Lecture 2-3: Substitution and J

A fundamental principle of equality is that we may substitute equal things for equal things. Consider a predicate like isEvenP. If x and y are natural numbers so that x ≡ y, and we know that isEvenP x, then we should certainly be able to conclude that isEvenP y.

There is nothing we’ve seen that lets us do this, so we’ll need a new primitive notion.

mvrnote: more summary


Given a type family B : A → Type thought of as a predicate, and a path p : x ≡ y in the type A, we want a function subst B p : B x → B y that “substitutes x for y in things of type B x”.

subst : (B : A  Type )  (p : x  y)  B x  B y

To see exactly what primitive notion we are missing, consider that we haven’t yet said what a path I → Type should be.

Taking a cue from homotopy theory, we expect that a path between spaces should be a continuous deformation of one space into another — a so-called “homotopy equivalence”. In particular, then, if we have a path A : I → Type, we should be able to “continuously move” an element a : A i0 to some element of A i1. This is called “transporting” the element a from A i0 to A i1 along the path of types A. Agda axiomatizes this idea with a function called transport.

transport : A  B  A  B

Aside: Well, actually, transport is defined via a slightly more general operation unhelpfully called transport-fixing, which we will return to in Lecture 2-X.

transport p a = transport-fixing  i  p i) i0 a

Using transport, we can define subst by transporting in the path of types (λ i → B (p i)) : B x ≡ B y. We know the endpoints of this path are correct because p i0 is exactly x and p i1 is exactly y.

subst B p b = transport  i  B (p i)) b

Our first application of subst is showing that there is no path from true to false in Bool.

true≢false : ¬ (true  false)
true≢false p = subst  b  true ≡Bool b) p tt

Let’s take a minute to make sure we understand what’s going on here. Remember that ¬ is defined to be simply functions into , so true≢false is a function true ≡ false → ∅. That is, to prove that true doesn’t equal false, we assume we have a path true ≡ false and derive a contradiction. How do we do this?

Well, we have by definition that true ≡Bool true is and that true ≡Bool false is , this time using the type family ≡Bool that we defined for observational equality. If we’re given a path p : true ≡ false, then we could replace the second true in true ≡Bool true with false to get an element of true ≡Bool false, which would finish our proof.

The family we are substituting in is therefore (λ b → true ≡Bool b). The resulting term subst (λ b → true ≡Bool b) p is a function true ≡Bool true → true ≡Bool false, so unwinding the definition of ≡Bool, a function ⊤ → ∅. This we can simply feed in tt to obtain an element of , our contradiction.

Try proving a similar fact for , that zero is not equal to any successor.

zero≢suc : {n : }  ¬ zero  suc n
-- Exercise:
-- zero≢suc p = {!!}

While we’re here, we can show that the constructors for are also disjoint. These proofs all go roughly the same way. You’ll first need a predicate IsInl, to take the place of true ≡Bool b in the previous proof.

IsInl : A  B  Type
-- Exercise:
-- IsInl s = {!!}

inl≠inr : ¬ inl x  inr y
-- Exercise:
-- inl≠inr path = {!!}

inr≠inl : ¬ inr x  inl y
-- Exercise:
-- inr≠inl path = {!!}

Martin-Löf’s J Rule

Combining transport with the the De Morgan structure on the interval, we can show a fundamental but not-as-well-known principle of identity: Martin-Löf’s J rule.

Recall the connection∧ square:

     x — — — > y
     ^         ^
refl |         | p               ^
     |         |               j |
     x — — — > x                 ∙ — >
        refl                       i

Reading this square in the i direction, we can see it as a path between refl and p which keeps the beginning of the path constant at x but lets the other end vary along p. We can therefore take any property of the path refl : x ≡ x and transport it to any path p : x ≡ y beginning with x. The J-rule expresses this principle.

J-line : (Q : (y : A)  x  y  Type )
   (p : x  y)
   Q x refl  Q y p
-- Exercise:
-- J-line Q p i = Q {!!} {!!}

J : (Q : (y : A)  x  y  Type ) 
   (r : Q x refl)
   (p : x  y) 
   Q y p
J Q r p = transport (J-line Q p) r

If we think of the dependent type P as a property, then the J rule says that to prove Q y p for all y : A and p : x ≡ y, it suffices to prove P just when y is x and the path p is refl. For this reason, the J rule is sometimes known as “path induction” since it resembles an induction principle like Bool-ind or ℕ-ind: proving a property of all elements of a type by proving the property for specific cases.

For comparison:

  • Induction for Bool: To prove Q b for all b : Bool, it suffices to prove Q true and Q false.
  • Induction for : To prove Q n for all n : ℕ, it suffices to prove Q zero, and Q (suc n) assuming that Q n.
  • Induction for Path: To prove Q y p for all elements y : A and paths p : x ≡ y, it suffices to prove Q x refl.

The induction principle for Bool includes a convenient computation rule: if f b : Q b is defined by induction from x : P true and y : Q false, then if we know b concretely then we get back exactly the corresponding input we used: f true = x and f false = y by definition. We can prove a similar fact for the J rule, but unfortunately we only get a path, and J doesn’t actually compute to r when handed refl.

J-refl : (Q : (y : A)  x  y  Type ) (r : Q x refl)
       J Q r refl  r
J-refl Q r i = transport-fixing  _  Q _ refl) i r

Aside: Right now we don’t have the tools to understand the definition of J-refl, but when we cover transport-fixing in Lecture 2-X, we will recognise the above definition as exactly transport-refl.

The J rule is one half of an equivalence, giving a universal mapping property for paths.

J-ump-≃ : (Q : (y : A)  x  y  Type )
   ((y : A)  (p : x  y)  Q y p)  Q x refl
J-ump-≃ {A = A} {x = x} Q = inv→equiv to fro to-fro fro-to
    to : ((y : A)  (p : x  y)  Q y p)  Q x refl
--  Exercise:
--  to f = {!!}

    fro : Q x refl  ((y : A)  (p : x  y)  Q y p)
--  Exercise:
--  fro q y p = {!!}

    to-fro : isSection to fro
--  Exercise: (Hint: this is an instance of `J-refl`)
--  to-fro q = {!!}

    fro-to : isRetract to fro
--  Exercise: (Hint: use `J` again!)
--  fro-to f i y p = J (λ y' p' → fro (to f) y' p' ≡ f y' p') ? ? ?

When the type family used in J ignores the path, then we recover exactly the subst operation that we started with.

subst-from-J : (B : A  Type )  (p : x  y)  B x  B y
subst-from-J B p b = J  y _  B y) b p

_ = λ { : Level} (A : Type ) (B : A  Type ) (x y : A) (p : x  y) 
   test-identical (subst-from-J B p) (subst B p)

There’s a very subtle point here that is worth mentioning. In the above definition, we used J to define an element of B y given that we already had an element b : B x. But we could also have used J to define the function B x → B y in its entirety.

subst-from-J' : (B : A  Type )  (p : x  y)  (B x  B y)
subst-from-J' {x = x} B p = J  y p  B x  B y) idfun p

Why does this work? Well, we have to produce a function B x → B y when y is in fact the same as x, but this is easy: we have idfun. This subst-from-J’ is no longer exactly the same as subst, but we can still prove them to be the same using J and J-refl.

Applications of J

The J principle is exceptionally powerful, much more powerful than it might appear. In fact, in the bare Martin-Löf theory on which Cubical Type Theory is based, the J rule is taken as one of the defining properties of equality.

sym-from-J : {x y : A}  (x  y)  (y  x)
sym-from-J {x = x} p = J  z _  z  x) refl p

Caution: This is a perfectly valid way to define symmetry, but sym-from-J is not identical to the symmetry function we have already:

-- Fails!
-- _ = λ {A : Type} {x y : A} (p : x ≡ y)
--   → test-identical (sym-from-J p) (sym p)

Try reconstructing ap using J:

ap-from-J : (f : A  B)  {x y : A}  (x  y)  (f x  f y)
ap-from-J f {x} p = J  z _  f x  f z) refl p

More interestingly, we can also get operations we haven’t encountered yet:

comp-from-J : {x y z : A}  (x  y)  (y  z)  (x  z)
comp-from-J {x = x} p q = J  z _  x  z) p q

In these examples, we haven’t yet used the path parameter of the type family Q. This often comes up when proving properties of constructions that have themselves involved J.

sym-inv-from-J : {x y : A}  (p : x  y)  sym-from-J (sym-from-J p)  p
sym-inv-from-J {x = x} {y} p 
  = J  z q  sym-from-J (sym-from-J q)  q) refl-case p
    refl-case : sym-from-J (sym-from-J refl)  refl
    refl-case = comp-from-J (ap sym-from-J (J-refl  z _  z  x) refl)) 
                            (J-refl  z _  z  x) refl)

mvrnote: rewrite the following to not use composition of equivalences, or delete

-- funexthalf-≃ : {A : Type ℓ} {B : I → Type ℓ'}
--   {f : A → B i0} {g : A → B i1}
--   → ((x₀ : A) (x₁ : A) → Path A x₀ x₁ → PathP B (f x₀) (g x₁))
--   ≃ PathP (λ i → A → B i) f g
-- funexthalf-≃ {A = A} {B = B} {f = f} {g = g} =
--   ((x₀ x₁ : A) → Path A x₀ x₁ → PathP B (f x₀) (g x₁))
--   ≃⟨ Π-map-cod≃ (λ x₀ → J-ump-≃ (λ y _ → PathP B (f x₀) (g y))) ⟩
--   ((x : A) → PathP B (f x) (g x))
--   ≃⟨ funextP-≃ ⟩
--   PathP (λ i → A → B i) f g ∎e

-- funextP-ump-≃ : {A : I → Type ℓ} {B : I → Type ℓ'}
--   {f : A i0 → B i0} {g : A i1 → B i1}
--   → ((x₀ : A i0) (x₁ : A i1) → PathP A x₀ x₁ → PathP B (f x₀) (g x₁))
--   ≃ PathP (λ i → A i → B i) f g
-- funextP-ump-≃ {A = A} {B = B} {f = f} {g = g} =
--   J
--   (λ A1 A → {f : A i0 → B i0} {g : A i1 → B i1}
--   → ((x₀ : A i0) (x₁ : A i1) → PathP (λ i → A i) x₀ x₁ → PathP B (f x₀) (g x₁))
--   ≃ PathP (λ i → A i → B i) f g)
--   funexthalf-≃ (λ i → A i)

As we’ve said, it is possible to continue down this road and do all of Homotopy Type Theory relying solely on the J-rule. But working in the cubical style has significant advantages: far more equations hold automatically rather than having to be proved by hand. We’ve just seen an example of this: in sym-inv-from-J we’ve had to do a lot more work to show what in symP-inv was immediate. In the next Lecture we’ll see the more cubical approach to composition of paths, and similar operations.

Paths in Bool

One lingering question is what we get if we look at paths in the inductive types we have seen so far (, , Bool, and ). There is a general way these constructions go for inductive types known as the “encode-decode” method, which is due to Dan Licata.

Let’s take Bool as our first example. We already have a candidate for what paths in Bool should be, that is, ≡Bool. We’ll call this type the code for paths in Bool. Our plan is to show that the type x ≡ y is equivalent to code x y by giving explicit encoding and decoding functions.

≡≃≡Bool : (x y : Bool)  (x  y)  (x ≡Bool y)
≡≃≡Bool x y = inv→equiv (encode x y) (decode x y) (to-fro x y) (fro-to x y)
    code : Bool  Bool  Type
    code x y = x ≡Bool y

We need an encode function that takes paths in Bool to codes, in this case, elements of ≡Bool. It is easy to come up with codes that should correspond to the reflexivity paths:

    encode-refl : (x : Bool)  code x x
    encode-refl true = tt
    encode-refl false = tt

It’s not strange that false is sent to tt: remember that encode-refl false is supposed to encode the fact that false ≡ false, and this is certainly true!

And now the J rule allows us to extend this to all paths. Specifically, we use J for the type family code x : (y : Bool) → Type.

    encode : (x y : Bool)  x  y  code x y
    encode x y = J  z _  code x z) (encode-refl x)

Similarly, we need a decode function that turns codes back into ordinary paths. Looking at x ≡Bool y, once we split x and y into cases we know exactly the type is and can act accordingly. Either the endpoints are the same, in which case we have refl, or the endpoints are different, in which case x ≡Bool y is and we have a contradiction.

    decode : (x y : Bool)  code x y  x  y
    decode true true _ = refl
    decode true false e = ∅-rec e
    decode false true e = ∅-rec e
    decode false false _ = refl

That this is a section is similar, after splitting into cases it’s easy:

    to-fro : (x y : Bool)  isSection (encode x y) (decode x y)
    -- Exercise:
    -- to-fro x y p = {!!}

For the retract, we plan to use J again, so we just have to check the retract property for refl.

    fro-to-refl : (x : Bool)  decode x x (encode x x refl)  refl
    fro-to-refl true = refl
    fro-to-refl false = refl

And the J rule is exactly what is required to extend this to all paths.

    fro-to : (x y : Bool)  isRetract (encode x y) (decode x y) 
    fro-to x y = J  z p  decode x z (encode x z p)  p) (fro-to-refl x)

This completes the equivalence!

The Encode-Decode Method

These encode-decode proofs all have a similar shape. Let’s summarise what we did, noting what was unique to Bool and what we can re-use for an arbitrary type.

We start with a type X with the goal of characterising paths x ≡ y in X. We make a guess at the answer as a type family

  code : X → X → Type

with the idea that code x y will be equivalent to x ≡ y. Choosing code will involve some creativity or luck, but it can usually be intuited from the definition of X. As a rule of thumb, the path types of inductive types should also be describable as inductive types themselves; it is helpful if code is an inductive type so that it is easy to define functions out of it.

For our guess to pass the smell test, we should at least be able to define a function corresponding to reflexivity.

  encode-refl : (x : X) → code x x

With this in hand, we can always make the definition

  encode : (x y : X)  x  y  code x y
  encode x y p = J  z _  code x z) (encode-refl x) p

Next we need a decoding map. So long as we choose code so that it has a nice mapping-out property — for example, when it is an inductive type — this should be easy.

  decode : (x y : X) → code x y → x ≡ y

The proof that this is a section should be similarly easy, because it also involves mapping out of code.

  to-fro : (x y : X) → isSection (encode x y) (decode x y)

All that remains is to prove that it is also a retract. In this case, we need a function with type (x y : X) → decode x y (encode x y p) ≡ p. When p is refl, so we are aiming to construct fro-to-refl : (x y : X) → decode x y (encode x y p) ≡ p, this is easy, because encode was defined in terms of encode-refl. The J rule extends this to a general path.

  fro-to : (x y : X)  isRetract (encode x y) (decode x y) 
  fro-to x y = J  c p  decode x c (encode x c p)  p) (fro-to-refl x)

More Encode-Decode

Try characterising the paths in . This should essentially be the same as the proof for Bool but with half of the cases deleted.

≡≃≡⊤ : (x y : )  (x  y)  
≡≃≡⊤ x y = inv→equiv (encode x y) (decode x y) (to-fro x y) (fro-to x y)
    code :     Type
    code x y = 

    encode-refl : (x : )  code x x
    -- Exercise:
    -- encode-refl x = {!!}

    encode : (x y : )  x  y  code x y
    encode x y p = J  z _  code x z) (encode-refl x) p

    decode : (x y : )  code x y  x  y
    -- Exercise:
    -- decode x y c = {!!}

    to-fro : (x y : )  isSection (encode x y) (decode x y)
    -- Exercise:
    -- to-fro x y c = {!!}

    fro-to-refl : (x : )  decode x x (encode x x refl)  refl
    -- Exercise:
    -- fro-to-refl x = {!!}

    fro-to : (x y : )  isRetract (encode x y) (decode x y) 
    fro-to x y p = J  c p  decode x c (encode x c p)  p) (fro-to-refl x) p

Aside: In code above, we don’t case-split on x and y, because we want to show that (x ≡ y) ≃ ⊤ regardless of what x and y are. If we case split and write code tt tt = ⊤ then the types no longer line up, because Agda doesn’t automatically know that every element of is tt.

For , we already have a candidate for code: observational equality ≡ℕ.

≡≃≡ℕ : (x y : )  (x  y)  (x ≡ℕ y)
≡≃≡ℕ x y = inv→equiv (encode x y) (decode x y) (to-fro x y) (fro-to x y)
    code :     Type
    code x y = x ≡ℕ y

    encode-refl : (x : )  code x x
    -- Exercise:
    -- encode-refl x = {!!}

    encode : (x y : )  x  y  code x y
    encode x y p = J  z _  code x z) (encode-refl x) p

    decode : (x y : )  code x y  x  y
    -- Exercise:
    -- decode x y c = {!!}

    to-fro : (x y : )  isSection (encode x y) (decode x y)
    -- Exercise:
    -- to-fro x y p = {!!}

    fro-to-refl : (x : )  decode x x (encode x x refl)  refl
    -- Exercise:
    -- fro-to-refl x = {!!}

    fro-to : (x y : )  isRetract (encode x y) (decode x y) 
    fro-to x y p = J  z q  decode x z (encode x z q)  q) (fro-to-refl x) p

Next, disjoint unions. We didn’t define a candidate ≡⊎ for the paths to be equal to back in Lecture 1-X as we did with the others, but it’s not hard to guess what it should be. After all, the two sides are supposed to be disjoint, so paths between inls should be exactly paths in the left type, paths between inrs should be exactly paths in the right type, and there should be no paths at all between inls and inrs.

_≡⊎_ : {A B : Type} (x y : A  B)  Type
inl a1 ≡⊎ inl a2 = a1  a2
inl a  ≡⊎ inr b  = 
inr b  ≡⊎ inl a  = 
inr b1 ≡⊎ inr b2 = b1  b2

Aside: This is not the most general definition of ≡⊎ we could use: notice that this only handles types A and B in the lowest universe. To do this right, we would have to land in Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ'), and Lift each right-hand side to that level. This doesn’t change anything important about the encode-decode proof, so we omit it here to cut down on noise.

For this particular proof, it is more convenient to define encode manually by pattern matching, rather than using J.

≡≃≡⊎ : (x y : A  B)  (x  y)  (x ≡⊎ y)
≡≃≡⊎ {A = A} {B = B} x y = inv→equiv (encode x y) (decode x y) (to-fro x y) (fro-to x y)
    code : (x y : A  B)  Type
    code x y = x ≡⊎ y

    encode : (x y : A  B)  x  y  code x y
    encode (inl _) (inl _) = inl-inj
    encode (inl _) (inr _) = inl≠inr
    encode (inr _) (inl _) = inr≠inl
    encode (inr _) (inr _) = inr-inj

    decode : (x y : A  B)  code x y  x  y
--  Exercise:
--  decode x y = {!!}

    to-fro : (x y : A  B)  isSection (encode x y) (decode x y)
--  Exercise:
--  to-fro x y = {!!}

    fro-to-refl : (x : A  B)  decode x x (encode x x refl)  refl
--  Exercise:
--  fro-to-refl x = {!!}

    fro-to : (x y : A  B)  isRetract (encode x y) (decode x y) 
--  Exercise:
--  fro-to x y = {!!}

Finally, Lists. Try this from scratch yourself, using and as a model.

_≡List_ : List A  List A  Type ℓ-zero
-- Exercise:
-- xs ≡List ys = {!!}

≡≃≡List : (xs ys : List A)  (xs  ys)  (xs ≡List ys)
-- Exsercise:
-- ≡≃≡List {A = A} xs ys = {!!}
≡≃≡List {A = A} xs ys = inv→equiv (encode xs ys) (decode xs ys) (to-fro xs ys) (fro-to xs ys)
    IsHead : List A  Type
    IsHead [] = 
    IsHead (_ :: _) = 
    []≠:: : {x : A}  {xs : List A}  ¬ []  (x :: xs)
    []≠:: p = subst IsHead p tt
    head-inj : {x y : A}  {xs ys : List A}  (x :: xs)  (y :: ys)  x  y
    head-inj {x = x} p = ap head p
        head : List A  A
        head [] = x
        head (h :: hs) = h
    tail-inj : {x y : A}  {xs ys : List A}  (x :: xs)  (y :: ys)  xs  ys
    tail-inj {xs = xs} p = ap tail p
        tail : List A  List A
        tail [] = xs
        tail (h :: hs) = hs
    encode-refl : (xs : List A)  xs ≡List xs
    encode-refl [] = tt
    encode-refl (_ :: xs) = refl , encode-refl xs
    encode : (xs ys : List A)  (p : xs  ys)  xs ≡List ys
    encode [] [] p = tt
    encode [] (x :: ys) p = []≠:: p
    encode (x :: xs) [] p = []≠:: (sym p)
    encode (x :: xs) (y :: ys) p = (head-inj p) , encode xs ys (tail-inj p)
    decode : (xs ys : List A)  xs ≡List ys  xs  ys
    decode [] [] _ = refl
    decode [] (_ :: _) ()
    decode (x :: xs) [] ()
    decode (x :: xs) (y :: ys) (p , c) = ap-bin _::_ p (decode xs ys c)
    to-fro : (xs ys : List A)  isSection (encode xs ys) (decode xs ys)
    to-fro [] [] tt = refl
    to-fro [] (x :: ys) c = ∅-rec c
    to-fro (x :: xs) [] c = ∅-rec c
    to-fro (x :: xs) (y :: ys) (p , q) i = p , to-fro xs ys q i
    fro-to-refl : (x : List A)  decode x x (encode x x refl)  refl
    fro-to-refl [] = refl
    fro-to-refl (x :: xs) i = ap (x ::_) (fro-to-refl xs i) 
    fro-to : (xs ys : List A)  isRetract (encode xs ys) (decode xs ys)
    fro-to xs ys = J  c p  decode xs c (encode xs c p)  p) (fro-to-refl xs)

References and Further Reading

mvrnote: encode-decode