Lecture 2-5: Transport

In this lecture, we will revisit transport and the underlying operation transport-fixing, equipped with the intuition for partial elements that we developed in the previous lecture.

Transport Fixing a Formula

Here is the actual definition of transport which we skipped when we first saw it in Lecture 2-X.

transport-again : {A B : Type }  A  B  A  B
transport-again p a = transport-fixing  i  p i) i0 a

This uses the built-in transport-fixing operation which has type

_ = { : Level}  (A : (i : I)  Type )  (φ : I)  A i0  A i1

So, the transport-fixing operation takes in three arguments:

  • A : I → Type ℓ is a path of types,
  • φ : I is a formula, and,
  • a : A i0 is an element of the type at the start of the line A,

and the result is an element of the type A i1 at the other end of the path.

As usual, to understand the purpose of φ, we need to imagine we are in the context of some other cubical variables. The formula φ expresses the parts of the cube where the transport is constant. So transport p x = transport-fixing (λ i → p i) i0 x is not constant anywhere, but transport-fixing (λ _ → A) i1 x is constant everywhere and so is identical to x.

_ = λ { : Level} {A : Type } (a : A)
   test-identical (transport-fixing  _  A) i1 a) a

Agda will stop you if you demand transport-fixing be constant in a way that doesn’t make sense, like claiming that our original definition of transport is constant everywhere:

-- Fails!
-- bad-transport-fixing : {A B : Type ℓ} → A ≡ B → A → B
-- bad-transport-fixing p a = transport-fixing (λ i → p i) i1 a

Here’s an application. When transported along p, the element a : A becomes the element transport p a : B. It seems reasonable for there to be a PathP over p connecting a and transport p a We can use transport-fixing to construct one:

transport-filler : (p : A  B) (a : A)
   PathP  i  p i) a (transport p a)
transport-filler p a i = transport-fixing  j  p (i  j)) (~ i) a

Let’s check why the endpoints of this PathP are correct.

  • When i = i0, the transport-fixing should give back a, because we’ve claimed that transport should be constant when ~ i holds. In this case, the type is (λ j → p (i0 ∧ j)) = (λ j → p i0) which is constant at A, which is indeed the type of a.

  • When i = i1, we have ~ i = i0 and p (i1 ∧ j) = p j, so that transport-filler p a i1 = transport-fixing (λ j → p j) i0 a. This is is exactly the definition of transport p a.

Of course, this helper specialises to subst, which is a particular instance of transport.

subst-filler : (B : A  Type ) (p : x  y)  (b : B x)
   PathP  i  B (p i)) b (subst B p b)
subst-filler B p = transport-filler  i  B (p i))

With a similar definition to transport-filler, we can show the same for elements starting on the other side at B: transporting a b : B backwards along p is connected via a path-over to b.

-- mvrnote: rename
transport-filler' : (p : A  B) (b : B)
   PathP  i  p i) (transport (sym p) b) b
-- Exercise:
-- transport-filler' p b i = {!!}

Try using transport-fixing to prove that that transporting an element x : A along the constant path of types at A gives back x.

transport-refl : (a : A)  transport  i  A) a  a
-- Exercise:
-- transport-refl {A = A} a i = transport-fixing {!!} {!!} {!!}

An important application of transport-fixing is showing that transport is invertible.

transport-cancel : (p : A  B) (b : B)
   transport  i  p i) (transport  i  sym p i) b)  b

Here’s a hint. Unfolding the definition of transport, the type of the left endpoint of that path is

transport-fixing (λ i → p i) i0 (transport-fixing (λ i → p (~ i)) i0 b)

which you can verify by hitting C-c C-,. So, our goal is to engineer an expression also involving an interval variable j which reduces to this large expression when j = i0 and which simplifies to just b when j = i1. For the latter, remember that the whole point of transport-fixing is that transport-fixing (λ _ → A) i1 x computes to exactly x.

-- Exercise:
-- transport-cancel p b j = {!!}

With transport-cancel in hand, we can show that transport p is an equivalence of types with inverse transport (sym p).

path→equiv : A  B  A  B
-- ExercisE:
-- path→equiv p = inv→equiv (transport p) {!!} {!!} {!!}
path→equiv p = inv→equiv (transport p) (transport (sym p))
                         (transport-cancel p) (transport-cancel (sym p))

And with a little effort, we can show that the equivalence that results when path→equiv is supplied refl is equal to the idEquiv from earlier. This can be done with several uses of transport-refl, or you can use transport-fixing directly.

path→equiv-refl : path→equiv refl  idEquiv A
-- Exercise: (Hint: Use a couple of connection squares!)
-- path→equiv-refl i = {!!}

There is a second way that PathP and transport relate. Recall that an element of PathP A a₀ a₁ connects two elements a₀ : A i0 and a₁ : A i1 of the types at either end of a line of types A : I → Type. Instead of travelling along the line A, we could first transport the endpoint a₀ over to the type A i1, and then ask for a path entirely inside A i1. That is, we can always convert a PathP into an ordinary Path involving a transport, and vice versa.

For the first conversion, toPathP, we need to do an hcomp.

  a₀ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ > a₁
   ^                    ^
a₀ |                    | p                    ^
   |                    |                    j |
  a₀ — — — > transport (λ j → A j) a₀          ∙ — >
            A i
 A i0 — — — — — — — - > A i1
-- mvrnote: rename?
toPathP : {A : I  Type } {a₀ : A i0} {a₁ : A i1}
   Path (A i1) (transport  j  A j) a₀) a₁
   PathP A a₀ a₁
toPathP {A = A} {a₀} {a₁} p i
  = hcomp ( i)  j  λ 
    { (i = i0)  a₀
    ; (i = i1)  p j 
    ; (j = i0)  transport-filler  j  A j) a₀ i })

To go back the other way, we will use transport-fixing again, but in a new way. When i = i0 we want fromPathP p i0 = transport (λ i → B i) b1 and when i = i1 we want fromPathP p i1 = b2. So we will ask for transport-fixing to be constant when i = i1.

fromPathP : {A : I  Type } {a₀ : A i0} {a₁ : A i1}
   PathP A a₀ a₁
   Path (A i1) (transport  j  A j) a₀) a₁
fromPathP {A = A} p i = transport-fixing  j  A (i  j)) i (p i)

These two maps are inverses. Unfortunately, this is a real pain to show directly, involving some really gnarly hcomps. So, we will cheat, and produce an equivalence using the path→equiv function we just defined.

-- mvrnote: Path to PathP seems to be the more common direction, so flip this?
PathP≡Path : (A : I  Type ) {a₀ : A i0} {a₁ : A i1}
   PathP A a₀ a₁  Path (A i1) (transport  i  A i) a₀) a₁
PathP≡Path A {a₀} {a₁} i =
  PathP  j  A (i  j)) (transport-filler  j  A j) a₀ i) a₁

PathP≃Path : (A : I  Type ) {a₀ : A i0} {a₁ : A i1}
   (PathP A a₀ a₁)  (transport  i  A i) a₀  a₁)
PathP≃Path A = path→equiv (PathP≡Path A)

This certainly gives an equivalence, but the forward and backward maps are not the nice toPathP and fromPathP maps that we defined above. For our purposes, this simpler equivalence is good enough.

-- mvrnote: can can this be avoided?
PathP≡Path' : (A : I  Type ) (a₀ : A i0) (a₁ : A i1)
   PathP A a₀ a₁  Path (A i0) a₀ (transport  i  A (~ i)) a₁)
PathP≡Path' A a₀ a₁ i =
  PathP  j  A (~ (i  ~ j))) a₀ (transport-filler  j  A (~ j)) a₁ i)

Transport Computes

Because transport-fixing is built-in, it comes with some magic that makes it convenient when used with specific types. Here are some examples.

If the path of types is constant at an inductive type such as or Bool, then transporting is simply the identity.

_ = λ (x : )     test-identical (transport  i  )    x) x
_ = λ (x : Bool)  test-identical (transport  i  Bool) x) x
_ = λ (x : )     test-identical (transport  i  )    x) x

If we don’t know anything about the type, however, transporting over a constant path is not by definition the identity.

{- Error!
_ = λ (A : Type) (x : A) → test-identical (transport (λ i → A) x) x

Aside: It is unfortunate that this doesn’t work in general. In the study of cubical type theories, this property is called regularity. It’s not currently known whether a there is a version of cubical type theory that supports regularity, higher types (discussed shortly) and desirable properties like canonicity. Right now, it seems that at least one of these things has to give.

For the basic type formers that we have seen (pairs, functions, paths), transport computes to some combination of transports involving the input types.

module _ {A : I  Type} {B : I  Type} where private

To transport in a type of pairs, we just transport in each component:

  _ = λ {x : A i0} {y : B i0}  test-identical
      (transport  i  A i × B i) (x , y))
      (transport  i  A i) x , transport  i  B i) y)

To transport in a type of functions, we transport backwards along the domain, apply the function, and then transport forwards along the codomain:

  _ = λ {f : A i0  B i0}  test-identical
      (transport  i  A i  B i) f)
       x  transport  i  B i) (f (transport  i  A (~ i)) x)))

This is the only way this could fit together, because the input has type f : A i0 → B i0, but transport (λ i → A i → B i) f needs to be a function A i1 → B i1. To apply f to an element of A i1, we first need to pull it back to an element of A i0.

transport in a type of paths becomes a (double) composition. For a path a₀ ≡ a₁, the transport is the top of the following square:

          a₀ i1 ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ > a₁ i1
            ^                   ^               ^    
            |                   |             j |    
            |                   |               ∙ — >
      tr A (a₀ i0) — — — > tr A (a₁ i0)           i  

The left and right sides can be produced by fromPathP. And on the bottom, we have exactly ap of transport on the original path. That transport on the bottom is now happening in A, and so the transport can continue to compute depending on what A is.

Aside: In fact, this transport is one way to justify introducing hcomp in the first place. Without it, what is transport in a path type supposed to be?

module _ {A : I  Type} {a₀ : (i : I)  A i} {a₁ : (i : I)  A i} where private
  _ = λ {p : a₀ i0  a₁ i0}  test-identical
      (transport  i  a₀ i  a₁ i) p)
      -- Exercise:
      -- {!!}

PathP is similar but we have to write the hcomp manually, because we only defined ∙∙ for ordinary paths.

module _ {A : I  I  Type} {a₀ : (i : I)  A i i0} {a₁ : (i : I)  A i i1} where private
  _ = λ {p : PathP (A i0) (a₀ i0) (a₁ i0)}  test-identical
      (transport  i  PathP (A i) (a₀ i) (a₁ i)) p)
       j  hcomp ( j)  i  λ { (j = i0)  fromPathP  i  a₀ i) i;
                                         (j = i1)  fromPathP  i  a₁ i) i;
                                         (i = i0)  transport  i  A i j) (p j) } ))

We can mix and match these. Here is how a “B-valued binary operation on A” would transport. This just decomposes into transport (backwards) in the pair, followed by application of the function, then transport forwards of the result:

module _ {A : I  Type} {B : I  Type} where private
  _ = λ {m : A i0 × A i0  B i0}  test-identical
      (transport  i  A i × A i  B i) m)
       (x , y) 
        transport  i  B i) (m (transport  i  A (~ i)) x , 
                                  transport  i  A (~ i)) y)))

And here’s how a function into Bool transports. As we have seen, transport in Bool disappears, so in-fact we only have to transport the input.

  _ = λ {p : A i0  Bool}  test-identical
    (transport  i  A i  Bool) p)
     x  p (transport  i  A (~ i)) x))

Try it yourself:

mvrnote: fix exercises

  -- Exercise:
  _ = λ {m : A i0 × A i0  A i0}  test-identical

  -- Exercise:
  _ = λ {f : A i0 × B i0  B i0}  test-identical

  -- Exercise:
  _ = λ {y : (A i0  A i0)  A i0}  test-identical

Transport Computes, Dependently

There are dependent versions of the above computation rules for transport. They follow the same pattern as above, but further work is necessary so that things still typecheck.

mvrnote: rewrite to not use let

module _ {A : I  Type} {B : (i : I)  A i  Type} where private
  _ : {x₀ : A i0} {y₀ : B i0 x₀}
     transport  i  Σ[ x  A i ] B i x) (x₀ , y₀)
    -- Exercise:
    -- ≡ let
    --       -- This is just the same as in the non-dependent case
    --       x₁ : A i1
    --       x₁ = {!!}

  _ = refl

  _ : {f : (x₀ : A i0)  B i0 x₀}
     transport  i  (x : A i)  B i x) f
    -- Exercise:
    -- ≡ λ (x₁ : A i1) →
    --     let
    --       x₀ : A i0
    --       x₀ = transport (λ i → A (~ i)) x₁

  _ = refl

References and Further Reading

Regularity https://arxiv.org/pdf/1808.00920