Lecture 1-1: Types and Functions

A type theory is a formal system for keeping track of what type of thing every mathematical object is. This idea is familiar from computer science; since everything in a computer is stored as a chunk of bits, it is important to record what any given chunk of bits is supposed to mean. Is this chunk of bits meant to be a number or a piece of text? Or a program that can be run? If we don’t keep track of how we are supposed to use some chunk of bits, we run the risk of accidentally considering some text as a very large number and adding it to another number.

When we say that some piece of data is “meant” to be a number, what we mean is that we intend to use it like a number: use it to perform some arithmetic, or control how many times we repeat a process, etc. A type theory, then, is a formal language for keeping track of our intentions with data.

In this course, we will focus on mathematical aspects of type theory. With an expressive enough language for describing our intentions with data, it turns out that we can formalize essentially all of mathematics. The basic work of mathematics — defining concepts and structures, constructing examples, stating and proving propositions — can all be expressed in the language of the particular type theory we will be using: a variant of Martin-Löf type theory called Cubical Type Theory.

To keep us honest, we will be using a program called Agda to check that the definitions we make in Cubical Type Theory are sensible. Agda is a so-called “proof assistant” that can not only verify our work, but help us craft our proofs and arguments in the first place. The file you are reading right now uses a format called “literate Agda”, which interleaves commentary and code: all the lines between the triple backticks are actual Agda code that can be loaded, which you should try now by pressing C-c C-l.

Aside: Agda is a programming language, but is unlike most programming languages used by software engineers. The most similar languages used in practice are “functional” languages like OCaml, Racket, and especially Haskell. (Agda is written in Haskell and its syntax has some similarities.)

The basic statement of any type theory is a claim of the form “this a is a thing of type A”. We write this symbolically using a colon, so a : A. In the expression a : A, the a is an “element” of the type A.

The vast majority of any Agda file consists of definitions, which always have two parts. First, a declaration that specifies the name of the thing we are defining together with the type it is going to have. Second, a list of equations that define the actual content of the definition.

three :    -- This line declares that `three` is a natural number.
three = 3   -- This line defines `three` to be the actual number 3
            -- (Everything after a double dash in a line is a comment.)

In this case the definition only requires one equation to be complete, but we will soon see examples with more than one.

In Lecture 1-2, we’ll see how to define specific types of data like the Booleans and natural numbers (such as the number 3 we used in the above definition). For this lecture, we’ll focus on the most fundamental concepts in type theory: functions types and pair types.

Function Types

A function f : A → B may be thought of in (at least) two ways:

  1. An operation which takes an element x : A as input and produces an element f(x) : B as output.
  2. An element f(x) : B whose definition involves a variable element x : A.

As in other functional programming languages, these are functions in the mathematical sense: providing the same input always yields the same output, and a function is not allowed to cause side-effects like changing the state of memory or performing IO.

Here is our first Agda function: a function called double that has type ℕ → ℕ, which doubles the natural number that you give it.

double :   
double x = 2 · x

Functions are defined by placing a variable name to the left of the = sign, which can then be used on the right. So here, double accepts x as input and produces 2 · x as output. (We have provided the actual definition of the multiplication of natural numbers · behind the scenes.)

We can apply a function f : A → B to an argument a : A by writing f a : B — note the lack of parentheses around a!

hopefully-six : 
hopefully-six = double 3

We can get Agda to actually compute this definition by pressing C-c C-n (for “normalise”) and typing hopefully-six. Just to make absolutely sure, the following helper will test that Agda considers the expressions hopefully-six and 6 identical.

_ = test-identical hopefully-six 6

Here we are witnessing the computation rule for functions. When double is applied to an argument, that argument is substituted in for corresponding variable wherever it appears in the definition of the function. So in this case, double 3 computes to 2 · 3, which is indeed 6. (And 2 · 3 is computed in just the same way, substituting 2 and 3 into our behind-the-scenes definition of ·.)

Functions of multiple arguments can be defined by giving multiple variable names to the left of the = sign. For the type of the function, we chain together “ℕ →” to indicate that we are accepting several natural numbers, one at a time. (We’ll come back to this in a minute.)

cents :         
cents quarters dimes nickels pennies =
  (25 · quarters) + (10 · dimes) + (5 · nickels) + pennies

hopefully-one-dollar : 
hopefully-one-dollar = cents 3 1 2 5

_ = test-identical hopefully-one-dollar 100

Aside: Agda doesn’t care if the definition spans multiple lines so long as there is some whitespace at the beginning of the line so that it doesn’t look like the start of a different definition.

For your very first exercise, try writing a function of two arguments that ignores the second argument and just gives back the first.

constℕ :     
-- Exercise:
-- constℕ a b = {!!}

The area contained within the curly brackets is known as a hole, a gap in the code where some expression is still required to make the definition complete. To fill in the hole, place your cursor between the brackets and enter your attempted definition. (Hint: it’s a). To ask Agda to accept it, type C-c C-space, which is the keybinding for “give solution”. If Agda is satisfied that your definition fits, the curly brackets will disappear and the hole will be replaced by what you have written.

Caution: At the time of writing, MacOS may capture C-space and open the Spotlight search bar. If this happens to you, use C-c C-r for “refine” as a replacement.

In this case, you could also provide b as a solution, and Agda would also accept it! Agda can only check that your code is type-correct, and not that it actually does what you want. For most future exercises however, the types involved will be very constraining and you will struggle to provide any definition other than the intended one.

So far our inputs and outputs have all been , but there is no particular reason for this. We can even write functions that take other functions as input. Here’s a very simple example: the function applyℕ we show next accepts a function and a natural number as input, and give back the result of applying the function to that argument.

applyℕ : (  )    
applyℕ f a = f a

Although we see the symbols f a appearing on both sides, they have different meanings in each location. On the left, we are specifying that the function applyℕ takes two arguments, f followed by a. On the right, we are using the function f by applying it to a.

In fact, we have secretly written a couple of functions that give another function as output already. For example, the operator on types associates to the right, so Agda actually reads the above type of constℕ as

constℕ₂ :   (  )
constℕ₂ a b = a

How do we make sense of this? The definitions of the functions constℕ and constℕ₂ are literally identical to Agda, but the way we have written them suggests two different ways we can think of functions of multiple arguments:

  • The function constℕ is a function of two variables a and b, yielding the one.
  • The function constℕ₂ is a function of a single variable a, which returns a new function ℕ → ℕ which takes b : ℕ, ignores it, and yields the original a.

We can use some additional Agda syntax to this second perspective explicit. This is known formally as λ-abstraction.

constℕ₃ :   (  )
constℕ₃ a = λ (b : )  a

In a lot of programming languages such expressions are called anonymous functions, so-called because the function doesn’t get a name.

The syntax λ (x : A) → t defines the function of type A → B which sends x to t, where t : B is some expression potentially involving the variable x. The λ (Greek letter lambda) comes to us from Church’s λ-calculus, an early formal system for defining functions intended as a model of general computability. Notice also that we are re-using the symbol: in A → B this symbol forms a new type out of A and B, and in λ (x : A) → t it introduces a function given a term t with a free variable x.

constℕ₃ is now a function of a single argument that gives back a function of type ℕ → ℕ. This general technique of describing functions of multiple arguments via functions that return functions is called currying, after the computer scientist Haskell Curry (whose name is also immortalized in the programming language Haskell).

Providing the type of the argument is optional in a λ-abstraction, so we could just as well have written:

constℕ₄ :   (  )
constℕ₄ a = λ b  a

Agda knows from the type of constℕ₄ that the type of b must be .

To input the λ symbol in Emacs or VSCode yourself, use \Gl (for “Greek l”), or \lam, or if you like, \lambda. And by the way, you can type the arrow by typing \to. We will use a lot of Unicode symbols in these notes, and it will be useful to know how to type them quickly! The file UNICODE_DICITONARY.md contains all the symbols we use and how to input them.

Aside: For any of the Unicode symbols in these notes, you can use your editor to lookup how they are entered in Agda-mode. In Emacs, place your cursor over the symbol and type M-x describe-char. A window will pop up with details about the symbol: the line beginning with to input: is what you want. In VSCode, use the command C-x C-=. A text box will appear that you can paste the character into. Test it out on the symbol here: .

Let’s test out this perspective on functions by defining another function in these two different ways. Try writing a function that adds one to a natural number, where the argument is accepted to the left of the = symbol. As before, place your cursor in the goal, type your definition, and press C-c C-space to give it to Agda.

add-one₁ :   
-- Exercise:
-- add-one₁ x = {!!}

Now write it again but using a λ-abstraction on the right of the =. You can give the type of the argument explicitly, or let Agda figure it out itself, to your taste.

add-one₂ :   
-- Exercise:
-- add-one₂ = {!!}

When applied to an argument, a function defined by λ-abstraction computes in exactly the same way as an ordinary definition: the argument is substituted in for the variable wherever it appears.

_ = test-identical 
  ((λ (x : )  x + 1) three)
  (three + 1)

Finally, a slightly more complicated example with more than one argument. This function should hand the provided arguments to f in the opposite order. For the version using λ, you will have to use λ twice.

flipℕ₁ : (    )
-- Exercise:
-- flipℕ₁ f x y = {!!}

flipℕ₂ : (    )
        (    )
-- Exercise:
-- flipℕ₂ f = {!!}

Aside: We’ve broken the type declarations over multiple lines. This is fine by Agda, as long as the subsequent lines begin with some whitespace.

Aside: In the future, you should feel free to add arguments to the left of the = sign if that will lead to a nicer definition. But be warned: you will have to re-load the file via C-c C-l in order for Agda to pick up the new arguments, otherwise you will get errors claiming that the new variables are “not in scope”.

Having λ-abstraction available exposes a new concern. From any function f : ℕ → ℕ (or really any function between any two types), we can define a new function ℕ → ℕ which accepts a as input, and then immediately applies f to that input. Really, this a λ-abstraction version of applyℕ from above.

applyℕ₂ : (  )    
applyℕ₂ f = λ x  f x

And there’s nothing stopping us from repeating this process to produce more and more functions ℕ → ℕ:

f  ~>  (λ x → f x)  ~>  (λ y → (λ x → f x) y)  ~>  ...

The uniqueness principle for functions expresses that any function is identical to its expanded version that uses a λ in this way. So in fact, all these functions are equal.

_ = test-identical double    (x : )  double x)
_ = test-identical add-one₁  (x : )  add-one₁ x)

_ = test-identical double    (y : )   (x : )  double x) y)
_ = test-identical add-one₁  (y : )   (x : )  add-one₁ x) y)

This shouldn’t be too surprising. If we apply (λ x → f x) to some argument n, first we substitute in for x, giving f n, which is exactly what we get if we apply f to n directly.

Generic Definitions

The functions we have written so far are all specialised to work with elements of the type . For example, we have the identity (i.e. do-nothing) function

idfunℕ :   
idfunℕ x = x

Writing this to only work for is overly restrictive, after all, we don’t actually use any properties of on the right-hand side. Instead, we can define an identity function A → A that works for any type A at all.

idfunᵉ : (A : Type)  (A  A)
idfunᵉ A x = x

Let’s understand why the type of idfunᵉ is more complicated than just idfunᵉ : A → A. The extra bit “(A : Type) →” is there because A → A itself involves a variable: the type A. This A is then an additional argument to the function, so it also appears on the left of the = in the definition on the next line.

If we think in terms of currying, idfunᵉ is a function of a variable A, which is a type. When applied, idfunᵉ A gives back the identity function A → A for that type.

Like every variable in Agda, A itself has a type, in this case the type Type. This is a type whose elements themselves are types, typically these are type universes. We will have more to say about them in Lecture 1-X.

We can reconstruct idfunℕ back by providing to idfunᵉ:

idfunℕ₂ :   
idfunℕ₂ = idfunᵉ 

And we can similarly generalise all the functions we have defined so far.

constᵉ : (A : Type)  (B : Type)  A  B  A
constᵉ A B a b = a

applyᵉ : (A : Type)  (B : Type)  (A  B)  A  B
applyᵉ A B f a = f a

Aside: This idea of accepting a type as an argument to a function is similar to but not quite the same as “parametric polymorphism”, which you may have seen in other programming languages. In a typical language with polymorphism, one can make generic definitions but there is a strict separation between the world of types and the world of elements. In a fully “dependently typed” language like Agda, types can be passed around and used like any other function argument.

Try the following. You will have to either write the argument lists yourself, or use a bunch of λ on the right-hand side. Remember to include the types in your list of arguments now!

apply-twiceᵉ : (A : Type)
   (A  A)
-- Exercise:
-- apply-twiceᵉ = {!!}

flipᵉ : (A : Type)  (B : Type)  (C : Type)
   (A  B  C)
   (B  A  C)
-- Exercise:
-- flipᵉ = {!!}

Let’s do one more important example, as a way to introduce a few more Agda hotkeys. For any three types, we can compose functions between them:

composeᵉ : (A : Type)  (B : Type)  (C : Type)
   (B  C)
   (A  B)
   (A  C)
-- Exercise:
-- composeᵉ A B C g f = {!!}

You may be able to fill this in immediately, but for some more Agda practice try the following. Place your cursor in the goal and type C-c C-,. Agda will show you the type of the goal, in this case A → C, and all of the variables you have available to construct it. Because the type of a goal is a function, Agda knows that a λ expression can go here. Type C-c C-r to “refine” the goal; this will automatically insert a λ:

composeᵉ A B C g f = λ x → {!!}

Typing C-c C-, again, you will see that the goal is now a term of type just C. We know that we can get a term of C by applying g to something, so type g in the goal. Now, hit C-c C-., which will show you both the goal type (C), and the type of what you have placed in the hole right now (B → C).

These don’t line up, but Agda is clever enough to know that g is still progress: if you type C-c C-r again to refine the goal, Agda will accept g in place, and move it out of the hole.

composeᵉ A B C g f = λ x → g {!!}

Now, C-c C-, again tells us that the goal is a term of type B, and this time we can produce one using f. Putting f and hitting C-c C-r again:

composeᵉ A B C g f = λ x → g (f {!!})

Finally, the goal type is A, and we have x available, so we can put x in the hole and type C-c C-space to give it to Agda.

composeᵉ A B C g f = λ x → g (f x)

This is the kind of interaction you should expect to do while solving more complicated exercises: repeatedly using C-c C-, to ask Agda what it expects to see, and then using C-c C-r to refine the goal or C-c C-space to give a solution that completes the goal immediately.

Implicit Arguments

There are a couple more tricks before we reach the true definitions of idfun, const etc. that we will actually use. For each of these functions, the type arguments are necessary so that the function can know which types should be used in the input and output, but in some sense actually specifying these arguments is redundant. For example, the x argument to idfunᵉ is of type A, so if we know what x is, we also know what A has to be.

Agda lets us make arguments implicit so that they are automatically reconstructed from the other available information. Implicit arguments are notated by surrounding them in the type by curly braces rather than parentheses:

idfunⁱ : {A : Type}  A  A
idfunⁱ x = x

In the actual definitions, we no longer write these implicit arguments on the left-hand side of the = sign. Formally, those arguments are still there: we are still defining a function that accepts some types as arguments: these arguments are just invisible in the code. This is just a cosmetic difference compared to idfunᵉ, but these implicit arguments save a huge amount of typing in the long run.

One more time, we can reproduce idfunℕ by letting Agda realise what the type A has to be:

idfunℕ₃ :   
idfunℕ₃ = idfunⁱ

Agda will complain if it fails to reconstruct an implicit argument from the other arguments you provide, though if we choose carefully which arguments to make implicit then this will rarely happen. We can force it to use a particular choice of implicit argument by providing that argument surrounded by curly braces, as follows:

idfunℕ₄ :   
idfunℕ₄ = idfunⁱ {A = }

Here is round 3 of defining our favourite functions (with standing for “implicit”):

constⁱ : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  A  B  A
constⁱ a b = a

applyⁱ : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  (A  B)  A  B
applyⁱ f a = f a

apply-twiceⁱ : {A : Type}
   (A  A)
-- Exercise:
-- apply-twiceⁱ = {!!}

flipⁱ : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  {C : Type}
   (A  B  C)
   (B  A  C)
-- Exercise:
-- flipⁱ = {!!}

composeⁱ : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  {C : Type}
   (B  C)
   (A  B)
   (A  C)
-- Exercise:
-- composeⁱ = {!!}

Pair Types

The other basic type forming operation we have is types of pairs. For any types A and B, this is the type A × B. The pair of the elements a : A and b : B is written (a , b) : A × B. The space before the comma in a pair is required: without it Agda thinks you are referring to a variable called a, (which almost certainly doesn’t exist).

my-pair× : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  A  B  (A × B)
my-pair× a b = (a , b)

To use a pair, we can “project” the first and second components using the in-built fst and snd projections, which are written to the right of the element being projected from. This should remind you of the . syntax used to access members of a struct or object in programming languages like C or Java.

my-fst× : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  (A × B)  A
my-fst× p = p .fst

my-snd× : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  (A × B)  B
my-snd× p = p .snd

An important characteristic of pair types is their “universal mapping property”. For pairs, this is a “mapping in” property, meaning that it is especially easy to define maps that go into pair types. If we have a function into the first component A, and a function into the second component B, then to make a function into the pair A × B we apply each function separately and pair up the result.

×-ump-to : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  {C : Type}
   (C  A)  (C  B)  (C  A × B)
×-ump-to f g c = (f c , g c)

We can easily go back: if we have a function into a pair type, then we can reconstruct the original functions by applying the provided function and extracting the result from the appropriate side of the result pair.

×-ump-fro : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  {C : Type}  (C  A × B)  (C  A) × (C  B)
×-ump-fro f =  c  f c .fst) ,  c  f c .snd)

We will have a lot to say about mapping properties for the various types we discuss in these notes.

Pair types also have a uniqueness principle. For functions, we had that any element of a function type is identical to a λ-abstraction. Here, any element of a pair type is identical to an actual pair. This might seem tautological, of course (1 , 2) is identical to an actual pair. But this continues to be true even when the pair is some unknown variable: Agda considers any pair equal to the pairing of its two components:

_ = λ {A : Type} {B : Type} (p : A × B) 
   test-identical p (p .fst , p .snd)

To work with nested pairs, we chain together the uses of the , and fst/snd.

triple× : {A B C : Type}  A  B  C  ((A × B) × C)
triple× a b c = ((a , b) , c)

my-fst×× : {A B C : Type}  ((A × B) × C)  A
my-fst×× t = t .fst .fst

my-snd×× : {A B C : Type}  ((A × B) × C)  B
my-snd×× t = t .fst .snd

my-trd×× : {A B C : Type}  ((A × B) × C)  C
my-trd×× t = t .snd

_ = λ {A B C : Type} (t : (A × B) × C) 
   test-identical t ((t .fst .fst , t .fst .snd) , t .snd)

Aside: Agda allows us to specify arguments with identical types all at once, which we have used above to write {A B C : Type} → ... rather than {A : Type} → {B : Type} → {C : Type} → ... everywhere.

When the argument to a function is a nested pair type like this, it can be annoying to chain together fsts and snds to get at the component that we actually want to use. Agda allows us to use “pattern matching” on an argument to decompose it into its components all at once. This also lets us give the components more meaningful names, rather than having to remember exactly which combination of fst and snd is needed to reach the thing we want. Here are some functions that use this style.

pattern-fst× : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  (A × B)  A
pattern-fst× (a , b) = a

pattern-snd× : {A : Type}  {B : Type}  (A × B)  B
pattern-snd× (a , b) = b

×-assoc-toⁱ : {A B C : Type}  A × (B × C)  (A × B) × C
×-assoc-toⁱ (a , (b , c)) = (a , b) , c

×-assoc-froⁱ : {A B C : Type}  (A × B) × C  A × (B × C)
-- Exercise: (Replace `t` with a pattern like above.)
-- ×-assoc-froⁱ t = {!!}

×-commⁱ : {A B C : Type}  (A × B)  (B × A)
-- Exercise:
-- ×-commⁱ p = {!!}

Forming the product type is functorial, which means that if we have separate functions that transform the sides of a ×, we can put them together to transform the pair type directly.

×-mapⁱ : {A B C D : Type}
   (A  B)
   (C  D)
   (A × C  B × D)
-- Exercise:
-- ×-mapⁱ = {!!}

With pair types we can make precise the currying and uncurrying idea from earlier, going from a function with a single pair argument to a function that returns a function, and vice versa.

×-curry : {A B C : Type}
   ((A × B)  C)
   (A  B  C)
×-curry f x y = f (x , y)

Remember that

((A × B) → C) → (A → (B → C))

has exactly the same meaning as

((A × B) → C) → A → B → C

and so in the definition of ×-curry, we can accept three arguments f : ((A × B) → C), x : A and y : B, and produce a C on the right-hand side.

×-uncurry : {A B C : Type}
   (A  B  C)
   ((A × B)  C)
×-uncurry f p = f (p .fst) (p .snd)

There is nothing special about functions of two arguments here. Try writing similar functions for a function of three arguments. Agda can help us a lot, so we recommend using refine (C-c C-r) liberally when completing these. For ×-uncurry3, writing f and refining will give three new holes, one for each argument that f expects.

×-curry3 : {A B C D : Type}
   (((A × B) × C)  D)
   (A  B  C  D)
-- Exercise:
-- ×-curry3 f x y z = {!!}

×-uncurry3 : {A B C D : Type}
   (A  B  C  D)
   (((A × B) × C)  D)
-- Exercise:
-- ×-uncurry3 f ((x , y) , z) = {!!}

Dependent Types and Dependent Functions

We can think of a function f : A → B as an element f x : B that depends on an element x : A for its definition. What sets Agda (and other dependently typed languages) apart from ordinary functional programming languages is that we can have types that depend on elements for their definition.

As a slightly contrived mathematical example, suppose is a number and consider the set of numbers which are multiples of . We can define this as an Agda type Multiples-Of. (Don’t worry about the actual definition for now.)

Multiples-Of :   Type
Multiples-Of n = Σ[ m   ] Σ[ i   ] m  i · n

Notice that the elements that Multiples-Of n has will depend on the value of n that we choose: different choices will yield genuinely different sets of numbers, and generally speaking an element of Multiples-Of n₁ will not also be an element of Multiples-Of n₂ for some other n₂. In other words, we are describing a function from natural numbers to types, i.e. a function ℕ → Type. A function of this shape (A → Type) is often called a “type family over A”.

Dependent types let us make our functions more powerful. For ordinary functions A → B, the output type of the function is always an element of B. If instead of a single type B : Type we have a type family B : A → Type, Agda allows us to form the type of dependent functions (x : A) → B x which send an element x : A to an element f x : B x.

As a first example, we can refine our double function to remember more information about the result. Sure, the result is always an element of , but we can record the fact that the result is always a multiple of the input:

doubleᵈ : (n : )  Multiples-Of n
doubleᵈ n = double n , 2 ,  i  2 · n)

(Again, don’t worry about the actual definition for now.)

ten-as-multiple : Multiples-Of 5
ten-as-multiple = doubleᵈ 5

Non-dependent functions are a special case of dependent functions, where the type family that we use is constantly the same type.

Constant-ℕ-Family :   Type
Constant-ℕ-Family n =  -- `n` is ignored

doubleⁿ : (n : )  Constant-ℕ-Family n
doubleⁿ = double

Most of the functions in this file have actually been dependent function types already! In idfunᵉ : (A : Type) → (A → A), the type A → A depends on A : Type to make sense at all, so this is a dependent function where the target is the type family

idfun-family : Type  Type
idfun-family A = A  A

That is, when we provide idfunᵉ with some type A, the resulting function we get back is the identity function for that specific type A. Notice that idfun-family is a type family over Type: nothing stops us from having Type on both sides of the .

Here is function composition again, where the two functions involved are now allowed to be dependent.

composeᵈ :
      {A : Type}
     {B : A  Type}
     {C : (x : A)  B x  Type}

     (g : {a : A}  (b : B a)  C a b)
     (f : (a : A)  B a)
     (a : A)  C a (f a)
composeᵈ g f = λ x  g (f x)

The type of composeᵈ is a little gnarly, but you should see that the actual definition is exactly the same as before. You should work through the type of each of the intermediate pieces in the expression λ x → g (f x):

  • x has type A, so
  • f x has type B x, so
  • g (f x) has type C x (f x)

Dependent Pairs

Just as function types generalise to dependent function types, pair types generalise to dependent pair types where the type of the second component is allowed to depend on the value in the first component. If A : Type and B : A → Type, then the dependent pair type is written Σ[ x ∈ A ] B x. These types are often called “sum types” hence the symbol Σ.

Dependent pair types are used just like the non-dependent pair types: we use the comma , to construct a pair and projections fst and snd to deconstruct a pair. Only the types of these things have changed:

my-pairΣ : {A : Type}  {B : A  Type}
          (x : A)
          B x
          Σ[ x  A ] B x
my-pairΣ a b = (a , b)

my-fstΣ : {A : Type}  {B : A  Type}
         Σ[ x  A ] B x
my-fstΣ p = p .fst

my-sndΣ : {A : Type}  {B : A  Type}
         (p : Σ[ x  A ] B x)
         B (p .fst)
my-sndΣ p = p .snd

The type of snd is a little complicated! When we form p .snd, its type depends on what is in the first component p .fst. That is, the type of p .snd is the value of the input type family B : A → Type when evaluated at p .fst. To express that in the type of my-sndΣ, we have to use a dependent function so that B (p .fst) can refer to the pair p.

Try writing the types for a dependently-typed version of ×-mapⁱ. All you need to do is replace the × from the previous definition with an appropriate Σ-type.

-- Exercise:
-- Σ-mapⁱ : {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {A' : Type} {B' : A' → Type}
--       → (f : A → A')
--       → (g : (a : A) → B a → B' (f a))
--       → {!!} → {!!}

Σ-mapⁱ f g (a , b) = (f a , g a b)

Notice that the type of g has changed from the type it had back in ×-mapⁱ. Rather than giving a single function B → B', we have to now give a function B a → B' (f a) for each possible a : A.

×-curry and ×-uncurry can be generalised to work with dependent pairs and functions.

Σ-curryⁱ : {A : Type}  {B : A  Type}  {C : (x : A)  B x  Type}
   ((p : Σ[ x  A ] B x)  C (p .fst) (p .snd))
   (x : A)  (y : B x)  C x y
Σ-curryⁱ f x y = f (x , y)

Σ-uncurryⁱ : {A : Type}  {B : A  Type}  {C : (x : A)  B x  Type}
   ((x : A)  (y : B x)  C x y)
   (p : Σ[ x  A ] B x)  C (p .fst) (p .snd)
Σ-uncurryⁱ f p = f (p .fst) (p .snd)

Like ×, we can chain Σ together however we like. The dependent types do make this a little more complicated though!

Suppose we start with dependent types

  • A : Type,
  • B : A → Type, and
  • C : (x : A) → B x → Type.

Say we already have an element a : A in mind. Then, we can use a Σ-type to form the type Σ[ b ∈ B a ] C a b. This is a type family that works for any a : A, so we can use another Σ-type to give Σ[ a ∈ A ] (Σ[ b ∈ B a ] C a b) in total. This is the type that corresponds to the non-dependent triple A × (B × C).

We can also start pairing on the other side, so using the first two types to form Σ[ a ∈ A ] B a. To combine this with C using another Σ, we now need a type family Σ[ a ∈ A ] B a → Type, which doesn’t match the type of C. But it’s easy to fix that mismatch by projecting the components where we need them:

Σ[ p ∈ (Σ[ a ∈ A ] B a) ] C (p .fst) (p .snd)

This corresponds to the non-dependent triple (A × B) × C.

As with non-dependent pairs, these two types are interconvertible.

-- Exercise:
-- Σ-assoc-toⁱ : {A : Type} → {B : A → Type} → {C : (x : A) → B x → Type}
--   → {!!}
--   → {!!}

Σ-assoc-toⁱ (a , (b , c)) = (a , b) , c

-- Exercise:
-- Σ-assoc-froⁱ : {A : Type} → {B : A → Type} → {C : (x : A) → B x → Type}
--   → {!!}
--   → {!!}

Σ-assoc-froⁱ ((a , b) , c) = a , (b , c)

References and Further Reading

mvrnote: currying dependency https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/HoTT-UF-in-Agda-Lecture-Notes/HoTT-UF-Agda.html#sigmatypes