Agda Primitives

This module is the very first thing that Agda sees when loading our files. It consists entirely of assigning names to various built-in Agda constructions, some of which we rename when this file is imported in Library.Prelude.


We declare we will be using Type as the name for the universes of types.

{-# BUILTIN TYPE           Type             #-}

We also have the universe hierarchy of “strict sets”, which are mentioned very briefly in Lecture 2-X.

{-# BUILTIN STRICTSET      SSet             #-}

We also need to assign names to some other notions of universe provided by Agda, even though we never use them.

{-# BUILTIN SETOMEGA       Unused-Typeω     #-}
{-# BUILTIN PROP           Unused-Prop      #-}
{-# BUILTIN PROPOMEGA      Unused-Propω     #-}

Now, our notation for universe levels which we discuss in Lecture 1-X.

{-# BUILTIN LEVELUNIV      LevelUniv        #-}

  Level : LevelUniv
  ℓ-zero : Level
  ℓ-suc  : ( : Level)  Level
  ℓ-max  : (ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level)  Level

{-# BUILTIN LEVEL          Level            #-}
{-# BUILTIN LEVELZERO      ℓ-zero           #-}
{-# BUILTIN LEVELSUC       ℓ-suc            #-}
{-# BUILTIN LEVELMAX       ℓ-max            #-}

The Interval

We give a name to the interval and the special universe that it lives in, and names for the endpoints of the interval.

-- Roughly:
-- postulate
--   IUniv : SSet (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
--   I  : IUniv
--   i0 : I
--   i1 : I

{-# BUILTIN INTERVAL       I                #-}
{-# BUILTIN IZERO          i0               #-}
{-# BUILTIN IONE           i1               #-}

These are the built-in De Morgan operations on the interval, which we give a better syntax for when importing them in Library.Prelude.

infix  30 primINeg
infixr 20 primIMin primIMax

    primIMin : I  I  I -- ∧
    primIMax : I  I  I -- ∨
    primINeg : I  I     -- ~

And the primitive notion of PathP, discussed in Lecture 2-X.

  PathP : { : Level}  (A : I  Type )  A i0  A i1  Type 

{-# BUILTIN PATHP          PathP            #-}

Partial Elements

First, a built-in IsOne predicate for when an element of I is equal to i1.

-- Roughly:
-- IsOne : I → SSet
-- IsOne i = (i ≡ i1)

{-# BUILTIN ISONE          IsOne            #-}

And some basic facts about it:

  IsOne-i1   : IsOne i1
  IsOne-inl  : (i j : I)  IsOne i  IsOne (primIMax i j)
  IsOne-inr  : (i j : I)  IsOne j  IsOne (primIMax i j)

{-# BUILTIN ITISONE        IsOne-i1         #-}
{-# BUILTIN ISONE1         IsOne-inl        #-}
{-# BUILTIN ISONE2         IsOne-inr        #-}

And then partial elements of types, including partial elements of partial types. (Like how Path relates to PathP.)

-- Roughly:
-- Partial : {ℓ : Level} (φ : I) (A : Type ℓ) → SSet ℓ
-- Partial φ A = IsOne φ → A
-- PartialP : {ℓ : Level} (φ : I) (A : Partial φ (Type ℓ)) → SSet ℓ
-- PartialP φ A = (t : IsOne φ) → A t

{-# BUILTIN PARTIAL        Partial          #-}
{-# BUILTIN PARTIALP       PartialP         #-}

Some interactions of PartialP with the IsOne predicate are axiomatised. First, you can get a partial element of any type A, as long as that partial element is defined nowhere.

  isOneEmpty : { : Level} {A : Partial i0 (Type )}  PartialP i0 A

{-# BUILTIN ISONEEMPTY     isOneEmpty       #-}

And if you have two partial elements of the same type, you can take the union of these types, so long as they agree on the overlap where they are both defined.

  primPOr : { : Level} (i j : I) {A : Partial (primIMax i j) (Type )}
             (u : PartialP i  z  A (IsOne-inl i j z)))
             (v : PartialP j  z  A (IsOne-inr i j z)))
             PartialP (primIMax i j) A

These declare the notion of cubical subtype, which have tried our best to avoid discussing in these notes.

-- Roughly:
-- Sub : {ℓ : Level} (A : Type ℓ) (φ : I) → (IsOne φ → A) → Type ℓ
-- Sub A φ u = Σ[ a ∈ A ] ((t : IsOne φ) → a ≡ u t)

{-# BUILTIN SUB            Sub              #-}

  inS : { : Level} {A : Type } {φ : I}  (x : A)  Sub A φ  _  x)

{-# BUILTIN SUBIN          inS              #-}

  primSubOut : { : Level} {A : Type } {φ : I} {u : Partial φ A}  Sub _ φ u  A

Composition and Transport

Here we have transport-fixing operation, discussed in Lecture 2-X and hcomp, discussed in Lecture 2-X.

  primTransp : { : _} (A : (i : I)  Type ( i)) (φ : I) (a : A i0)  A i1
  primHComp  : { : Level} {A : Type } {φ : I} (u : (i : I)  Partial φ A) (a : A)  A

Finally, so-called “heterogeneous” composition, which is used behind the scenes but which we never have to call on ourselves.

  primComp : { : _} (A : (i : I)  Type ( i)) {φ : I} (u : (i : I)  Partial φ (A i)) (a : A i0)  A i1