module Library.Univalence where

-- mvrnote: we should add some commentary to this file, because you
-- can easily get here by clicking `Glue` for example.

open import Library.Primitive public
  renaming (primComp to comp;
            Sub to _[_↦_];
            primSubOut to outS)
open import Library.Prelude
open import 1--Type-Theory.1-3--Universes-and-More-Inductive-Types
open import 2--Paths-and-Identifications.2-1--Paths
open import 2--Paths-and-Identifications.2-2--Equivalences-and-Path-Algebra
open import 2--Paths-and-Identifications.2-4--Composition-and-Filling

     ℓ' : Level
    A B C : Type 

-- We prove Equiv→Bijection in Section 2-X, but we don't have it at
-- this point. We copy the proof here.
-- mvrnote: cleanup
  isContr : Type   Type 
  isContr A = Σ[ x  A ] (∀ y  x  y)

  fiber : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} (f : A  B) (y : B)  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  fiber {A = A} f y = Σ[ x  A ] (y  f x)

  flippedFiber : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} (f : A  B) (y : B)  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  flippedFiber {A = A} f y = Σ[ x  A ] (f x  y)

  flippedFiber-isContr : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} {f : A  B} {b : B}  isContr (fiber f b)  isContr (flippedFiber f b)
  flippedFiber-isContr ((a , p) , h) .fst = a , sym p
  flippedFiber-isContr ((a , p) , h) .snd (a₂ , p₂) i .fst = fst (h (a₂ , sym p₂) i)
  flippedFiber-isContr ((a , p) , h) .snd (a₂ , p₂) i .snd = sym (snd (h (a₂ , sym p₂) i))

  isBijection : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} (f : A  B)  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  isBijection {A = A} f =  b  isContr (Σ[ a  A ] (b  f a))

  module _ {f : A  B} (isI : isEquiv f) where
      g = isI .section .map
      s : isSection f g
      s = isI .section .proof
      g' = isI .retract .map
      t : isSection g' f
      t = isI .retract .proof

      module _ (y : A) (x0 x1 : B) (p0 : y  g x0) (p1 : y  g x1) where
        fill0 : Square (ap f p0) (ap f p0  s x0) refl (s x0)
        fill0 = ∙-filler (ap f p0) (s x0)

        fill1 : Square (ap f p1) (ap f p1  s x1) refl (s x1)
        fill1 = ∙-filler (ap f p1) (s x1)

        fill2 : Square refl (sym (fill0 i1) ∙∙ refl ∙∙ (fill1 i1)) (fill0 i1) (fill1 i1)
        fill2 = ∙∙-filler (sym (fill0 i1)) refl (fill1 i1)

        p : x0  x1
        p = fill2 i1

        sq : Square refl (ap (f  g) p) (ap f p0) (ap f p1)
        sq i j = primHComp  k  λ { (i = i0)  f y
                                ; (i = i1)  s (p j) (~ k)
                                ; (j = i0)  fill0 (~ k) i
                                ; (j = i1)  fill1 (~ k) i })
                       (fill2 i j)

        sq1 : Square refl (ap g p) p0 p1
        sq1 i j = primHComp  k  λ { (i = i0)  t y k
                                 ; (i = i1)  t (g (p j)) k
                                 ; (j = i0)  t (p0 i) k
                                 ; (j = i1)  t (p1 i) k })
                        (g' (sq i j))

        lemEquiv : (x0 , p0)  (x1 , p1)
        fst (lemEquiv i) = p i
        snd (lemEquiv i) j = sq1 j i

    isProp→with-point-isContr : {A : Type }  ((x y : A)  x  y)  (A  isContr A)
    isProp→with-point-isContr p a = a , p a

    isEquiv→secIsBijection : isBijection g
    isEquiv→secIsBijection y = isProp→with-point-isContr  (x0 , p0) (x1 , p1)  lemEquiv y x0 x1 p0 p1) (f y , sym (t y)  sym (sec≡ret (equiv f isI) (f y)))

  Equiv→Bijection : A  B  Σ[ f  (A  B) ] isBijection f
  Equiv→Bijection (equiv f isE) = (f , isEquiv→secIsBijection (proof (invEquiv (equiv f isE))))

builtinEquivProof :  {la lt} (T : Type la) (A : Type lt)  (w : T  A)  (a : A)
             ψ (f : Partial ψ (flippedFiber (w .map) a))  flippedFiber (w .map) a [ ψ  f ]
builtinEquivProof A B v a ψ fb =
  inS (contr' {A = flippedFiber (w .fst) a} (flippedFiber-isContr (w .snd a)) ψ fb)
    w = Equiv→Bijection v
    contr' :  {} {A : Type }  isContr A  (φ : I)  (u : Partial φ A)  A
    contr' {A = A} (c , p) φ u = primHComp  i  λ { (φ = i1)  p (u IsOne-i1) i
                                                ; (φ = i0)  c }) c

{-# BUILTIN EQUIV      _≃_               #-}
{-# BUILTIN EQUIVFUN   map               #-}
{-# BUILTIN EQUIVPROOF builtinEquivProof #-}

  -- Homogeneous filling
  hfill : { : Level} {A : Type } {φ : I}
         (u : (i : I)  Partial φ A)
         (u0 : A [ φ  u i0 ])
         Path A (outS u0) (primHComp  { j (φ = i1)  u j IsOne-i1 }) (outS u0))
  hfill {φ = φ} u u0 i =
    primHComp  j  λ { (φ = i1)  u (i  j) IsOne-i1
                   ; (i = i0)  outS u0 })
          (outS u0)

  -- Heterogeneous filling defined using comp
  fill : { : Level} (A :  i  Type ) {φ : I}
           (u :  i  Partial φ (A i))
           (u0 : A i0 [ φ  u i0 ]) 
            (i : I)   A i
  fill A {φ = φ} u u0 i =
    comp  j  A (i  j))
          j  λ { (φ = i1)  u (i  j) IsOne-i1
                  ; (i = i0)  outS u0 })
         (outS {φ = φ} u0)

transpProof : { : Level}  (e : I  Type )  (φ : I)  (a : Partial φ (e i0))  (b : e i1 [ φ   o  transport-fixing  i  e i) i0 (a o)) ] )  flippedFiber (transport-fixing  i  e i) i0) (outS b)
transpProof e φ a b = f , λ j  comp  i  e i)  i 
                                               λ { (φ = i1)  transport-fixing  j  e (j  i)) (~ i) (a IsOne-i1)
                                                 ; (j = i0)  transport-fixing  j  e (j  i)) (~ i) f
                                                 ; (j = i1)  g (~ i) })
      b' = outS {u =  o  transport-fixing  i  e i) i0 (a o))} b
      g : (k : I)  e (~ k)
      g k = fill  i  e (~ i))  i  λ { (φ = i1)  transport-fixing  j  e (j  ~ i)) i (a IsOne-i1)
                                          ; (φ = i0)  transport-fixing  j  e (~ j  ~ i)) (~ i) b' }) (inS b') k
      f = comp  i  e (~ i))  i  λ { (φ = i1)  transport-fixing  j  e (j  ~ i)) i (a IsOne-i1); (φ = i0)  transport-fixing  j  e (~ j  ~ i)) (~ i) b' }) b'

{-# BUILTIN TRANSPPROOF transpProof #-}

module GluePrimitives where
    primGlue    : { ℓ' : Level} (A : Type ) {φ : I}
       (T : Partial φ (Type ℓ'))  (e : PartialP φ  o  T o  A))
       Type ℓ'

    prim^glue   : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Type } {φ : I}
       {T : Partial φ (Type ℓ')}  {e : PartialP φ  o  T o  A)}
       (t : PartialP φ T)  (a : A)  primGlue A T e

    prim^unglue : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Type } {φ : I}
       {T : Partial φ (Type ℓ')}  {e : PartialP φ  o  T o  A)}
       primGlue A T e  A

    -- These need to be bound, but aren't ever used manually
    prim^glueU : { : Level} {φ : I} {T : I  Partial φ (Type )}
                 {A : Type  [ φ  T i0 ]} 
                 PartialP φ (T i1)  outS A  primHComp T (outS A)

    prim^unglueU : { : Level} {φ : I} {T : I  Partial φ (Type )}
                   {A : Type  [ φ  T i0 ]} 
                   primHComp T (outS A)  outS A

    primFaceForall : (I  I)  I

open GluePrimitives public renaming (prim^glue to glue)

-- Uncurry `Glue` to make it more pleasant to use
Glue : (A : Type ) {φ : I}
        (Te : Partial φ (Σ[ T  Type ℓ' ] T  A))
        Type ℓ'
Glue A Te = primGlue A  x  Te x .fst)  x  Te x .snd)

-- Make the φ argument of prim^unglue explicit
unglue : {A : Type } (φ : I) {T : Partial φ (Type ℓ')}
         {e : PartialP φ  o  T o  A)}  primGlue A T e  A
unglue φ = prim^unglue {φ = φ}

-- Unfortunately we can't do the same for prim^glue without involving
-- cubical subtypes (which we are trying to avoid)