Lecture 1-2: Inductive Types
In the last lecture, we saw some abstract type theory. In this lecture, we’ll get to define our own concrete data-types.
Agda’s data-types come in two flavours which are in some sense mirror images of each other:
- Inductive types: These include Booleans, natural numbers, lists, more generally, anything which is specified by a set of options, and where elements are specified by choosing between those options.
- Record types: These include product and Σ-types, more generally anything where elements are specified by a set of fields, and where elements are specified by choosing a value for each of those fields.
In this Lecture we’ll see our first few examples of inductive types. We’ll return to record types in Lecture 1-X.
An inductive type is a type whose elements are built up out of “constructors”. Here is the inductive type of Booleans:
data Bool : Type where true : Bool false : Bool
This definition says that to construct a Boolean we either construct
it using true
or using false
— that is, a Boolean is either
or false
What makes a data type “inductive” is its induction principle, a
process which is often called case analysis: “to use an element of
an inductive type, it suffices to split into cases for what we would
do for each of the constructors”. For example, we may define the
logical not
by saying what the result is in the case the Boolean
is true
, and in the case the Boolean is false
not : Bool → Bool not b = case b of λ { true → false ; false → true }
Here, the not
function accepts the argument b
and then splits
into cases depending on which constructor of Bool
was used to
construct b
Induction may seem like an odd name if you are used to “proof by
induction” from your discrete maths course, but we will see below that
the induction principle for ℕ
is basically the mathematical
induction you are used to.
If we do case analysis on a Bool
which is literally true
rather than a variable or some other expression, then the
case analysis will disappear leaving the value of the appropriate
case. This is the computation rule for Booleans.
For example, normalising the expression not false
leads to the case
_ = test-identical (case false of λ { true → false ; false → true }) true
which as you can see does compute to the value true
. (Remember you
can normalise any expression you like by typing C-c C-n
We can construct other functions by nesting this kind of case
analysis. Here’s one way we could write a Boolean and
_and_ : Bool → Bool → Bool _and_ x y = case x of λ { true → case y of λ { true → true ; false → false } ; false → false } _xor_ : Bool → Bool → Bool -- Exercise: -- x xor y = {!!}
Agda considers definitions with names that contain underscores
specially, and lets us use them in two ways: either literally like any
other definition, as in _and_ x y
, or with the arguments taking the
place of the underscores, as in x and y
. We will use infix operators
like this whenever it is closer to normal mathematical practice, as
with these Boolean operators, arithmetic operators like ·
pairing ,
, etc.
It is not required to do case analysis on all the variables that are
available. Try giving a definition of the logical “or” by case
analysis only on the variable x
_or_ : Bool → Bool → Bool -- Exercise: -- x or y = {!!}
The different choices for how we do case analysis in a definition can
result in different computational behaviour. For example, with the
above definition of or
, the expression true or y
will compute to
and false or y
will compute to y
, but x or true
and x or false
will both be stuck waiting for the value of x
to do case
analysis on.
_ = λ (y : Bool) → test-identical (true or y) true _ = λ (y : Bool) → test-identical (false or y) y -- Won't work: -- _ = λ (x : Bool) → test-identical (x or true) true -- _ = λ (x : Bool) → test-identical (x or false) x
Pattern Matching
In all the above definitions we accept some elements of an inductive
type as arguments and then immediately split into cases. This is
overwhelmingly the most common situation when working with inductive
types, so Agda gives us some pleasant syntax for it. Rather than
writing definitions with variable names on the left of the =
we can write multiple lines of definition, one for each possible
constructor that could occur in that position.
not' : Bool → Bool not' true = false not' false = true _and'_ : Bool → Bool → Bool true and' true = true true and' false = false false and' true = false false and' false = false
Although there are multiple =
signs, all of them together constitute
a single definition. Agda uses a mechanism called “coverage checking”
to make sure that every case is covered by your definition, and will
complain if you missed something. If desired, it is always possible to
rewrite such a definition as a single expression that does the
case-splitting manually.
The method of writing functions where we describe what they do on
particular forms of their input is called pattern matching. We
already saw an example of this in the previous lecture when writing
functions with pairs as arguments. Agda has nice support for working
with pattern matching — it can automatically write out all the cases
that are needed to define a function involving an inductive type. To
have Agda do this for you, place your cursor in a hole and press C-c C-c
. You will be prompted for the list of variables separated by
spaces that you want to apply case-splitting to.
Try this below: press C-c C-c
in the hole for xor’
below and
enter x y
to have Agda split this definition into all the cases you
need to handle.
_xor'_ : Bool → Bool → Bool -- Exercise: -- x xor' y = {!!}
As before, we don’t necessarily have to to case-split on all the
variables. Try leaving y
un-split as you did in the first definition
of or
_or'_ : Bool → Bool → Bool -- Exercise: -- x or' y = {!!}
Here is the definition of logical implication. There is a strange
feature of this definition which has a Latin name: “ex falso
quodlibet” — false
implies anything.
_implies_ : Bool → Bool → Bool true implies true = true true implies false = false false implies _ = true
Here we use a “wildcard” argument (the underscore _
) to say that the
definition we are giving is valid for anything we put in that spot, so
we don’t have to bother giving the variable a name at all.
There is nothing special about Bool
having exactly two
constructors, we can just as well define a type with seven elements:
data Day : Type where monday : Day tuesday : Day wednesday : Day thursday : Day friday : Day saturday : Day sunday : Day
And define functions out of it by providing cases for each of the constructors:
isWeekend : Day → Bool isWeekend monday = false isWeekend tuesday = false isWeekend wednesday = false isWeekend thursday = false isWeekend friday = false isWeekend saturday = true isWeekend sunday = true nextDay : Day → Day -- Exercise: -- nextDay c = {!!}
The Unit
is a simple data type, but it isn’t the simplest. We can
use even fewer constructors. With one constructor, we have the unit
type ⊤
, with its unique element tt
data ⊤ : Type where tt : ⊤
To define a function ⊤ → A
, we just have to say what it does on the
constructor tt
. This is so simple that it is difficult to
come up with interesting examples.
pick-true : ⊤ → Bool pick-true tt = true ignore-bool : Bool → ⊤ ignore-bool b = tt
Because ⊤
contains no information, maps into ⊤
provide no
information either.
⊤-ump-in-to : {A : Type} → ⊤ → (A → ⊤) -- Exercise: -- ⊤-ump-in-to t = {!!} ⊤-ump-in-fro : {A : Type} → (A → ⊤) → ⊤ -- Exercise: -- ⊤-ump-in-fro f = {!!}
These two functions constitute the universal “mapping-in” property of
, like the one that we saw for ×
in ×-ump-to
is a little unusual, in that it also has a universal
“mapping-out” property, which says that maps out of ⊤
just pick
an element of the output type.
⊤-ump-out-to : {A : Type} → A → (⊤ → A) -- Exercise: -- ⊤-ump-out-to t = {!!} ⊤-ump-out-fro : {A : Type} → (⊤ → A) → A -- Exercise: -- ⊤-ump-out-fro f = {!!}
Natural Numbers
Enough with the simple data types, let’s do some mathematics. We can
define the natural numbers ℕ
as an inductive data type with two
constructors. There is a constructor zero : ℕ
, saying that zero is a
natural number, and a constructor suc : ℕ → ℕ
, which says that if
is already a natural number then suc n
(the “successor” of n
i.e. 1 + n
) is also a natural number.
We actually defined ℕ
behind the scenes so that we could use it in
Lecture 1-1. On the website, you can click on its name to take you
The exact definition of ℕ
, copy-pasted, is:
data ℕ : Type where
zero : ℕ
suc : ℕ → ℕ
(We leave it commented out, so that Agda doesn’t complain about defining a new type with the same name as an existing one.)
Defining functions out of ℕ
is similar to defining functions out
of Bool
, we just have to give cases for the two constructors. The
difference is that the suc
constructor tells us which natural
number the provided argument is the successor of.
Here’s a first example:
isZero : ℕ → Bool isZero zero = true isZero (suc n) = false _ = test-identical (isZero 0) true _ = test-identical (isZero 19) false
So, isZero
is true
for zero, and false
for any successor.
Agda throws in some secret-sauce that lets us write elements of ℕ
as numerals 1
, 2
, 3
, …, rather than having to write out suc (suc (suc zero))
for 3
, for example.
For isZero
we didn’t need to use the variable n
, but to do
anything interesting we will. For example:
doubleℕ : ℕ → ℕ doubleℕ zero = zero doubleℕ (suc n) = suc (suc (doubleℕ n))
Thinking mathematically, , covering the first case. For the
second case, . To achieve the part,
we use suc
twice, and to achieve the part, we use a
recursive call to the doubleℕ
function we are currently defining!
Agda allows this kind of recursion so long as it is convinced that the
argument that you provide to the recursive call is smaller than the
argument that you started with. That is certainly the case here,
because we go from suc n
to just n
We can even do what is called “mutual” recursion, where two definitions depend on each other to make sense. Here is a definition of a function that decides whether a number is even, defined together with the same for whether a number is odd:
isEven : ℕ → Bool isOdd : ℕ → Bool isEven zero = true isEven (suc n) = isOdd n isOdd zero = false isOdd (suc n) = isEven n
Using pattern matching, we can define the arithmetic operations on numbers:
_+ℕ_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ zero +ℕ m = m (suc n) +ℕ m = suc (n +ℕ m) _ = test-identical (2 +ℕ 3) 5
Remember that you can test any piece of code yourself by typing C-c C-n
and then 2 +ℕ 3
, say.
Here we have chosen to split into cases on the left side and leave the right side alone, but we could equally well split into cases on the right instead:
_+ℕ'_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ n +ℕ' zero = n n +ℕ' (suc m) = suc (n +ℕ' m) _ = test-identical (2 +ℕ' 3) 5
We will be able to show that these two versions of addition do produce
the same result whenever they are handed two concrete elements of
, but Agda isn’t able to automatically consider them exactly
-- This will fail! -- _ = test-identical _+ℕ_ _+ℕ'_
One way they are not identical is that they have different computational behaviour:
_ = λ (m : ℕ) → test-identical (zero +ℕ m) m -- Fails, because `+ℕ` case splits on `n`! -- _ = λ (n : ℕ) → test-identical (n +ℕ zero) n _ = λ (n : ℕ) → test-identical (n +ℕ' zero) n
Try some other ordinary operations on natural numbers. To figure out how these should go, calculate what the answer should be mathematically. For example, , and this can be turned into one of the cases for multiplication.
-- Multiplication _·ℕ_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ -- Exercise: -- n ·ℕ m = {!!} _ = test-identical (0 ·ℕ 1) 0 _ = test-identical (2 ·ℕ 3) 6 _ = test-identical (3 ·ℕ 2) 6 -- Exponentiation _^ℕ_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ -- Exercise: -- n ^ℕ m = {!!} _ = test-identical (1 ^ℕ 1) 1 _ = test-identical (2 ^ℕ 3) 8 _ = test-identical (3 ^ℕ 2) 9
Remember that you can test these manually using C-c C-n
We can also define a “predecessor” operation, which partially undoes
the successor suc : ℕ → ℕ
. Of course, it can’t fully undo it, since
has nowhere to go except zero
predℕ : ℕ → ℕ -- Exercise: -- predℕ n = {!!} _ = test-identical (predℕ 0) 0 _ = test-identical (predℕ 1) 0 _ = test-identical (predℕ 19) 18
If this were a course on functional programming, we would spend a lot
more time working with lists. This isn’t a course on functional
programming, but it’s worth seeing a little of how List
s are
data List (A : Type) : Type where [] : List A -- The empty list _::_ : A → List A → List A -- The list with a head element and a tail remainder
That is, a list is either the empty list []
, or the list a :: l
which has a
at the head and l
as the remainder of the list. We use
some reasonably common symbols as the names of the two constructors.
Other functional languages might call these nil
and cons
A list that we would typically write as [1, 2, 3]
can be constructed
by stringing together the ::
constructor, and ending with the
shortList : List ℕ shortList = 34 :: 19 :: []
is our first example of an “indexed” inductive type, a type
constructor that requires an argument. Here, for any type T
, there
is an inductive type List T
with those two constructors, where T
has been substituted wherever A
appears in the types of those
constructors. This is what lets us use the []
constructor as though
it has type List ℕ
, and the ::
constructor as though it has type
ℕ → List ℕ → List ℕ
in the definition of shortList
It is fairly common to create a list with a singleton element, so here is a helper that achieves that.
[_] : {A : Type} → A → List A [ a ] = a :: []
The type that we want to use for the elements of the list is accepted
as an implicit argument. As usual, List A
doesn’t make sense as a
type unless we have defined what A
is somewhere.
Concatenation of lists is defined by pattern-matching. For example, the
concatenation [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6]
is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
_++_ : {A : Type} → List A → List A → List A [] ++ l2 = l2 (x :: l1) ++ l2 = x :: (l1 ++ l2)
In words, concatenating the empty list to any list doesn’t change it, and when concatenating a list with a head to another list, the result has the same head, and the remainder is the concatenation with the remainder.
Compare this to the definition of addition on ℕ
, the
structure is exactly the same (if we rewrite the second case as
_::_ x l
rather than using the constructor infix). All that is
different is keeping track of the element of A
With this in mind, try defining a function to calculate the length
of a list.
length : {A : Type} → List A → ℕ -- Exercise: -- length L = {!!} _ = test-identical (length [ tt ]) 1 _ = test-identical (length (1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [])) 3
In the other direction, a natural number can be seen as a list of tally marks.
ℕ→List⊤ : ℕ → List ⊤ -- Exercise: -- ℕ→List⊤ n = {!!} _ = test-identical (ℕ→List⊤ 0) [] _ = test-identical (ℕ→List⊤ 3) (tt :: tt :: tt :: [])
Together with length : List ⊤ → ℕ
, we have a bijection between the
type of natural numbers and the type of lists of tally marks.
As one final example, try using ++
to define a reverse
reverse : {A : Type} → List A → List A -- Exercise: -- reverse x = {!!} _ = test-identical (reverse [ 1 ]) [ 1 ] _ = test-identical (reverse (1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [])) (3 :: 2 :: 1 :: [])
We can use the type of natural numbers as a stepping stone to the integers. An integer is either a natural number or a strictly negative integer. We have to be careful here, we don’t want to accidentally have more than one way to represent 0! =Turning this into an inductive definition:
data ℤ : Type where pos : ℕ → ℤ negsuc : ℕ → ℤ
The negsuc
constructor represents the negative of the
successor of a natural number, so negsuc n
represents .
We can define integer versions of the various arithmetic operations
, ·ℕ
, and so on. First, we need a few helper functions. This
first one negates a natural number into an integer. We can’t just
define negℕ n = negsuc n
, because this would send to !
negℕ : ℕ → ℤ negℕ zero = pos zero negℕ (suc n) = negsuc n
The following code snippet hooks ℤ
into the same mechanism as
that lets us write numerals rather than chains of suc
. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
instance Number-ℤ : Number ℤ Number-ℤ .fromNat = pos Negative-ℤ : Negative ℤ Negative-ℤ .fromNeg = negℕ _ = test-identical 2 (pos (suc (suc (zero)))) _ = test-identical -3 (negsuc (suc (suc (zero))))
Next, the successor function which sends to , and similarly the predecessor function which sends to .
sucℤ : ℤ → ℤ -- Exercise: -- sucℤ z = {!!} _ = test-identical (sucℤ 19) 20 _ = test-identical (sucℤ -34) -33 predℤ : ℤ → ℤ -- Exercise: -- predℤ z = {!!} _ = test-identical (predℤ 19) 18 _ = test-identical (predℤ -34) -35
This was all preparation for addition of integers. Since the integers
are a disjoint union of the natural numbers and the negative numbers,
it helps to handle these two cases separately. You will have to use
and predℤ
in these definitions.
-- This should correspond to , where is a natural number _+pos_ : ℤ → ℕ → ℤ -- Exercise: -- z +pos n = {!!} -- This should correspond to , where is a natural number _+negsuc_ : ℤ → ℕ → ℤ -- Exercise: -- z +negsuc n = {!!} _+ℤ_ : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ m +ℤ (pos n) = m +pos n m +ℤ (negsuc n) = m +negsuc n _ = test-identical (0 +ℤ 0) 0 _ = test-identical (0 +ℤ 1) 1 _ = test-identical (1 +ℤ 0) 1 _ = test-identical (19 +ℤ 34) 53 _ = test-identical (-19 +ℤ 34) 15
We can negate an integer, and define the subtraction of integers in terms of addition and negation.
-_ : ℤ → ℤ -- Exercise: -- - z = {!!} _ = test-identical (- 0) 0 _ = test-identical (- 19) (-19) _ = test-identical (- (-34)) 34 _-ℤ_ : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ m -ℤ n = m +ℤ (- n)
See if you can come up with the correct definition for multiplication of integers. This can be done by case-splitting on only one of the sides.
_·ℤ_ : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ -- Exercise: -- n ·ℤ m = {!!} _ = test-identical (0 ·ℤ 0) 0 _ = test-identical (2 ·ℤ 3) 6 _ = test-identical (2 ·ℤ -3) -6 _ = test-identical (-2 ·ℤ 3) -6 _ = test-identical (-2 ·ℤ -3) 6
Make sure to test this one via C-c C-n
, especially the
cases! They are easy to get wrong.
Recursion Principles
As we mentioned above, these inductive data types are characterised by their “induction principles”. In this lecture we focus on a simpler version of this principle, “recursion”, and will return to induction in Lecture 1-X.
The recursion principle for a type packs together the data that is
necessary to produce a function out of it into some other type. In the
case of Bool
, to construct a function Bool → A
for any type A
we just need two elements of A
to serve as the values of the
function when the Bool
is true
and false
. We can write out
the recursion principle for Bool
as follows:
Bool-rec : {A : Type} → A → A → (Bool → A) Bool-rec a1 a2 true = a1 Bool-rec a1 a2 false = a2
The Bool
type is so simple that the name “recursion” feels
inappropriate: the recursion principle doesn’t actually do any
recursion! The name will make more sense when we do the same for
Aside: The recursion principle for Booleans has a more familiar name: the “if/then/else” pattern familiar from almost every programming language:
if-then-else : {A : Type} → Bool → A → A → A if-then-else b a1 a2 = Bool-rec a1 a2 b
This function is one side of a universal mapping property. Given two
elements of A
, we can make a function Bool → A
. But from such a
function we can also extract the two elements of A
we started with:
Bool-rec-fro : {A : Type} → (Bool → A) → A × A -- Exercise: -- Bool-rec-fro f = {!!}
We won’t usually need to use the recursion principle Bool-rec
that name: instead, we can just do an ordinary pattern match on an
argument of type Bool
. But, for some practice, try using
to re-implement these:
not-fromRec : Bool → Bool -- Exercise: (Don't pattern match on `x`!) -- not-fromRec x = Bool-rec {!!} {!!} {!!} -- You will need to use `Bool-rec` twice! or-fromRec : Bool → Bool → Bool -- Exercise: (Don't pattern match on either `x` or `y`!) -- or-fromRec x y = Bool-rec {!!} {!!} {!!}
The recursion principle for the unit type is even simpler. To define a
function ⊤ → A
, it suffices to give an element of A
(which is to
be the image of the unique element tt
), and that’s it.
⊤-rec : {A : Type} → A → (⊤ → A) ⊤-rec a tt = a
Again, we can go back: from such a function ⊤ → A
, we can recover
the original value of A
⊤-rec-fro : {A : Type} → (⊤ → A) → A ⊤-rec-fro f = f tt
More excitingly, we have the recursion principle for ℕ
. To define
a function ℕ → A
, we need an element of a A
to use for zero
and a function A → A
that takes us from the value for n
to the
value for suc n
. By ordinary mathematical induction, this will be
enough to give a value to every element of ℕ
ℕ-rec : {A : Type} → A -- The base casea → (A → A) -- The recursion law → (ℕ → A) ℕ-rec a r zero = a ℕ-rec a r (suc n) = r (ℕ-rec a r n)
Try re-implementing double
using ℕ-rec
double' : ℕ → ℕ -- Exercise: -- double' = ℕ-rec {!!} {!!}
When pattern matching, in the suc
case we are allowed access to
access to the previous n
: without this, functions like predℕ
a bit irritating to write. (Try it!)
We can define an improved version of ℕ-rec
that gives access to
the current n
in the inductive step.
ℕ-rec' : {A : Type} → A → (ℕ → A → A) → (ℕ → A) -- Exercise: -- ℕ-rec' a r zero = {!!} -- ℕ-rec' a r (suc n) = {!!}
For an extra challenge, try defining this only in terms of the less powerful
ℕ-rec'' : {A : Type} → A -- The base case → (ℕ → A → A) -- The recursion law → (ℕ → A) -- Exercise: -- ℕ-rec'' a r n = ℕ-rec {!!} {!!} {!!}
These final lines specify the precedence that each operator has, so
that a + b · c
is interpreted as a + (b · c)
. They also specify
whether it associates to the left or the right, so that a + b + c
interpreted as (a + b) + c
, and a :: b :: []
is interpreted as
a :: (b :: [])
infix 8 -_ infixl 7 _·ℕ_ _·ℤ_ infixl 6 _+ℕ_ _+ℤ_ _-ℤ_ infixr 5 _::_ infixr 5 _++_
References and Further Reading
coverage checker Elaboration: https://jesper.sikanda.be/files/elaborating-dependent-copattern-matching.pdf https://pl.ewi.tudelft.nl/master-projects/master/2022/10/25/kayleigh-lieverse/ https://jesper.sikanda.be/files/thesis-final-digital.pdf https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/11780274_27