- mvrnote: cleanup into equational reasoning where path : (xs ++ [ z ]) ++ reverse ys ≡ xs ++ reverse (ys ++ [ z ]) path = ++-assoc xs [ z ] (reverse ys) ∙ ap (_++_ xs) (sym (reverse-++ ys [ z ])) eval sA (trunc q q' α β i j) = isSet-List sA (eval sA q) (eval sA q') (λ k → eval sA (α k)) (λ k → eval sA (β k)) i j quot∘eval : {A : Type} → (sA : isSet A) → isRetract (eval {A = A} sA) quot quot∘eval sA FQ⟨ xs , ys ⟩ = multitilt xs [] ys quot∘eval sA (tilt xs ys z i) j = isSet→Square trunc (λ i → quot (eval sA (tilt xs ys z i))) (tilt xs ys z) (multitilt (xs ++ [ z ]) [] ys) (multitilt xs [] (ys ++ [ z ])) i j quot∘eval sA (trunc q q' α β i j) = toPathP {A = λ i → PathP (λ j → quot (eval sA (trunc q q' α β i j)) ≡ trunc q q' α β i j) (quot∘eval sA q) (quot∘eval sA q')} {a₀ = λ k → quot∘eval sA (α k)} {a₁ = λ k → quot∘eval sA (β k)} (isProp-equiv (PathP≃Path _) (isProp→isSet (trunc (quot (eval sA q')) q') _ _) _ _) i j eval∘quot : {A : Type} → (sA : isSet A) → isSection (eval {A = A} sA) quot eval∘quot sA = ++-unit-r quotEquiv : isSet A → SlowQueue A ≃ FastQueue A quotEquiv sA = inv→equiv quot (eval sA) (quot∘eval sA) (eval∘quot sA)
Now if you have any sense, you are dreading the prospect of coming up with the notion
of structured equivalence for Queue-Str
and proving that it is univalent.
Structure, Compositionally
mvrnote: prose
record UnivalentNotion (ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level) : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))) where constructor univalentNotionData field notion : StrNotion ℓ ℓ' -- "structureFor"? equivNotion : StrEquivNotion notion ℓ'' -- "isStructurePreserving" univalenceNotion : StrNotion-isUnivalent notion equivNotion -- "isUnivalent" open UnivalentNotion Constant-UStr : (A : Type ℓ') → UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ' ℓ' Constant-UStr A .notion _ = A Constant-UStr A .equivNotion X₁ X₂ _ = X₁ .str ≡ X₂ .str Constant-UStr A .univalenceNotion e = idEquiv _ Pointed-UStr : UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ ℓ Pointed-UStr .notion X = X Pointed-UStr .equivNotion A B f = f .map (str A) ≡ str B Pointed-UStr .univalenceNotion f = Path≃ua-PathP f -- mvrnote: projection helper functions? Product-UStr : (S₁ : UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₁') → (S₂ : UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ₂ ℓ₂') → UnivalentNotion ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ₁ ℓ₂) (ℓ-max ℓ₁' ℓ₂') Product-UStr S₁ S₂ .notion X = S₁ .notion X × S₂ .notion X Product-UStr S₁ S₂ .equivNotion X₁ X₂ f = (S₁ .equivNotion (Type-with-data (X₁ .type) (X₁ .str .fst)) (Type-with-data (X₂ .type) (X₂ .str .fst)) f) × (S₂ .equivNotion (Type-with-data (X₁ .type) (X₁ .str .snd)) (Type-with-data (X₂ .type) (X₂ .str .snd)) f) Product-UStr S₁ S₂ .univalenceNotion e = ΣPath≃PathΣ ∘e (×-map-≃ (S₁ .univalenceNotion e) (S₂ .univalenceNotion e)) Function-UStr : (S : UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₁') → (T : UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ₂ ℓ₂') → UnivalentNotion ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ₁ ℓ₂) (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓ₁ ℓ₁') ℓ₂') Function-UStr S T .notion X = S .notion X → T .notion X Function-UStr S T .equivNotion X₁ X₂ e = (s₁ : S .notion (X₁ .type)) (s₂ : S .notion (X₂ .type)) → S .equivNotion (Type-with-data (X₁ .type) s₁) (Type-with-data (X₂ .type) s₂) e → T .equivNotion (Type-with-data (X₁ .type) (X₁ .str s₁)) (Type-with-data (X₂ .type) (X₂ .str s₂)) e Function-UStr S T .univalenceNotion e = funextP-ump-≃ ∘e Π-map-cod≃ (λ s → Π-map-cod≃ (λ t → →-map-≃ (invEquiv (S .univalenceNotion e)) (T .univalenceNotion e))) Axioms-Str : {ℓa : Level} → (S : UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ' ℓ'') → (axioms : (X : Type ℓ) → S .notion X → Type ℓa) → (axioms-are-Props : (X : Type ℓ) (s : S .notion X) → isProp (axioms X s))→ UnivalentNotion ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓa) ℓ'' Axioms-Str S ax isP .notion X = Σ[ s ∈ S .notion X ] (ax X s) Axioms-Str S ax isP .equivNotion X₁ X₂ e = S .equivNotion (Type-with-data (X₁ .type) (X₁ .str .fst)) (Type-with-data (X₂ .type) (X₂ .str .fst)) e Axioms-Str S ax isP .univalenceNotion {X₁} {X₂} e = S .equivNotion (Type-with-data (X₁ .type) (X₁ .str .fst)) (Type-with-data (X₂ .type) (X₂ .str .fst)) e ≃⟨ S .univalenceNotion e ⟩ PathP (λ i → S .notion (ua e i)) (X₁ .str .fst) (X₂ .str .fst) ≃⟨ invEquiv (Σ-fst-≃ λ _ → isContr-retract (equiv→retract (PathP≃Path _)) (isProp→isContr≡ (isP _ _) _ _)) ⟩ Σ[ p ∈ PathP (λ i → S .notion (ua e i)) (X₁ .str .fst) (X₂ .str .fst) ] PathP (λ i → ax (ua e i) (p i)) (X₁ .str .snd) (X₂ .str .snd) ≃⟨ ΣPath≃PathΣ ⟩ PathP (λ i → Axioms-Str S ax isP .notion (ua e i)) (X₁ .str .fst , X₁ .str .snd) (X₂ .str .fst , X₂ .str .snd) ∎e
mvrnote: Re-do magma
Let’s reconstruct the Magma example using these new combinators.
Magma-Strᵥ₂ : UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ ℓ Magma-Strᵥ₂ = Function-UStr Pointed-UStr (Function-UStr Pointed-UStr Pointed-UStr) Magmaᵥ₂ : (ℓ : Level) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) Magmaᵥ₂ ℓ = Type-with ℓ (Magma-Strᵥ₂ .notion)
That was certainly much less work, but did we get the right thing out? Not quite. The structure itself is correct:
_ = λ {ℓ : Level} → test-identical (Magma-Str {ℓ}) (Magma-Strᵥ₂ {ℓ} .notion)
But the notion of homomorphism is not, instead of reconstructing
, instead we get the following equivalent but more
annoying type.
isMagmaHomᵥ₂ : (A B : Magmaᵥ₂ ℓ) → (A .type → B .type) → Type ℓ isMagmaHomᵥ₂ A B f = (a₁ : A .type) → (b₁ : B .type) → f a₁ ≡ b₁ → (a₂ : A .type) → (b₂ : B .type) → f a₂ ≡ b₂ → f (a₁ ·A a₂) ≡ b₁ ·B b₂ where _·A_ = A .str _·B_ = B .str _ = λ {ℓ : Level} (A B : Type-with ℓ (Magma-Strᵥ₂ .notion)) (e : A .type ≃ B .type) → test-identical (Magma-Strᵥ₂ .equivNotion A B e) (isMagmaHomᵥ₂ A B (e .map))
Transport Structures
Let’s spend some time trying to work around this.
record TransportNotion (ℓ ℓ' : Level) : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')) where constructor univalentNotionData field notion : StrNotion ℓ ℓ' equivAction : {X Y : Type ℓ} → X ≃ Y → notion X ≃ notion Y transportStr : {X Y : Type ℓ} (e : X ≃ Y) (s : notion X) → equivAction e .map s ≡ subst notion (ua e) s open TransportNotion TransportNotion→UnivalentNotion : TransportNotion ℓ ℓ' → UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ' ℓ' TransportNotion→UnivalentNotion T .notion = T .notion TransportNotion→UnivalentNotion T .equivNotion X Y e = T .equivAction e .map (X .str) ≡ (Y .str) TransportNotion→UnivalentNotion T .univalenceNotion {X} {Y} e = T .equivAction e .map (X .str) ≡ (Y .str) ≃⟨ path→equiv (ap (_≡ (Y .str)) (T .transportStr e (X .str))) ⟩ subst (T .notion) (ua e) (X .str) ≡ (Y .str) ≃⟨ invEquiv (PathP≃Path _) ⟩ PathP (λ i → T .notion (ua e i)) (X .str) (Y .str) ∎e Constant-TrStr : (A : Type ℓ') → TransportNotion ℓ ℓ' Constant-TrStr A .notion _ = A Constant-TrStr A .equivAction _ = idEquiv _ Constant-TrStr A .transportStr e _ = sym (transport-refl _) Pointed-TrStr : TransportNotion ℓ ℓ Pointed-TrStr .notion X = X Pointed-TrStr .equivAction e = e Pointed-TrStr .transportStr e _ = sym (transport-refl _) Product-TrStr : (S₁ : TransportNotion ℓ ℓ₁) → (S₂ : TransportNotion ℓ ℓ₂) → TransportNotion ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ₁ ℓ₂) Product-TrStr S₁ S₂ .notion X = S₁ .notion X × S₂ .notion X Product-TrStr S₁ S₂ .equivAction e = ×-map-≃ (S₁ .equivAction e) (S₂ .equivAction e) Product-TrStr S₁ S₂ .transportStr e (s₁ , s₂) i = (S₁ .transportStr e s₁ i , S₂ .transportStr e s₂ i) Function-UStr+ : (S : TransportNotion ℓ ℓ₁) → (T : UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ₂ ℓ₂') → UnivalentNotion ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ₁ ℓ₂) (ℓ-max ℓ₁ ℓ₂') Function-UStr+ S T .notion X = S .notion X → T .notion X Function-UStr+ S T .equivNotion X Y e = (s : S .notion (X .type)) → T .equivNotion (Type-with-data (X .type) (X .str s)) (Type-with-data (Y .type) (Y .str (S .equivAction e .map s))) e Function-UStr+ S T .univalenceNotion {X} {Y} e = ((x : S .notion (X .type)) → T .equivNotion (Type-with-data (X .type) (X .str x)) (Type-with-data (Y .type) (Y .str (S .equivAction e .map x))) e) ≃⟨ Π-map-cod≃ (λ x → T .univalenceNotion e) ⟩ ((s : S .notion (X .type)) → PathP (λ i → T .notion (ua e i)) (X .str s) (Y .str (S .equivAction e .map s))) ≃⟨ path→equiv (λ i → ((s : S .notion (X .type)) → PathP (λ i → T .notion (ua e i)) (X .str s) (Y .str (S .transportStr e s i)))) ⟩ ((s : S .notion (X .type)) → PathP (λ i → T .notion (ua e i)) (X .str s) (Y .str (subst (S .notion) (ua e) s))) ≃⟨ Π-map-cod≃ (λ _ → path→equiv (PathP≡Path' _ _ _) ) ⟩ ((x : S .notion (X .type)) → X .str x ≡ transport (λ i → T .notion (ua e (~ i))) (Y .str (subst (S .notion) (ua e) x))) ≃⟨ funext-≃ ⟩ X .str ≡ (λ z → transport (λ i → T .notion (ua e (~ i))) (Y .str (subst (S .notion) (ua e) z))) ≃⟨ invEquiv (path→equiv (PathP≡Path' _ (X .str) (Y .str))) ⟩ PathP (λ i → S .notion (ua e i) → T .notion (ua e i)) (X .str) (Y .str) ∎e Magma-Strᵥ₃ : UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ ℓ Magma-Strᵥ₃ = Function-UStr+ Pointed-TrStr (Function-UStr+ Pointed-TrStr Pointed-UStr) _ = λ (ℓ : Level) (A B : Type-with ℓ Magma-Str) (e : A .type ≃ B .type) → test-identical (Magma-Strᵥ₃ .equivNotion A B e) (isMagmaHom A B (e .map))
Queues again
Maybe-Str : (S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁) → Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁ Maybe-Str S X = Maybe (S X) Maybe-TrStr : TransportNotion ℓ ℓ' → TransportNotion ℓ ℓ' Maybe-TrStr S .notion X = Maybe (S .notion X) Maybe-TrStr S .equivAction e = ⊎-map-≃ (idEquiv ⊤) (S .equivAction e) Maybe-TrStr S .transportStr e (inl x) = refl Maybe-TrStr S .transportStr e (inr x) = ap inr (S .transportStr e x)
Queue-UStr : (A : Type) → UnivalentNotion ℓ ℓ ℓ Queue-UStr A = Product-UStr Pointed-UStr (Product-UStr (Function-UStr+ (Constant-TrStr A) (Function-UStr+ Pointed-TrStr Pointed-UStr)) (Function-UStr+ Pointed-TrStr (TransportNotion→UnivalentNotion (Maybe-TrStr (Product-TrStr Pointed-TrStr (Constant-TrStr A))))))
deqMap-∘ : {B C D : Type ℓ} (g : C → D) (f : B → C) → ∀ r → deqMap {A = A} g (deqMap f r) ≡ deqMap (g ∘ f) r deqMap-∘ g f (inl _) = refl deqMap-∘ g f (inr (b , a)) = refl -- Now it only remains to prove that this is an equivalence of queue structures quot∘emp : quot {A = A} empˢ ≡ empᶠ quot∘emp = refl quot∘enq : (x : A) → (xs : SlowQueue A) → quot (enqˢ x xs) ≡ enqᶠ x (quot xs) quot∘enq x xs = refl quot∘deq : (sA : isSet A) → (xs : SlowQueue A) → deqMap quot (deqˢ xs) ≡ deqᶠ sA (quot xs) quot∘deq sA [] = refl quot∘deq sA (x :: []) = refl quot∘deq sA (x :: x' :: xs) = deqMap-∘ quot (enqˢ x) (deqˢ (x' :: xs)) ∙ sym (deqMap-∘ (enqᶠ x) quot (deqˢ (x' :: xs))) ∙ ap (deqMap (enqᶠ x)) (quot∘deq sA (x' :: xs)) ∙ lemma x x' (reverse xs) where lemma : ∀ x x' ys → deqMap (enqᶠ x) (deqʳ-flush (ys ++ [ x' ])) ≡ deqʳ-flush ((ys ++ [ x' ]) ++ [ x ]) lemma x x' [] i = inr (tilt [] [] x i , x') lemma x x' (y :: ys) i = inr (tilt [] (ys ++ [ x' ]) x i , y) quotEquivHasQueueEquivStr : (sA : isSet A) → Queue-UStr A .equivNotion (SlowQueue-model A) (FastQueue-model A sA) (quotEquiv sA) quotEquivHasQueueEquivStr sA = quot∘emp , quot∘enq , quot∘deq sA
Let’s get some payoff. There are lots of things we might like to be
true about queues, and they are easy to prove about our SlowQueue
mvrnote: Project ideas?
References and Further Reading
mvrnote: https://1lab.dev/1Lab.Univalence.SIP.html Internalizing Representation Independence with Univalence https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.05547 https://github.com/agda/cubical/blob/master/Cubical/Data/BinNat/BinNat.agda https://staff.math.su.se/anders.mortberg/slides/PalmgrenMemorial2020.pdf https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3373718.3394755
mvrnote: to be sorted/deleted
We will now revisit the previous simplified monoid structure to show how we can construct it as a univalent structure.
Notice how we only used the raw monoid structure to define the univalent structure above! We did that because there is a need to carefully separate the raw structure of a type from its axioms. The reason for that is that we need to show that every axiom on a structure is also a proposition.
We define an axiom structure as follows:
We can now use our new axiom structure to extend the raw monoid structure to a full monoid with all of its axioms.
-- RawMonoidStructure : StrNotion ℓ ℓ -- RawMonoidStructure = ProductStr PointedStr (FunctionStr PointedStr (FunctionStr PointedStr PointedStr)) -- RawMonoidEquivStr : StrEquivNotion RawMonoidStructure ℓ -- RawMonoidEquivStr = ProductEquivStr PointedEquivStr (FunctionEquivStr PointedEquivStr (FunctionEquivStr PointedEquivStr PointedEquivStr)) -- RawMonoid : (ℓ : Level) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) -- RawMonoid ℓ = Type-with ℓ RawMonoidStructure -- ≃[Monoid]-univalent : StrNotion-isUnivalent (RawMonoidStructure {ℓ}) (RawMonoidEquivStr {ℓ}) -- ≃[Monoid]-univalent = productStrNotion-isUnivalent -- {S₁ = PointedStr} pointedStrNotion-isUnivalent -- {S₂ = FunctionStr PointedStr (FunctionStr PointedStr PointedStr)} (functionStrNotion-isUnivalent {T = FunctionStr PointedStr PointedStr} pointedStrNotion-isUnivalent (functionStrNotion-isUnivalent {T = PointedStr} pointedStrNotion-isUnivalent pointedStrNotion-isUnivalent)) -- RawMonoidEquivStr : StrEquivNotion RawMonoidStructure ℓ -- RawMonoidEquivStr (A , (εA , _·A_)) (B , (εB , _·B_)) (φ , t) = -- (φ εA ≡ εB) × ((a a' : A) → φ (a ·A a') ≡ φ a ·B φ a')
-- MonoidAxioms : (A : Type ℓ) → RawMonoidStructure A → Type ℓ -- MonoidAxioms A (e , _·_) = -- isSet A -- × ((x y z : A) → x · (y · z) ≡ (x · y) · z) -- × ((x : A) → x · e ≡ x) -- × ((x : A) → e · x ≡ x) -- MonoidStructure : StrNotion ℓ ℓ -- MonoidStructure = AxiomsStr RawMonoidStructure MonoidAxioms -- Monoid : (ℓ : Level) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) -- Monoid ℓ = Type-with ℓ MonoidStructure -- MonoidEquivStr : StrEquivNotion MonoidStructure ℓ -- MonoidEquivStr = AxiomsEquivStr RawMonoidEquivStr MonoidAxioms -- isPropMonoidAxioms : (M : Type ℓ) (s : RawMonoidStructure M) → isProp (MonoidAxioms M s) -- isPropMonoidAxioms M (e , _·_) = isPropΣ isProp-isSet λ s → -- isProp× (isPropΠ λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → s _ _) ( -- isProp× (isPropΠ λ _ → s _ _) -- (isPropΠ λ _ → s _ _)) -- mvrnote: Or directly, eg -- λ x y i → (λ x₁ y₁ z → s _ _ (fst x x₁ y₁ z) (fst y x₁ y₁ z) i) , ({!!} , {!!}) -- monoidStrNotion-isUnivalent : ∀ {ℓ} → StrNotion-isUnivalent (MonoidStructure {ℓ}) (MonoidEquivStr {ℓ}) -- monoidStrNotion-isUnivalent = axiomsStrNotion-isUnivalent _ isPropMonoidAxioms rawMonoidStrNotion-isUnivalent