Lecture 1-4: Record Types and Copatterns
mvrnote: somewhat under construction
On occasion we will want to package together some collection of data
into a single larger type. This is an extremely common pattern in
ordinary programming: think of struct
s in C or C++, dataclass
es in
Python, or simply rows in a database.
We already have a way of doing this by nesting Σ-types, which we have
had a taste of in Σ-assoc-toⁱ
and Σ-assoc-froⁱ
. But Agda
provides a facility known as record types which make these compound
types much more pleasant to use, and which are the topic of this
(fairly short) lecture.
Defining Records
Whereas an inductive type is specified by a list of constructors, a record type is specified by a list of fields and their types. An element of the record type will consist of an element of each of the field types.
Suppose for some reason we want to package a natural number, Boolean, and element of the unit type into a single type.
record Trio : Type where field one : ℕ two : Bool thr : ⊤
The following line allows us to refer to one
, two
and thr
without qualifying them as Trio.one
, Trio.two
and Trio.thr
everywhere. We will be open
ing all our records, so we’ll have to
make sure we give the fields descriptive names.
open Trio
Accessing the fields of a record is done by using the field names as projections, as we saw for Σ-types in Lecture 1-1.
get-one : Trio → ℕ get-one p = p .one get-two : Trio → Bool get-two p = p .two get-thr : Trio → ⊤ get-thr p = p .thr
It is occasionally useful to refer to a projection as a function out of the record, for example when composing the function with something else or passing it to a higher-order function. This can be done by leaving off the dot.
one-isZero : Trio → Bool one-isZero = isZero ∘ one
This is shorthand for an anonymous function that does the projection properly.
_ = test-identical one (λ p → p .one)
Constructing an element of a record type is done via a mirror-image process to case-splitting on inductive types. For each field of the record, we provide a value for that field.
favourite-trio : Trio favourite-trio = record { one = 19 ; two = true ; thr = tt }
Records have their own computation rule. If you have a record
expression and project one of its fields, you get exactly what was
placed in that field:
_ = test-identical (record { one = 19 ; two = true ; thr = tt } .one) 19 _ = test-identical (record { one = 19 ; two = true ; thr = tt } .two) true
Using records has some downsides over iterated Σ-types. When we prove general facts about Σ-types, they will not automatically apply to any of the record types we have defined. We will have to manually convert to and from the corresponding Σ-type to make use of those proofs, via maps along the lines of the following.
Trio-to : Trio → ℕ × Bool × ⊤ Trio-to t = t .one , t .two , t .thr Trio-fro : ℕ × Bool × ⊤ → Trio Trio-fro s = record { one = s .fst ; two = s .snd .fst ; thr = s .snd .snd }
Packing some values into a record like this is a common situation.
Agda lets us name a constructor for a record type, so that we don’t
have to use non-descriptive record
keyword each time. This has to be
done at the moment the record type is declared, so here is a new
version of Trio
where we have done this:
record Trio' : Type where constructor trio' field one' : ℕ two' : Bool thr' : ⊤ open Trio'
The constructor trio’
is now a function that accepts the fields
of the Trio’
record one at a time, and gives back a trio.
favourite-trio' : Trio' favourite-trio' = trio' 19 true tt
Uniqueness Principle
Records have one additional rule which can come in handy: a uniqueness principle. This states that any element of a record type can be unpacked into its fields and repacked into a record, and the result is identical to the record we started with. One gloss on this is that there is no extra information that can be carried by an element of a record type: the fields are sufficient to capture everything.
_ = λ (t : Trio) → test-identical t record { one = t .one ; two = t .two ; thr = t .thr }
For an inductive type like Bool
, a simple uniqueness principle
would look something like the following:
_ = λ (b : Bool) → test-identical
(case b of λ
{ true → true
; false → false
That is, every Boolean element can be replaced by one where you do case analysis on the Boolean immediately.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to support this kind of uniqueness principle for inductive types and maintain other desirable properties of the type system. We’ve taken for granted that Agda can check that our definitions match the types that we claim they have, and it doesn’t get stuck in an infinite loop or give up. As innocent as this uniqueness principle looks, general uniqueness for inductive types ruins the “decidability” of typechecking. (See the references below).
Worse (arguably), a uniqueness principle for all inductive types destroys all the “higher dimensional” structure of types, which was one of the motivations for creating Homotopy Type Theory in the first place!
There is some consolation: we can still prove that, for example, any
element of Bool
must equal true
or false
, as we do later
in ≡Bool-LEM
. We just can’t arrange things so Agda knows
automatically that every Boolean is literally identical to one of
or false
To summarise this section, there is a nice duality between inductive types and record types.
Inductive Types | Record Types |
Specified by the types of constructors | Specified by the types of fields |
Created by choosing one constructor | Created by giving a value for every field |
Eliminated by giving a value for every constructor | Eliminated by choosing one field |
Eliminating a constructor computes to the corresponding value | Projecting the constructor computes to the corresponding value |
- | A record is uniquely determined by its projections |
There is an analogy with another type constructor we would like to make: records are quite similar to functions, in that you define one them by explaining what happens when you eliminate it.
Let’s extend the above table:
Record Types | Function Types |
Specified by the types of fields | Specified by the types of argument and result |
Created by giving a value for every field | Created by giving a value for any possible argument |
Eliminated by choosing one field | Eliminated by choosing one argument |
Projecting the constructor computes to the corresponding value | Applying a λ computes to the corresponding value |
A record is uniquely determined by its projections | A function is uniquely determined by its applications |
Agda takes this analogy seriously, and lets us create records using the built-in definition syntax we have been using from the start. Just as the definition of a function gives an equation for what happens when you apply the function, in this style the definition of a record gives an equation for what happens when you project the record.
favourite-trio'' : Trio favourite-trio'' .one = 19 favourite-trio'' .two = true favourite-trio'' .thr = tt
Definition clauses like this are called copatterns. Ordinary pattern matching explains what a function does when its input is a particular constructor. Copattern matching explains what a function does its output used by a particular eliminator.
Using copatterns can really help when working with nested record
types, as we do later in this course. Just as patterns can be nested
to pull apart nested inductive types (look at, for example,
), copatterns can construct nested record types:
trio×-again : {A B C : Type} → A → B → C → ((A × B) × C) trio×-again a b c .fst .fst = a trio×-again a b c .fst .snd = b trio×-again a b c .snd = c
mvrnote: https://agda.readthedocs.io/en/v2.7.0.1/language/pattern-synonyms.html
Aside: In the type-theory literature, types which are determined by their eliminators are often called negative types, as opposed to positive types such as inductive types, which are determined by their constructors. mvrnote: more
⊤ as a Record and Σ as an Inductive Type
For some types, there is wiggle room in when to use an inductive type
vs a record type. For example, we could have defined the unit type
as a record without any fields:
record Record-⊤ : Type where constructor Record-tt -- No fields!
The named constructor Record-tt
is a function that accepts the
fields in order and gives an element of Record-⊤
. But there are no
fields, so already Record-tt : Record-⊤
This definition has the advantage that, because of the uniqueness that
comes with record types, any element of Record-⊤
is identical to
without needing to do a pattern match to reveal this fact.
_ = λ (u : Record-⊤) → test-identical u Record-tt -- Fails! -- _ = λ (u : ⊤) → test-identical u tt
This is occasionally helpful, but missing it is not a big deal.
Back in Lecture 1-1 (and revisited in Lecture 1-X), we saw the operations
and ×-uncurry
which are mutual inverses. Putting
dependency aside, these state that to produce a map out of a pair type
A × B → C
, it is enough to produce a map A → B → C
. This looks
awfully like the universal mapping property of an inductive type, and
indeed we can create another version of the ×
type as follows.
data Inductive-× {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (A : Type ℓ) (B : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where comma : A → B → Inductive-× A B Inductive-fst : {A : Type} {B : Type} → Inductive-× A B → A Inductive-fst (comma a b) = a Inductive-snd : {A : Type} {B : Type} → Inductive-× A B → B Inductive-snd (comma a b) = b
mvrnote not too burdensome
https://agda.readthedocs.io/en/latest/language/record-types.html https://plfa.github.io/Connectives/ focussing?
eta for positive types