Lecture 2-1: Paths
In Lecture 1-X, we saw that we could define types that represent
equality in another inductive type, like Bool
or ℕ
. It would
be tedious to have to define equality separately for every type (and
worse, to check that every function preserves equality), and it would
make proving general facts about equality difficult.
To resolve this issue, Cubical Type Theory takes a page from homotopy theory — the mathematical theory of continuous deformations of shapes. Classically, a homotopy is a continuous deformation of one object into another. In homotopy theory, we only care about the properties of objects which are unchanged by continuous deformation; so for the purposes of homotopy theory, to give a homotopy between objects is to say that they are the same, at least for all homotopy-theoretical purposes. In other words, to a homotopy theorist, a homotopy is a way to say two things are the same.
We will use this as inspiration for the concept of sameness that will apply to all types. Let’s see a bit more of the classical theory first, so we have something to ground our intuitions.
If are two continuous functions between spaces and (say, subsets of Euclidean space), then a homotopy between and is a function of two variables where and for all . The idea is that continuously transforms the function into the function as travels from to .
As we saw in Lecture 1-1, we can think of a function with two
arguments as a function with one argument that gives back another
function with one argument (via ×-curry
and ×-uncurry
). In
this case, we can see a homotopy between and as a function
into the space of continuous functions ,
so that and . In other words, a homotopy is a
path in a function space, where by path we mean a continuous
function out of the unit interval .
In general, if objects and are points that live in some space , then a homotopy between and is a path with and .
Before we begin: The following block lets us refer to some
arbitrary types A
, B
, … and terms x : A
, y : A
, … without
cluttering every definition with {A : Type} {B : Type}
, and so on.
private variable ℓ ℓ' ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level A B C D : Type ℓ x y : A
Let’s translate this into type theory. Agda provides a special “type”
to act as a version of the unit interval , equipped with
two elements i0 : I
and i1 : I
, which act as the endpoints and
. A path x ≡ y
from x
to y
of type A
will be a function
h : I → A
where h i0
is identical to x
and h i1
is identical
to y
. Agda remembers the endpoints of a path, so that when we later
evaluate the path at i0
, we do get x
exactly, and similarly for
and y
Similarly to Level
, the interval I
is not actually a type,
rather, we are just using it as a tool to describe our notion of
sameness. For this reason, it and its endpoints get siloed in their
own special universe.
_ : IUniv _ = I _ : I _ = i0 _ : I _ = i1
Above we make a “definition” with name _
; this signals to Agda to
check the type of what we provide, but then throw away the result. We
will use this to demonstrate the type of some expression without
having to invent a new name for it.
This prevents us from using all our usual type operations on
, which is good, since an element of I
isn’t meant
to be treated as a piece of data.
-- Uncomment these and try them out, if you want! -- _ : Type -- _ = I × I -- error! -- _ : Type -- _ = Bool → I -- error!
However, since we want to discuss paths in any type, there is a
special rule that for any actual type A : Type ℓ
, functions I → A
is also an actual type in Type ℓ
_ : Type ℓ-zero _ = I → Bool
Now we for paths with specified endpoints. For x
and y
, Agda
provides a built-in type x ≡ y
which is like a function I → A
, but
where the endpoints are known to be exactly x
and y
. That is,
starting with p : x ≡ y
, evaluating p i0
gives exactly x
, and
evaluating p i1
gives exactly y
, regardless of what the
definition of the path p
actually is.
New paths x ≡ y
in a type A
are defined the same way that
functions are: we assume we have an i : I
, and then give an element
of the type A
. Agda will make sure that we indeed get x
when i
is i0
and y
when i
is i1
The simplest path we can write down is the reflexivity path: for any
element x
, there is a constant path at x
refl : {x : A} → x ≡ x refl {x = x} i = x
Interpreted as a statement about sameness, this means that x
is the
same as x
— certainly a good start!
Even with only refl
we are already able to prove some useful
equalities. For example, The type Bool
has the structure of a
Boolean algebra, with respect to and
and or
. Here are some
of the axioms:
or-idl : (x : Bool) → false or x ≡ x or-idl x = refl or-idr : (x : Bool) → x or false ≡ x or-idr false = refl or-idr true = refl or-comm : (x y : Bool) → x or y ≡ y or x or-comm false false = refl or-comm false true = refl or-comm true false = refl or-comm true true = refl or-LEM : (x : Bool) → x or (not x) ≡ true -- Exercise: -- or-LEM x = {!!} or-assoc : (x y z : Bool) → x or (y or z) ≡ (x or y) or z -- Exercise: -- or-assoc x y z = {!!}
OK, that’s enough of that — it’s straightforward to keep going.
You can find all the laws for a Boolean algebra listed on Wikipedia,
or you can peek ahead to Lecture 2-X and take all the laws for a De Morgan
algebra (but where ∧ = and
and ∨ = or
and ~ = not
) together with
the “Law of Excluded Middle”: b or (not b)
The ≡
constructor has low precedence, so x or y ≡ y or x
(x or y) ≡ (y or x)
, and not something weird like x or (y ≡ y) or x
A type of paths is a type like any other, so we can define functions that accept paths as arguments and produce paths as results. It is easy to show that any function sends equal inputs to equal outputs.
apⁿ : (f : A → B) → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y apⁿ f p i = f (p i)
Here, we are composing the function f
with the “function” x ≡ y
When we plug in i = i0
, we get that the left endpoint is f (p i0)
which is f x
, and when we plug in i = i1
, we similarly get the
right endpoint as f (p i1)
, i.e. f y
. So indeed, this defines a
path f x ≡ f y
apⁿ-bin : (f : A → B → C) {a a' : A} {b b' : B} → a ≡ a' → b ≡ b' → f a b ≡ f a' b' -- Exercise: -- apⁿ-bin f p q = {!!} apⁿ-∘ : (f : A → B) (g : B → C) → (p : x ≡ y) → apⁿ (g ∘ f) p ≡ apⁿ g (apⁿ f p) -- Exercise: -- apⁿ-∘ f g p = {!!}
is simple but useful. For example, we can re-prove some of the
properties of addition (+ℕ-≡ℕ-idl
, +ℕ-≡ℕ-idr
, +ℕ-≡ℕ-assoc
using our new notion of equality. In each recursive step, you will
have to use apⁿ
to convert a path n ≡ m
to a path suc n ≡ suc m
. (We didn’t have to do that previously, because suc n ≡ℕ suc m
was defined to be n ≡ℕ m
. Win some lose some!)
+ℕ-idl : (n : ℕ) → (zero +ℕ n) ≡ n -- Exercise: -- +ℕ-idl n = {!!} +ℕ-idr : (n : ℕ) → (n +ℕ zero) ≡ n -- Exercise: -- +ℕ-idr n = {!!} +ℕ-assoc : (n m k : ℕ) → (n +ℕ (m +ℕ k)) ≡ ((n +ℕ m) +ℕ k) -- Exercise: -- +ℕ-assoc n m k = {!!}
Another use is to show that the constructors for inductive types are injective. If the same constructor is used on both endpoints of a path, we can peel that constructor off.
suc-inj : {x y : ℕ} → suc x ≡ suc y → x ≡ y
-- Exercise: (Hint: use predℕ
-- suc-inj p = {!!}
inl-inj : {x y : A} → Path (A ⊎ B) (inl x) (inl y) → x ≡ y
inl-inj {A = A} {x = x} p = apⁿ uninl p
uninl : A ⊎ B → A
uninl (inl a) = a
uninl (inr _) = x
inr-inj : {x y : B} → Path (A ⊎ B) (inr x) (inr y) → x ≡ y
-- Exercise:
-- inr-inj {B = B} {x = x} p = {!!}
Here we use the alternative name Path
to construct the type of
paths rather than ≡
so that we can specify the type that the path
exists in. If we just write inl x ≡ inl y
then Agda can see that the
left side of ⊎
has to be A
because x : A
and y : A
, but it
has no way of knowing that the right side should be B
Inductive Types with Path Constructors
How can we get our hands on some more interesting paths? One way is to define inductive types that have path constructors. (These are often called “Higher Inductive Types” or HITs.)
Our first use of a path constructor is a more symmetrical version of
the integers. Remember that the definition of ℤ
we gave back in
Lecture 1-X is a little janky — we have to treat the negative
integers and the positive integers asymmetrically, assigning zero
to the pos
side and shifting the negsuc
side down by one. Now
that we have paths, we can define a symmetric version of the integers
as two copies of the the natural numbers, one for the positive
integers and one for the negative — as long as we add in a
path between “positive 0” and “negative 0” to make them the same!
data ℤˢ : Type where posˢ : ℕ → ℤˢ negˢ : ℕ → ℤˢ zeroˢ≡ : posˢ zero ≡ negˢ zero
Arithmetic using these integers is easier to reason about than the
version involving negsuc
. First, here’s the successor function,
which you should compare to sucℤ
sucℤˢ : ℤˢ → ℤˢ sucℤˢ (posˢ x) = posˢ (suc x) sucℤˢ (negˢ zero) = posˢ (suc zero) sucℤˢ (negˢ (suc x)) = negˢ x sucℤˢ (zeroˢ≡ i) = posˢ (suc zero)
On positive integers, we use the ordinary successor of the enclosed natural number. On negative integers, we check if the natural number is zero, and if so, give back positive one, and use the enclosed predecessor otherwise.
Notice that we have defined what the function does on zero twice! Once
as posˢ zero
, and again as negˢ zero
. The final case for the path
constructor zeroˢ≡
forces us to demonstrate that we give the same
answer both times. And indeed we do, so that final case can be defined
by the constant path at posˢ (suc zero)
It is easy to convert between these integers and the original ones.
ℤˢ→ℤ : ℤˢ → ℤ -- Exercise: -- ℤˢ→ℤ z = {!!} ℤ→ℤˢ : ℤ → ℤˢ -- Exercise: -- ℤ→ℤˢ z = {!!}
Complete the definition of addition.
predℤˢ : ℤˢ → ℤˢ -- Exercise: -- predℤˢ z = {!!} _+ℤˢ_ : ℤˢ → ℤˢ → ℤˢ -- Exercise: -- m +ℤˢ n = {!!}
The simplest non-trivial type involving a path constructor is the
circle S¹
, so named because it contains a point base
and a
path loop
which goes from base
to base
, forming a circle.
data S¹ : Type where base : S¹ loop : base ≡ base
There’s not a huge amount we can do with S¹
without technology
from later lectures, but we can at least describe its recursion
principle. The recursion principle for the circle states that to
produce a function S¹ → A
for any type A
, we need to specify a
point a : A
, and a loop l : a ≡ a
starting and ending at that
point. In other words, to produce a function S¹ → A
, we just need to
draw a circle in the type A
S¹-rec : {A : Type ℓ} → (a : A) → a ≡ a → S¹ → A S¹-rec a l base = a S¹-rec a l (loop i) = l i
You may be able to guess that this forms part of a universal mapping
property. Not only can we build a function S¹ → A
out of a point and
a loop in A
, but we can go back.
S¹-ump-fro : {A : Type ℓ} → (S¹ → A) → Σ[ a ∈ A ] a ≡ a -- Exercise: -- S¹-ump-fro f = {!!}
Paths in Pair and Function Types
Now we can ask what paths look like in various types. Inductive data
types (like Bool
) will be covered in detail in Lecture 2-X. Let’s
begin with something easier: what is a path in a pair type? It’s a
pair of paths.
To prove these, remember that any path in A
is secretly a function
I → A
so, ignoring the endpoints, the first exercise is asking for a
function (I → A) × (I → B) → (I → A × B)
. It should be easy to come
up with such a function, and it turns out that this obvious definition
has the correct endpoints.
×≡→≡× : {x y : A × B} → (x .fst ≡ y .fst) × (x .snd ≡ y .snd) → x ≡ y -- Exercise: -- ×≡→≡× p = {!!} ≡×→×≡ : {x y : A × B} → x ≡ y → (x .fst ≡ y .fst) × (x .snd ≡ y .snd) -- Exercise: -- ≡×→×≡ p = {!!}
Similarly, what is a path in a function type? It is a function landing
in paths! This is the principle of “function extensionality”: to say
that f
is the same as g
means that, for all x
, f x
is the same
as g x
mvrnote: relate back to homotopy discussion
funextˢ : {f g : A → B} → ((x : A) → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g -- Exercise: -- funextˢ f = {!!} funextˢ⁻ : {f g : A → B} → f ≡ g → ((x : A) → f x ≡ g x) -- Exercise: -- funextˢ⁻ p = {!!}
This works for functions with any number of arguments:
funext2 : {f g : A → B → C} (p : (x : A) (y : B) → f x y ≡ g x y) → f ≡ g -- Exercise: -- funext2 p i x y = {!!}
Try using funext
to prove some unsurprising facts about function
∘-assoc : (h : C → D) → (g : B → C) → (f : A → B) → (h ∘ g) ∘ f ≡ h ∘ (g ∘ f) -- Exercise: -- ∘-assoc h g f = {!!} ∘-idl : (f : A → B) → idfun ∘ f ≡ f -- Exercise: -- ∘-idl f = {!!} ∘-idr : (f : A → B) → f ∘ idfun ≡ f -- Exercise: -- ∘-idr f i x = {!!}
Paths over Paths
A path in a type A
is a function p : I → A
with fixed endpoints x : A
and y : A
. But what if A
is itself a path of types A : I → Type
? Then we consider dependent functions p : (i : I) → A i
fixed endpoints x : A i0
and y : A i
; these are called “paths over
the path A
”, or sometimes simply “path-overs”. The name for this in
Agda is PathP
, for “Path (over) P(ath)”. This is another built-in
notion, like ≡
_ : (A : I → Type) (x : A i0) (y : A i1) → Type _ = PathP
Similarly to paths, if we have p : PathP A x y
, then p i0
is x
p i1
is y
always, regardless of the actual definition of p
In fact, the type x ≡ y
is defined in terms of PathP
, where the
path of types happens to the constant path at the type A
. This is
just like non-dependent functions A → B
are exactly dependent
functions (x : A) → B
, where B
happens to be a constant type and
not depend on x
≡-again : (A : Type) (x : A) (y : A) → Type -- Exercise: (easy) -- ≡-again A x y = {!!}
We can upgrade apⁿ
to apply to dependent functions:
-- Exercise: -- ap : {B : A → Type ℓ₂} -- → {x y : A} -- → (f : (a : A) → B a) -- → (p : x ≡ y) -- → PathP {!!} {!!} {!!} ap f p i = f (p i) -- Exercise: -- ap-bin : -- {B : A → Type ℓ₂} -- {C : (x : A) → B x → Type ℓ₃} -- (f : (x : A) → (y : B x) → C x y) -- {a a' : A} {b : B a} {b' : B a'} -- → (p : a ≡ a') -- → (q : PathP {!!} {!!} {!!}) -- → PathP {!!} {!!} {!!} ap-bin f p q i = f (p i) (q i)
Let’s return to paths in pair types, but look at dependent pairs.
There are actually two places dependency could show up here. The first
is the obvious one, when B
depends on A
. The definitions are the
same as in the non-dependent case, so try to fill in the parameters to
the PathP
Here we are going to use an “anonymous module”, to collect the
parameters A
, B
, x
and y
that are identical between the two
exercises ΣPathP→PathPΣ’
and PathPΣ→ΣPathP’
module _ {A : Type ℓ} {B : A → Type ℓ₂} {x y : Σ[ a ∈ A ] B a} where -- Exercise: -- ΣPathP→PathPΣ' : Σ[ p ∈ (fst x ≡ fst y) ] PathP {!!} {!!} {!!} -- → x ≡ y ΣPathP→PathPΣ' eq i .fst = eq .fst i ΣPathP→PathPΣ' eq i .snd = eq .snd i -- Exercise: -- PathPΣ→ΣPathP' : x ≡ y -- → Σ[ p ∈ (fst x ≡ fst y) ] PathP {!!} {!!} {!!} PathPΣ→ΣPathP' eq .fst i = eq i .fst PathPΣ→ΣPathP' eq .snd i = eq i .snd
There is a second possible notion of dependency: it could be that the
types A
and B
themselves are paths of types, that is, they depend
on an element of I
. Again, the actual definitions are
identical; but their types become more powerful.
module _ {A : I → Type ℓ} {B : (i : I) → A i → Type ℓ₂} {x : Σ[ a ∈ A i0 ] B i0 a} {y : Σ[ a ∈ A i1 ] B i1 a} where -- Exercise: -- ΣPathP→PathPΣ : Σ[ p ∈ PathP {!!} {!!} {!!} ] PathP {!!} {!!} {!!} -- → PathP (λ i → Σ[ a ∈ A i ] B i a) x y ΣPathP→PathPΣ p i .fst = p .fst i ΣPathP→PathPΣ p i .snd = p .snd i -- Exercise: -- PathPΣ→ΣPathP : PathP (λ i → Σ[ a ∈ A i ] B i a) x y -- → Σ[ p ∈ PathP {!!} {!!} {!!} ] PathP {!!} {!!} {!!} PathPΣ→ΣPathP p .fst i = p i .fst PathPΣ→ΣPathP p .snd i = p i .snd
And now dependent functions. Similarly to what we have just seen for
Σ-types, there are lots of ways to add dependency to the arguments of
function extensionality. The most obvious is to allow B
to depend on
, not involving the cubical interval:
module _ {A : Type ℓ} {B : A → Type ℓ₂} {f g : (a : A) → B a} where funext : ((x : A) → (f x ≡ g x)) → f ≡ g funext h i x = h x i funext⁻ : f ≡ g → ((x : A) → (f x ≡ g x)) funext⁻ p x i = p i x
module _ {A : Type ℓ} {B : I → Type ℓ'} {f : A → B i0} {g : A → B i1} where funextP : ((x : A) → PathP B (f x) (g x)) → PathP (λ i → A → B i) f g funextP h i x = h x i funextP⁻ : PathP (λ i → A → B i) f g → ((x : A) → PathP B (f x) (g x)) funextP⁻ p x i = p i x
Path-overs are also what is required to describe the induction
principle of the circle; the upgraded version of S¹-rec
dependent functions. If we have a type family A : S¹ → Type
over the
circle rather than just a single type, the provided point must be an
element of the type family at base
, and the loop is a path from
that point to itself, lying over the path of types A ∘ loop
S¹-ind-≡ : {A : S¹ → Type ℓ} → (a : A base) → PathP (λ i → A (loop i)) a a → (s : S¹) → A s S¹-ind-≡ a l base = a S¹-ind-≡ a l (loop i) = l i
The input l : PathP (λ i → A (loop i)) a a
involves a path λ i → A (loop i)
from A base
to itself, that is, a path between two
types. Right now we have no way of producing interesting paths
between types, but univalence will come to the rescue in Lecture 2-X.
A path in a type of paths is a function with shape a : I → (I → A)
This is equivalent (again via something like ×-curry
) to a function
I × I → A
, and we can therefore think of paths-between-paths as
functions of two interval variables i
and j
. Though we can’t use
the elements of I
as data and so don’t let ourselves actually form
the type I × I
, we can nevertheless think of a function of two
interval variables corresponding to a square.
a01 — — — > a11
^ ^ ^
a0- | | a1- j |
| | ∙ — >
a00 — — — > a10 i
We will see a square like this as a path from the left side to the
right side, that is, as a path between the paths a0-
and a1-
However, these don’t have the same type; observing the endpoints, we
see that a0- : a00 ≡ a01
and a1- : a10 ≡ a11
. Using the other two
paths a-0
and a-1
, we may construct a path of types that
continuously transforms from the type of a0-
to the type of a1-
as we sweep from left to right.
Square-sweep : {A : Type ℓ} {a00 a01 a10 a11 : A} → (a-0 : a00 ≡ a10) (a-1 : a01 ≡ a11) → (I → Type ℓ) Square-sweep a-0 a-1 i = a-0 i ≡ a-1 i
Plugging in the endpoints of I
, we indeed see that
(Square-sweep a-0 a-1 i0) = (a00 ≡ a01)
and(Square-sweep a-0 a-1 i1) = (a10 ≡ a11)
by definition.
We want to say that the square is somehow an element of this
continuously varying path type. With PathP
, we can do exactly
this, and define the type of squares as paths over the continuously
varying path Square-sweep
Square : {A : Type ℓ} {a00 a01 a10 a11 : A} → (a0- : a00 ≡ a01) → (a1- : a10 ≡ a11) → (a-0 : a00 ≡ a10) → (a-1 : a01 ≡ a11) → Type ℓ Square a0- a1- a-0 a-1 = PathP (Square-sweep a-0 a-1) a0- a1-
Here’s the picture again, for you to inspect:
a01 — — — > a11
^ ^ ^
a0- | | a1- j |
| | ∙ — >
a00 — — — > a10 i
mvrnote: Square p q refl refl is the same as p ≡ q
Elements of the Square A
type are squares exist in a constant type
. But just as we can upgrade Path
to PathP
the type A
can vary over the path, we can upgrade Square
where the type can vary over the square.
We will fill in the definition, but try filling in the types of the sides of the square.
-- Exercise: -- SquareP : -- (A : I → I → Type ℓ) -- {a₀₀ : A i0 i0} {a₀₁ : A i0 i1} {a₁₀ : A i1 i0} {a₁₁ : A i1 i1} -- (a₀- : {!!}) -- (a₁- : {!!}) -- (a-₀ : {!!}) -- (a-₁ : {!!}) -- → Type ℓ SquareP A a₀- a₁- a-₀ a-₁ = PathP (λ i → PathP (λ j → A i j) (a-₀ i) (a-₁ i)) a₀- a₁-
For some practice thinking with squares, write a version of ap
that applies to squares.
ap-Square : (f : A → B) → {a₀₀ a₀₁ a₁₀ a₁₁ : A} → {a₀- : Path A a₀₀ a₀₁} → {a₁- : Path A a₁₀ a₁₁} → {a-₀ : Path A a₀₀ a₁₀} → {a-₁ : Path A a₀₁ a₁₁} → Square a₀- a₁- a-₀ a-₁ → Square (ap f a₀-) (ap f a₁-) (ap f a-₀) (ap f a-₁) -- Exercise: -- ap-Square f s = {!!}
Next, write down the function that flips a square along the diagonal:
a-1 a1-
a01 — — — > a11 a10 — — — > a11
^ ^ ^ ^
a0- | | a1- ~~> a-0 | | a-1
| | | |
a00 — — — > a10 a00 — — — > a01
a-0 a0-
flipSquare : {a₀₀ a₀₁ a₁₀ a₁₁ : A } → {a₀- : Path A a₀₀ a₀₁} → {a₁- : Path A a₁₀ a₁₁} → {a-₀ : Path A a₀₀ a₁₀} → {a-₁ : Path A a₀₁ a₁₁} → Square a₀- a₁- a-₀ a-₁ → Square a-₀ a-₁ a₀- a₁- -- Exercise: -- flipSquare s = {!!}
Once you’ve figured this out, try to define a similar function
, where the type now varies over the square. Here,
the trick is not so much the definition itself — it will be the same
as flipSquare
— but rather the type.
flipSquareP : (A : I → I → Type ℓ) {a₀₀ : A i0 i0} {a₀₁ : A i0 i1} {a₁₀ : A i1 i0} {a₁₁ : A i1 i1} {a₀- : PathP (λ j → A i0 j) a₀₀ a₀₁} {a₁- : PathP (λ j → A i1 j) a₁₀ a₁₁} {a-₀ : PathP (λ i → A i i0) a₀₀ a₁₀} {a-₁ : PathP (λ i → A i i1) a₀₁ a₁₁} -- Exercise: -- → SquareP {!!} a₀- a₁- a-₀ a-₁ -- → SquareP {!!} a-₀ a-₁ a₀- a₁- flipSquareP A s = λ i j → s j i
Any homotopy between functions is automatically “natural”, in the
following sense. Say we have a homotopy between f
and g
, that is,
a function H : (x : A) → (f x ≡ g x)
. If we have a path p : x ≡ y
in A
, then there are two ways we could get from f x
to g y
: the
two ways of going around the following square:
H y
f y — — — > g y
^ ^ ^
ap f p | | ap g p j |
| | ∙ — >
f x — — — > g x i
H x
mvrnote: illustration
It is not hard to produce a square that shows these are in fact equal,
as paths in B
homotopy-natural : {f g : A → B} → (H : (x : A) → (f x ≡ g x)) → {x y : A} → (p : x ≡ y) → Square (ap f p) (ap g p) (H x) (H y) -- Exercise: -- homotopy-natural H p k i = {!!}
mvnrote: delete this?
And this even works in higher dimensions. We could define a “Cube
type to use here, but as a one-off just writing the PathP
will do.
homotopy-natural-cube : {f g : A → B} → (H : (x : A) → (f x ≡ g x)) → {a b c d : A} → {r : a ≡ c} {s : b ≡ d} → {t : a ≡ b} {u : c ≡ d} → (sq : Square t u r s) → PathP (λ k → Square (homotopy-natural H t k) (homotopy-natural H u k) (homotopy-natural H r k) (homotopy-natural H s k)) (ap-Square f sq) (ap-Square g sq) homotopy-natural-cube H sq k i j = H (sq i j) k
Higher Path Constructors
Inductive types can also contain path-of-path constructors. Here’s a nice example: the torus, which consists a basepoint, two circles connected to that basepoint, and a square region with sides as follows:
pt — — — > pt
^ ^
| | ^
line2 | | line2 j |
| | ∙ — >
pt — — — > pt i
mvrnote: this will really need some pictures
data Torus : Type where torus-base : Torus torus-loop1 : torus-base ≡ torus-base torus-loop2 : torus-base ≡ torus-base torus-square : Square torus-loop2 torus-loop2 torus-loop1 torus-loop1
Topologically, the torus is equal to the cartesian product of two circles. We can prove this directly! mvrnote: refer to the picture
Torus→S¹×S¹ : Torus → S¹ × S¹ -- Exercise: -- Torus→S¹×S¹ t = {!!} S¹×S¹→Torus : S¹ × S¹ → Torus -- Exercise: -- S¹×S¹→Torus c = {!!}