Lecture 2-8: Sets and Higher Types
We saw in Lecture 2-X that paths in inductive types like Bool
and ℤ
are equalities between elements. As a consequence, for
any two elements x
and y
, the type of paths x ≡ y
is always a
proposition — specifically, the proposition that x
equals y
We call types with this property sets.
isSet : Type ℓ → Type ℓ isSet A = (x y : A) → isProp (x ≡ y)
mvrnote: more intuition, uip, axiom k, etc
Basic Examples
We characterised the types of paths in ⊤
, Bool
and ℕ
in Lecture 2-X, and from these it is easy to show they are all sets.
isSet-⊤ : isSet ⊤ -- Exercise: (Hint: `≡≃≡⊤`) -- isSet-⊤ x y = isPropEquiv {!!} {!!} isSet-Bool : isSet Bool -- Exercise: -- isSet-Bool x y = {!!} isSet-ℕ : isSet ℕ -- Exercise: -- isSet-ℕ x y = {!!}
The empty type ∅
is the set with no elements.
isSet-∅ : isSet ∅ -- Exercise: -- isSet-∅ = {!!}
For ⊎
, we will need a helper that relates paths in the two sides
to the characterisation ≡⊎
from back in Lecture 2-X.
isProp-≡⊎ : {A B : Type} → isSet A → isSet B → (a b : A ⊎ B) → isProp (a ≡⊎ b) -- Exercise: -- isProp-≡⊎ sA sB a b = {!!} isSet-⊎ : {A B : Type} → isSet A → isSet B → isSet (A ⊎ B) -- Exercise: -- isSet-⊎ pA pB = {!!}
Every proposition is a set. This may sound like an odd claim,
especially if you are used to first-order logic where there is a
strict separation between the two. In our setting, any proposition P
is a set that has at most one element.
isProp→isSet : isProp A → isSet A -- Exercise: -- isProp→isSet pA x y = {!!}
Again, not all types are sets. The type S¹
should not be a set
since we have a path loop
that we know is not the same as
¬isSet-S¹ : ¬ isSet S¹ -- Exercise: -- ¬isSet-S¹ isSet = {!!}
The type Type
is not a set either. If all paths in Type
equal, then not-Path
would be equal to refl
as a path Bool ≡ Bool
, and this quickly leads to a contradiction.
¬isSet-Type : ¬ isSet Type -- Exercise: (Hint: `true≢false`) -- ¬isSet-Type s = {!!}
One way of thinking of isSet
is that for any paths p : x ≡ y
q : x ≡ y
there is a Square
with shape
y — — — — > y
^ ^ ^
p | | q j |
| | ∙ — >
x — — — — > x i
Of course, we can’t necessarily get some Square
like this for any
choice of corners x
and y
, we need the paths p
and q
to exist
to begin with.
So, isSet
is like isProp
but one dimension higher. We can’t
necessarily fill a path between any two points, but we can fill any
isSet→Square : isSet A → {a b c d : A} → (r : a ≡ c) (s : b ≡ d) → (t : a ≡ b) (u : c ≡ d) → Square t u r s -- Exercise: (Hint: `toPathP`) -- isSet→Square sA r s t u = {!!}
Because being a set means that asking that a certain family of types
is all propositions, isSet
is a proposition about a type.
isProp-isSet : isProp (isSet A) -- Exercise: (Use `isProp-Π`) -- isProp-isSet = {!!}
Closure Properties
We can show a number of closure properties of sets like those for propositions and contractible types.
First, if A
and B
are sets, then A × B
is a set, and for A → B
it is sufficient for just B
to be a set.
isSet-× : isSet A → isSet B → isSet (A × B) -- Exercise: -- isSet-× pA pB = {!!} isSet-→ : isSet B → isSet (A → B) -- Exercise: -- isSet-→ pB = {!!}
Similarly to contractible types and propositions, any retract of a set is a set. This follows easily from the following general about fact about homotopies.
mvrnote: do we need a “functions are functors” section? mvrnote: what’s a good name for this? mvrnote: draw cube?
homotopy-conjugate : {f g : A → B} → (H : (x : A) → (f x ≡ g x)) → {a b : A} → {r : a ≡ b} → f a ≡ f b → g a ≡ g b homotopy-conjugate {B = B} H {a = a} {b} p i = hcomp (∂ i) faces where faces : (k : I) → Partial (∂ i ∨ ~ k) B faces k (i = i0) = H a k faces k (i = i1) = H b k faces k (k = i0) = p i homotopy-conjugate-Square : {f g : A → B} → (H : (x : A) → (f x ≡ g x)) → {a b c d : A} → {r : a ≡ c} {s : b ≡ d} → {t : a ≡ b} {u : c ≡ d} → Square (ap f t) (ap f u) (ap f r) (ap f s) → Square (ap g t) (ap g u) (ap g r) (ap g s) homotopy-conjugate-Square {B = B} H {r = r} {s} {t} {u} sq i j = hcomp (∂ i ∨ ∂ j) faces where faces : (k : I) → Partial (∂ i ∨ ∂ j ∨ ~ k) B faces k (j = i0) = H (r i) k faces k (j = i1) = H (s i) k faces k (i = i0) = H (t j) k faces k (i = i1) = H (u j) k faces k (k = i0) = sq i j
Aside: Alternatively, produce a path
Square (ap f t) (ap f u) (ap f r) (ap f s)
≡ Square (ap g t) (ap g u) (ap g r) (ap g s)
and apply transport
isSet-retract : B RetractOnto A → isSet B → isSet A isSet-retract r sB x y p q = homotopy-conjugate-Square (r .section .proof) (ap-Square (r .map) (sB _ _ _ _)) isSet-equiv : A ≃ B → isSet B → isSet A isSet-equiv = isSet-retract ∘ equiv→retract
And isSet-equiv
lets us easily clear up ℤ
, without fussing
with defining an observational equality type ≡ℤ
isSet-ℤ : isSet ℤ -- Exercise: (Hint: Find a useful equivalence in Lecture 2-X) -- isSet-ℤ = isSet-equiv {!!} {!!}
Hedberg’s Theorem
There’s a very slick criterion for when a type is a set: Hedberg’s Theorem, which states that any type with decidable equality is a set. A type has decidable equality whenever the type of paths between any two points is decidable:
Dec≡ : Type ℓ → Type ℓ Dec≡ A = (x y : A) → Dec (x ≡ y)
We are assuming that the path types are all decidable, but not that they are decidable propositions. (After all, if we already knew they were propositions then we would already know our type is a set.)
Here’s a simple example. We have seen that not all propositions are
decidable, but all propositions have decidable equality. Given two
elements of a proposition it is easy to decide whether they are equal,
the answer is always yes
isProp→Dec≡ : isProp A → Dec≡ A -- Exercise: -- isProp→Dec≡ pA = {!!}
Inductive types often have decidable equality. The proofs are much
like the (very similarly named) Dec-≡Bool
and Dec-≡ℕ
definitions from earlier, which we wrote before we had the notion of
Dec≡-Bool : Dec≡ Bool -- Exercise: -- Dec≡-Bool = {!!} Dec≡-ℕ : Dec≡ ℕ -- Exercise: -- Dec≡-ℕ = {!!}
We will prove Hedberg’s Theorem using a slick argument that we learned
from Favonia. Here is the idea. Start with a path p : x ≡ y
. By
assumption, x ≡ y
is decidable, so we also have an element of Dec (x ≡ y)
. This can’t be no
, because that would cause a
contradiction: after all, we already know that x ≡ y
via p
So we have yes q : Dec (x ≡ y)
, where q : x ≡ y
is also a path
between the same points. But here is the key: this path q
is the
same, regardless of which p
we start with.
Start by defining a function that either replaces a path p
with the q
from Dec (x ≡ y)
or derives a contradiction.
Dec≡-bad-replacement : {x y : A} → Dec (x ≡ y) → x ≡ y → x ≡ y -- Exercise: -- Dec≡-bad-replacement d p = {!!}
Next, we want to show that this replacement is equal to the path that
we started with. The plan is to do this using J
, but for that
to work we need the replacement to equal refl
when p
itself refl
. Right now it isn’t: instead, the replacement is
just Dec≡-bad-replacement (dec x x) refl : x ≡ x
, which doesn’t
This is easily fixed. Define a function that gives a good replacement
path, by composing the old definition with the inverse of the path
Dec≡-bad-replacement (dec x x) refl
that we want to get rid of:
Dec≡-good-replacement : Dec≡ A → {x y : A} → x ≡ y → x ≡ y -- Exercise: -- Dec≡-good-replacement dec {x} {y} p = {!!} Dec≡-replacement-undo : (dec : Dec≡ A) → {x y : A} → (p : x ≡ y) → Dec≡-good-replacement dec p ≡ p -- Exercise: -- Dec≡-replacement-undo dec {x} {y} p = J (λ y p → Dec≡-good-replacement dec p ≡ p) {!!} {!!}
The final lemma is that these good replacements are all equal to each
other, regardless of what path you start with. This is easy after
pattern-matching on Dec (x ≡ y)
Dec≡-replacement-same : (dec : Dec≡ A) → {x y : A} → (p₁ p₂ : x ≡ y) → Dec≡-good-replacement dec p₁ ≡ Dec≡-good-replacement dec p₂ -- Exercise: -- Dec≡-replacement-same dec {x} {y} p₁ p₂ = {!!} where helper : (w : Dec (x ≡ y)) → sym (Dec≡-bad-replacement (dec x x) refl) ∙ Dec≡-bad-replacement w p₁ ≡ sym (Dec≡-bad-replacement (dec x x) refl) ∙ Dec≡-bad-replacement w p₂ -- Exercise: -- helper d = {!!}
Now glue these pieces together to finish the proof.
hedberg : Dec≡ A → isSet A hedberg dec x y p₁ p₂ = -- Exercise: -- p₁ ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- Dec≡-good-replacement dec p₁ ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- Dec≡-good-replacement dec p₂ ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ -- p₂ ∎
Higher Types
You may have noticed a pattern developing in the last couple of
Lectures. We start with the simplest possible types, the ones
satisfying isContr
. These contain no information at all.
More complicated are the propositions identified by isProp
. In
and isContr≡→isProp
, we observed that these
are the types whose path types are contractible. More complicated
again are the sets, identified by isSet
. By definition these are
the types whose path types are propositions. We can continue this
pattern inductively, stratifying types by what is known as their
isHLevel : ℕ → Type ℓ → Type ℓ isHLevel zero X = isContr X isHLevel (suc n) X = (x y : X) → isHLevel n (x ≡ y)
So types with h-level 0 are contractible, with h-level 1 are propositions, and with h-level 2 are sets.
This definition doesn’t exactly match isProp
when n = 1
, but as
we saw in isProp→isContr≡
and isContr≡→isProp
, it is
equivalent. An alternative definition would specify
isHLevel (suc zero) X = isProp X
directly rather than leaving that to the inductive case. We’ll stick with the simpler definition so that we have one fewer case to deal with in our proofs. It is easy enough to patch over the difference.
isProp→isHLevel1 : isProp A → isHLevel 1 A isProp→isHLevel1 = isProp→isContr≡ isHLevel1→isProp : isHLevel 1 A → isProp A isHLevel1→isProp = isContr≡→isProp isSet→isHLevel2 : isSet A → isHLevel 2 A isSet→isHLevel2 sA x y = isProp→isHLevel1 (sA x y) isHLevel2→isSet : isHLevel 2 A → isSet A isHLevel2→isSet hA x y = isHLevel1→isProp (hA x y)
Caution: In homotopy theory, a different numbering system is used for h-levels, so that the hierarchy shifted down by two. A set, i.e. a type with h-level 2, is said to have “truncation level 0”, and a proposition has “truncation level -1”. Sometimes this is shortened even further, so that a set is a “0-type” and a proposition is a “(-1)-type”. This is just a difference in conventions, but will be necessary to keep in mind when reading other resources.
isHLevel-suc : (n : ℕ) → isHLevel n A → isHLevel (suc n) A -- Exercise: -- isHLevel-suc n = {!!} isProp-isHLevel : (n : ℕ) → isProp (isHLevel n A) -- Exercise: -- isProp-isHLevel n = {!!}
isHLevel-retract : (n : ℕ) → B RetractOnto A → isHLevel n B → isHLevel n A -- Exercise: -- isHLevel-retract n = {!!} isHLevel-equiv : (n : ℕ) → (A ≃ B) → isHLevel n B → isHLevel n A -- Exercise: -- isHLevel-equiv = {!!} isHLevel-Σ : {A : Type ℓ} → {B : A → Type ℓ'} → (n : ℕ) → isHLevel n A → ((x : A) → isHLevel n (B x)) → isHLevel n (Σ[ x ∈ A ] B x) -- Exercise: -- isHLevel-Σ n = {!!} isHLevel-Π : {B : A → Type ℓ} → (n : ℕ) → ((x : A) → isHLevel n (B x)) → isHLevel n ((x : A) → B x) -- Exercise: -- isHLevel-Π n = {!!} isHLevel-≡ : (n : ℕ) → isHLevel n A → (x y : A) → isHLevel n (x ≡ y) isHLevel-≡ zero hA = isContr→isContr≡ hA isHLevel-≡ (suc n) hA x y = isHLevel-suc n (hA x y) isHLevel-PathP : {A : I → Type ℓ} → (n : ℕ) → ((i : I) → isHLevel n (A i)) → (x : A i0) → (y : A i1) → isHLevel n (PathP A x y) isHLevel-PathP zero hA = isContr→isContr-PathP (hA i1) isHLevel-PathP (suc n) hA x y = isHLevel-equiv (suc n) (PathP≃Path _) (isHLevel-≡ n (hA i1 _ _))
isConnected-S¹ : (s : S¹) → ∃ (base ≡ s) isConnected-S¹ base = in-∃ refl isConnected-S¹ (loop i) = squash (in-∃ λ j → loop (i ∧ j)) (in-∃ λ j → loop (i ∨ ~ j)) i isHLevel3-S¹ : isHLevel 3 S¹ isHLevel3-S¹ = step-3 where step-1 : isHLevel 2 (base ≡ base) step-1 = isSet→isHLevel2 (isSet-equiv ΩS¹≃ℤ isSet-ℤ) step-2 : (y : S¹) → isHLevel 2 (base ≡ y) step-2 y = ∃-rec (isProp-isHLevel 2) (λ q → subst (λ t → isHLevel 2 (base ≡ t)) q step-1) (isConnected-S¹ y) step-3 : (x y : S¹) → isHLevel 2 (x ≡ y) step-3 x y = ∃-rec (isProp-isHLevel 2) (λ p → subst (λ x → isHLevel 2 (x ≡ y)) p (step-2 y)) (isConnected-S¹ x)
record Prop (ℓ : Level) : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where constructor propData field witness : Type ℓ witnessIsProp : isProp witness open Prop public
mvrnote: good examples?
Univalence allows us to prove that the type of propositions is a set.
First, being an equivalence between propositions it itself a proposition. (In fact, this is true for functions between any types, as we prove with a lot more effort in Lecture 2-X, but it is easy enough to prove directly for the case we need it here.)
-- isProp-isEquiv-for-Props : isProp P → isProp Q → (f : P → Q) → isProp (IsEquiv f) -- -- Exercise: (Hint: Combine `isProp-Σ` and `isProp-Π` a few times.) -- -- isProp-isEquiv-for-Props pP pQ f = {!!} -- isProp-isEquiv-for-Props pP pQ f = isProp× (isPropΣ (isProp→ pP) (λ s → isPropΠ λ b → isProp→isSet pQ _ _)) -- (isPropΣ (isProp→ pP) (λ r → isPropΠ λ a → isProp→isSet pP _ _))mvrnote: missing?
mvrnote: where should this go? all the suspension examples work fine once we have composition
data Susp {ℓ : Level} (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where north : Susp A south : Susp A merid : (a : A) → north ≡ south Susp-map : {ℓ : Level} {X Y : Type ℓ} → (f : X → Y) → Susp X → Susp Y Susp-map f north = north Susp-map f south = south Susp-map f (merid a i) = merid (f a) i
The simplest example is when we feed Susp
the empty type
. You can use an absurd pattern in the merid
Susp∅≃Bool : Susp ∅ ≃ Bool -- Exercise (trivial): -- Susp∅≃Interval = {!!} Susp∅≃Bool = inv→equiv fun inv to-fro fro-to where fun : Susp ∅ → Bool fun north = true fun south = false fun (merid () i) inv : Bool → Susp ∅ inv true = north inv false = south to-fro : isSection fun inv to-fro true = refl to-fro false = refl fro-to : isRetract fun inv fro-to north = refl fro-to south = refl fro-to (merid () i)
Next simplest is the unit type ⊤
, where the result looks like
the following:
Susp⊤≃Interval : Susp ⊤ ≃ Interval -- Exercise (also trivial): -- Susp⊤≃Interval = {!!} Susp⊤≃Interval = inv→equiv fun inv to-fro fro-to where fun : Susp ⊤ → Interval fun north = zero fun south = one fun (merid tt i) = seg i inv : Interval → Susp ⊤ inv zero = north inv one = south inv (seg i) = merid tt i to-fro : isSection fun inv to-fro zero = refl to-fro one = refl to-fro (seg i) = refl fro-to : isRetract fun inv fro-to north = refl fro-to south = refl fro-to (merid tt i) = refl
And we have seen that the Interval
type is contractible.
isContr→isContr-Susp : isContr A → isContr (Susp A) isContr→isContr-Susp cA .center = north isContr→isContr-Susp cA .contraction north = refl ∙ refl isContr→isContr-Susp cA .contraction south = (merid (cA .center)) ∙ refl isContr→isContr-Susp cA .contraction (merid a i) = connection∧ (merid (cA .center)) i ∙ ap (λ t → merid t i ) (cA .contraction a)
-- eg: https://1lab.dev/Homotopy.Space.Suspension.Properties.html -- isProp→isSet-Susp : isProp A → isSet (Susp A) -- isProp→isSet-Susp pA x y p q = {!!}
Finally something interesting happens once we try Bool
SuspBool≃S¹ : Susp Bool ≃ S¹ -- Exercise: -- SuspBool≃S¹ = {!!}
data S∞ : Type where snorth : S∞ ssouth : S∞ smerid : S∞ → snorth ≡ ssouth S∞SelfSusp : S∞ ≃ Susp S∞ S∞SelfSusp = inv→equiv to fro to-fro fro-to where to : S∞ → Susp S∞ to snorth = north to ssouth = south to (smerid s i) = merid s i fro : Susp S∞ → S∞ fro north = snorth fro south = ssouth fro (merid a i) = smerid a i to-fro : isSection to fro to-fro north = refl to-fro south = refl to-fro (merid a i) = refl fro-to : isRetract to fro fro-to snorth = refl fro-to ssouth = refl fro-to (smerid a i) = refl isContr-S∞ : isContr S∞ isContr-S∞ .center = snorth isContr-S∞ .contraction = go where go : (y : S∞) → snorth ≡ y go snorth = refl ∙ refl go ssouth = smerid snorth ∙ refl go (smerid s i) = connection∧ (smerid snorth) i ∙ ap (λ t → smerid t i) (go s)
Even Higher types
EH-base : {ℓ : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {x : A} → (α β : refl {x = x} ≡ refl) → Square (λ i → refl ∙ β i) (λ i → refl ∙ β i) (λ i → α i ∙ refl) (λ i → α i ∙ refl) EH-base α β i j = α i ∙ β j EH : {ℓ : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {x : A} → (α β : refl {x = x} ≡ refl) → Square β β α α EH α β i j = hcomp (∂ i ∨ ∂ j) (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → ∙-idl (β j) (~ k) ; (i = i1) → ∙-idl (β j) (~ k) ; (j = i0) → ∙-idr (α i) (~ k) ; (j = i1) → ∙-idr (α i) (~ k) ; (k = i0) → EH-base α β i j})
Egbert exercises:
Show that a type 𝑋 is a set if and only if the map 𝜆𝑥. 𝜆𝑡. 𝑥 : 𝑋 → (S1 → 𝑋) is an equivalence.
mvrnote: general hlevels?
References and Further Reading
Hedberg’s Theorem: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0956796898003153